Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 688 Saknu is looking for someone (2)

A thousand-mile horse!

A thousand-mile horse that can truly travel a thousand miles in a day!

The parrot was overjoyed and quacked. Although horses are common, real thousand-mile horses are rare. There are not many in the world. It is rare to see one. It hurriedly flapped its wings and chased after it, planning to tell the truth. Take a closer look!

The horse was indeed a good horse. When it ran, its hooves flew into the air, like wind and lightning. Every part of its body was matched so well, and every muscle showed strength. When it passed through a wide and deep ditch, it did not stop. When he came down, he only made one hard leap, and in an instant he soared smoothly into the air. He flew across the ditch as if gliding, and landed gently on the other side. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he continued to run.

Its owner seemed to be wearing a pitch-black brocade robe to match it. The brocade robe was low-key and luxurious. It was made of sky silk mixed with gold thread. The dark patterns of silver thread on it glowed faintly under the sunlight. There are several silver-white auspicious clouds, which are embroidered with golden dragons woven with gold threads, and complement each other.

In an instant, the thousand-mile horse ran into Qing County. The soldiers guarding the city seemed to know him. They did not dare to ask for his household registration or directions. They knelt on the ground and shouted: "See His Majesty the Great Prince!"

I go!

The person on the horse turned out to be the Liaodan barbarian who had wounded it. The parrot went berserk in an instant. It hovered over the barbarian's head and flew around for several times, thinking of N ways to take revenge. Finally, After sadly confirming that his chance of winning was zero, he exerted all his strength, expelled a cavity of resentment from his body, and flew away quickly!

Saknu's perception was much more sensitive than ordinary people's. When he felt the attack from above, he pulled out his scimitar and struck upwards without thinking.


The gray-white lump was neatly split in half, slipped from both sides of the curved sword, and fell on the back of the black horse with a 'click' sound. The corner of Saknu's mouth twitched!

Bird poop!

Even though he was irritable and arrogant, he couldn't get angry with a bird that had already flown out of sight. Besides, he had more important things to do.

----Find her whereabouts!

That day, by listening to the man's description in Lin'an Mansion, he was able to completely confirm that the woman was not dead at all, and had run all the way north, presumably to find Nangong Yi's pretty boy.

How dare she cheat her death and escape from marriage!

very good! really good!

Did she think she ran away? How ridiculous!

Saknu did not return to Xiaoyao Villa, but went directly to the residence of Shen Luming, the magistrate of Qingxian County. As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress local snakes. Now when looking for someone near Qingxian County, it would be better for Magistrate Shen to take action. Of course, his people will not be idle. Yes, I will also look for him with the officers, soldiers and guards of Qingxian County!

Magistrate Shen is seriously ill now, so he originally put up a sign saying thank you, but Saknu didn't care about that. When he came to Shen's house, he didn't even look at the sign. When the arena opened, he barged in with a big bang. , the guards and servants at the door didn't dare to stop him, they could only watch him helplessly, and walked in swaggeringly.

When County Magistrate Shen heard that Saknu was coming, he had no choice but to get up from the bed and brace himself to come out.

"His Royal Highness Sacnu's visit really makes this humble abode shine. I wonder what your Highness is doing by coming to this humble abode?"

Saknu didn't wait for anyone to invite him, so he sat on the chair carelessly, leaned back, and said with a smile, "Looking for someone!"

Magistrate Shen was stunned for a moment: "I wonder who Your Highness is looking for? Is it rare or a woman? Old or young? Fat or thin? Tall or short?"


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