Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 453 Talent Show Second Update (3)

Then, he said to the two concubines who were still there: "Get up!"

"Thank you, Queen!"

Concubine Huo Xian and He Zhaoyi thanked the queen and sat down.

After the empresses sat down, the young ladies below all left the table and knelt down to pay homage: "See the Imperial Concubine, Xianfei Empress, Zhaoyi Empress----"

Caiwei also followed the other rich ladies to salute the concubines in Linshui Pavilion.

"Get up, you are all my ministers in the Jin Dynasty, so you don't need to be polite!"

Concubine Jin smiled brightly and raised her arms, signaling for everyone to get up and talk.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Concubine!"

Everyone stood up and carefully returned to their seats.

Everyone was still in awe of this Imperial Concubine Jin.

It is said that Concubine Jin was born in a brothel in the Chu Palace. After a passionate fight with the then-Prince, he arranged for her to enter the Wuchang Marquis Mansion and became the adopted daughter of the Marquis of Wuchang's wife.

Later, she married into the Prince's Palace as a daughter of the Marquis of Wuchang and became a concubine. She was always the only one in the Prince's Palace and was the only favorite. Even the Crown Princess at that time had to avoid her.

After the prince ascended the throne, the princess was named queen. She was canonized as a noble concubine and co-managed the six palaces. Looking at the entire harem, she was just under one person.

Later, when the queen gave birth to the eldest prince, she unfortunately lost one body and two lives, and died of hemorrhage. The emperor had intended to appoint her as his new queen, but he was opposed by the ministers. Some ministers who were not afraid of death boldly talked about Concubine Jin's background in a brothel. The emperor couldn't stand it, although he severely punished those few ministers. He was a minister, but he never mentioned the matter of making her his queen.

However, because he failed to make her the queen according to his promise, the emperor always felt that he owed her. Not only did he make the second prince born to her the prince, he also gave her the right to co-administer the sixth palace.

The new queen, Mo Yuehua, was born in the Liguo Palace. She has been extremely intelligent since she was a child. She is proficient in poetry, calligraphy, chess and painting. She is also born with the posture of sinking fish and falling geese, and the color of shy flowers when the moon is closed. In terms of beauty, none of the ten Jin noble concubines can compare to her.

However, although the new queen was born cool and noble, she did not have a holy heart. Even the third prince Nangong Yi and the ninth princess Nangong Zhaoyang gave birth to her were not welcomed. For many years, mother and son have been living together. Under the suppression of Concubine Jin.

Although Concubine Jin only holds the title of concubine, she is actually the real owner of the harem, while Empress Mo has a false name and only has the name of queen.

Concubine Jin didn't take the queen seriously at all.

Not only was she late for the banquet organized by the queen, but she was also late with other concubines. It was obvious that she was demonstrating to the queen in front of everyone and making the queen look bad.

When saluting the queen, she was reluctant and perfunctory. She got up without waiting for the queen to call her, and even passed the queen and lectured everyone without permission. She was really crazy!

Although the Queen remained silent in response to Concubine Jin's provocation, she was actually not someone to be trifled with.

She couldn't stop Concubine Jin from being late, but she had a way to humiliate her. Before she came, the queen ordered the banquet to be opened. When Concubine Jin and her party came, they could only eat scraps.

After Concubine Jin and others were seated, they were naturally displeased when they saw that the table had been opened before she arrived, but her rich experience did not show it at all on her face.

She picked up the tea cup in front of her, opened the lid and took a quick look. Seeing that the tea inside was already cold, she put it down and said with a smile: "It's rare for everyone to get together in one place. The opportunity is really rare, but that's all." It would be too boring to just eat and drink, so why not invite a few talented ladies to come out and perform some talents for everyone to see, which can also add to the fun and make everyone's visit to the palace worthwhile.

As soon as he finished speaking, He Zhaoyi immediately catered to her and said, "Your Majesty's idea is excellent. Thanks to your Majesty's blessing, the concubines can also join in the fun and enjoy the feast.

"Since everyone has agreed, let's do it! Li Hai, go and declare the decree."

Concubine Jin played with her bracelet and made the decision without consulting the Queen.


Li Hai, the eunuch beside Concubine Jin, gave her a thousand blows, stood up and left without even looking at Empress Mo.

Queen Mo looked at the cup and bowl in front of her coldly, without saying anything. Her cold face looked as usual, as if she had long been accustomed to Concubine Jin's arrogance and rudeness. However, only Luoxue could tell that the Queen was angry. Although her face showed no expression, the jade fists under the case were clenched so tightly that she almost crushed them.

Concubine Jin has gone too far. She is usually arrogant and domineering in the palace. Today, in full view of the public, she dared to overstep the empress and give orders without authorization. Isn't this just another slap in the face of the empress?

Li Hai came outside, facing the banquet on the left side of Linshui Pavilion, and conveyed Concubine Jin's decree.

The scheming ladies did not move. Concubine Jin went beyond the empress to give the order. She was not justified in her name and her words were inconsistent. If anyone was sincere and performed indiscriminately, wouldn't he be on the same level as Concubine Jin! Wouldn't it make the queen jealous of her, and by the way, her family!

However, there really are such people!

The first person to appear was the daughter of the head of the Ministry of Etiquette. She looked to be no more than twelve or thirteen years old, and she still looked like she didn't know what was going on. She had a pair of cute dimples. When she heard that warrior talents were required, she was eager to try and volunteered. .

What she performed was touhu, the most popular thing at the banquets of the upper class society in the Jin Dynasty.

There is an extra beam on the huge sitting post, and three wooden pots of different sizes are hung to measure the food. The scumbag who throws the pots uses three arrows at a time within a certain distance. He can accurately throw the three arrows. Into three pots. The one who doesn't pop up wins.

People who play the game must be skillful and precise. If they use too much force, the scissors will pop out, and if they use too little force, they will not be put in. However, the daughter of the head of the Ministry of Etiquette seemed to have been practicing this skill frequently. She picked up the eunuch's gift. The bow and arrow fired three arrows at once, and they shot into the pot. The three arrows just bounced in the pot and stopped moving.


Everyone cheered in unison, Caiwei also clapped and applauded again and again, but she didn't expect that at this time, she was already being targeted!

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