The hot climate, the yellow sand everywhere, this is Alabastan.

This desert-built nation has a history that goes back much further than the world government.

Camels walk on the sand dunes, leaving footprints, and when the wind blows, they are buried by the sand as if they never existed.

There was the sound of the wind whirring in his ears, and the hot wind made people irritated, and Diaz suddenly stopped the camel, and Lei Jiu also stopped, and asked, "What's the matter

?" "There's something underground ahead?"

Diaz had an extra stone in his hand and threw it out.


sand exploded like a boil, and a scorpion more than ten meters long appeared, brandishing powerful claws, and slammed towards the three of them.

"There is nowhere to escape!" stretched

out his finger and drew a purple crack in mid-air, the thunder element cut through the space and slashed at the two pincers stretched out by the scorpion, cutting it off in an instant, and the unknown liquid flowed out, and the scorpion kept retreating in pain.

"If you offend the abbot, you still want to run?"

The thunder in his hand gathered and turned into a thunder gun, "Sunshine Gun!"


The thunder spear hit the scorpion, turning into a divine thunder in the sky, blasting the scorpion's body apart and leaving a large crater in the sand dune.

"That's amazing!" Nami

said, dumbfounded.

"That's it. Diaz said, letting the camel move on, and the yellow sand slowly flowed down the dunes like water, and the potholes that had just been blown out were quickly buried, as if nothing had happened.

In the desert, whatever is buried in the sand, then it will quickly lose its traces.

As the sun sets, the hot air gradually loses its temperature, and the sand that burns your feet during the day begins to cool down rapidly.

The high temperature of forty or fifty degrees disappeared without a trace in an hour or two, and it was very cold, making people feel like they had come to a snow-capped mountain glacier.

Diaz exhaled a white breath and set up a tent in a leeward place, Nami was wearing a down jacket and holding a warm cutty dog in her arms, and said, "It's so cold, why is it so cold in the desert?"

"Because the surface can't lock the temperature, you and Lei Jiu can sleep with the catty dog in your arms at night." "

The Carty Dog is a fire-type Pokémon, and it is easy for the surrounding flammable materials to spontaneously combust at high temperatures, but when the temperature is low, it is a hand warmer, which makes people love it.


After a brief meal, everyone went into their tents and went to sleep.

There was a whirring wind outside the tent, and Diaz rolled over, and the caller next to him fell asleep.

Close your eyes and sleep until dawn.

The desert was still a little cold in the morning, but as soon as the sun came out, the temperature rose rapidly, and compared to last night, it was like coming to two places.

After breakfast, the three of them set off.

As he walked, the camel began to agitate, something seemed to be coming, and Diaz looked up, and a dim line appeared in the distance in the sky, and it was gradually rising.

Nami suddenly said

, "The sandstorm is coming!Find a place to hide!"The sandstorm?!

The yellow sandstorm is eating everything that passes by, and Diaz says, "Don't hide

, Leijiu!" "Okay!"

Peach dragon scales grew on Leijiu's ski-white skin, and Nami turned into a pink dragon in Nami's shocked eyes.

"This, this, this is Sister Leijiu?" Nami

stammered as she looked at the dragon.

"It's me, Nami, sit still.

Lei Jiu reminded, two front paws poked out, grabbed the two camels, and quickly climbed to the sky, constantly growing flame clouds under his feet, stepping on the flame clouds to move forward.

The sandstorm blew from below them, and it was impossible to see clearly.

It contrasts with the sky overhead.

Nami clung to the unconscious camel and lay on her stomach and didn't dare to look at the scenery below, which was still too exciting for her.

"The scale of this sandstorm is a bit bigger. Diaz said.

"I guess it will take a long time to stop, shall we fly directly to the rain?" asked Lei Jiu.

"Well, but you have to hide your ability, which is not yet easy to show to the world. "

Once exposed, the first person to come to find trouble is probably the Hundred Beast Kaido.

You know, this Devil Fruit was created by Vegapunk using his bloodline factor, and it would be troublesome for him to know about it.

"I know. "

The dragon flew up into the sky, extremely fast, quickly passing through the area covered by the sandstorm, and finally came to a halt on a cloud of sand.

The camel had already fainted, and she didn't know when she would wake up, and Nami was obviously frightened by her frightened appearance.

"We'll have to set off later, at least until the camels wake up.


Lei Jiu returned to her human form, still the beautiful princess, Nami patted her chest, her heart kept beating, "Sister Lei Jiu, it was terrible just now."

"It's okay, you'll get used to it later, that's what it's like to be with us. Lei Jiu pinched Nami's little face and said.

"Is it too late for me to go back now?"

"It's too late. Diaz said, "You expect me to send you back? Don't think about it, I don't want to go back to the East China Sea right now."

"No, I'm just talking. Now that Nami is out, she will have to go back safely, and now she won't want to run back in a gray way!After

a while, the camel woke up, and Diaz said in a deep voice, "All right, let's go, the rain is in that direction." Pointing

to the northeast, the group continued on their way, and two days later they came to the only city in the kingdom of Alabastan that did not lack water.

This is the dream city of Alabastan, and it is also the base camp of the Seven Martial Sea Sand Crocodils, Sha Klockdahl.

And it has the largest casino in the whole of Alabastan, Rain Banquet!

Coming to this city, the atmosphere is completely different from other cities, with smiles on the faces of ordinary people and trees everywhere.

They saw the pyramid-like structure at a glance, and Diaz said, "Okay, we're at our destination, let's go rest first, and go to the rain banquet in the evening." "

Don't just do it?"

"No hurry. Diaz

drove the camels into the city, and the three of them found an inn, bathed well, and after eating and drinking, they slept soundly until the evening, when they awoke.

"It's so comfortable, it's been a long time since I've slept so well, it's nice to be able to take a shower. "

Water is very precious in the desert, and it is very difficult to take a bath.

There is no shortage of water in the rain, but what should be saved will also be saved, bath water will be reused, and then used to water trees and livestock, and the toiletries for guests are made of natural additive-free materials.

Looking at the brightly lit rain banquet at night, Diaz said, "Okay, it's time to go shopping." "

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