Traveling through the heavens starting from the golden years

Chapter 44: The rich man comes to make trouble

One hundred thousand yuan is a lot of money, but Yang Ke does have a high salary and doesn't care much about it.

But he also knew that Zhang Anren, who seemed ordinary and indifferent, had great inner energy and was a person who could not be easily guessed.

Unable to refuse, Yang Ke had no choice but to take it.

"Dr. Zhang, when you say this, let me tell the truth." He was a little embarrassed, "Give me an idea - the company has an unwritten agreement that employees are not allowed to fall in love. But Suo Suo and I are not allowed, right? ? It’s all about getting married.”

"I have already thought about this matter for you. Just prepare for the wedding with Suosuo," Zhang Anren said nonchalantly, "Suosuo is now the assistant to Mr. Ye's secretary Fan Jingang. You ask Suosuo to send the wedding invitation , hand it directly to Mr. Ye."

"Uh," Yang Ke frowned tightly, appearing hesitant.

"I promise, not only will Mr. Ye agree, but he will also attend your wedding in person!" Zhang Anren said with a smile, "Also, let Suosuo insist on inviting Fan Jingang to be the officiant at her wedding!"

"Is this possible?" Yang Ke couldn't help but laugh, but still couldn't believe it.

"Mr. Ye values ​​Suosuo very much, you believe me." Zhang Anren couldn't say clearly that Ye Jinyan regarded Zhu Suosuo as his daughter, but he still said it very clearly and firmly.

Yang Ke stared at him for a while and felt brave: "Okay, I must listen to you, a great doctor!"

The two went to prepare for the wedding, and Zhang Anren also taught at the school as usual.

Wang Yongzheng, who lost his position as a teaching assistant, began to seriously consider Dai Qian's suggestion.

After much thought, he decided to go to Italy where he could continue his studies and live a happy and carefree life.

After explaining the reason to Professor Dong and getting approval, Wang Yongzheng started to go through the procedures for leaving the school and contacting the school in Italy.

Dai Qian had some connections in Italy and gave him a lot of advice and practical help.

After getting ready, Wang Yong was sitting in the dormitory, playing the guitar and thinking about something.

At present, he is still a free and uninhibited person. But after all, he is completely different now than he was a few months ago.

Because there is a girl named Lilian who always appears in his eyes and in his mind.

The sound of the piano stirred up Wang Yongzheng's chaotic mood. The door opened and Lilian walked in with a peaceful expression.

Sitting opposite, she watched him play the piano quietly and listened to him play the piano quietly.

In such an atmosphere, Wang Yongzheng would definitely not be able to play.

He stopped playing the strings and looked at Lillian: "I'm going to Italy."


"You, continue your studies in school and study hard."


"Uh," Wang Yongzheng couldn't continue and sat with his head down.

"I wish you all the best." Lillian said and stood up.

"Lillian," Wang Yongzheng couldn't help but stand up and took her hand, "Will you come with me?"

"Stay for me?" Lillian looked up at him.

"You know, I don't have anything definite to do when I stay." Wang Yongzheng said helplessly.

"You can also continue your studies." Lillian insisted.

Wang Yongzheng stared at her: "Lillian, it may not take long for me to go there."

After shaking off his hand, Lilian said indifferently: "Then let's wait until you come back."

After saying that, she opened the door of the dormitory and walked out quickly.

Standing at the door of the house, Wang Yongzheng looked at her back in despair: "Lillian, wait for me to come back!"

Lillian continued to walk away without looking back, the ponytail on the back of her head swinging back and forth.

With mixed emotions, Wang Yongzheng said goodbye to his teachers and classmates, including Zhang Anren, and boarded a flight to Italy.

With his eyes closed to rest, he heard someone ask softly: "Please give up, my seat is inside."

"Oh, okay." Wang Yongzheng quickly sat upright and looked at the person subconsciously.

Pulling this person into his arms, he kissed her quickly: "Lillian, thank you."

After agreeing with her father, Lillian also got the opportunity to study in Italy.

Of course, the main purpose of her going was to capture and contain the prodigal heart in Wang Yongzheng's chest.

As for whether they can succeed, because these two people are free and lively people, they will have ups and downs and joys like everyone else.

The two flew away together, and the marriage between Yang Ke and Zhu Suosuo also received semi-public praise and public blessing from Ye Jinyan.

In the golden autumn season, Zhu Suosuo and Yang Ke, dressed in formal attire, entered the wedding hall under the witness of a group of relatives and friends, and accompanied by Fan Jingang personally.

Ye Jinyan did not appear in public, but in the underground garage, he hugged and watched Zhu Suosuo, who was very similar to his daughter, in person.

After their wedding was completed, everyone knew about it and looked forward to it: Zhang Anren and Jiang Nansun's wedding.

They are always urged by their relatives to prepare for a well-established marriage.

You always have to understand things, because there are many foreshadowings beforehand.

Grandma Jiang's Huaiyang Restaurant, because it has gained popularity among many diners, has also attracted a guest that it takes for granted, Xie Hongzu.

He originally just heard from friends that the food in this restaurant tastes good.

After a little understanding, he learned the details: it was actually opened by Jiang Pengfei and his wife, who were originally indolent and indolent!

Not only that, he also heard that Jiang Nansun was still in a relationship with Zhang Anren, who seemed rigid and weak!

Because he had been used by Jiang Pengfei and was humiliated for provoking Zhang Anren by accident, Xie Hongzu, who was currently unhappy, decided to cause some trouble for these people, or at least cause some trouble.

With a few friends, he walked into the restaurant and said, "Find me the biggest private room!"

The waiter had no choice but to say apologetically: "The private rooms have been booked in advance. I'm really sorry."

"No matter how much it costs, since we are here, we must sit in the private room!" Without Xie Hongzu's words, his younger brother spoke arrogantly.

The waiter couldn't explain, so Dai Yin, who was on duty, came over to persuade.

She had no impression of Xie Hongzu, but because the latter came prepared, he naturally knew that she was Jiang Nansun's mother and Jiang Pengfei's wife.

"Aunt Dai, my name is Xie Hongzu. I was once invited to your home by Uncle Jiang, but unfortunately we didn't have more exchanges." Xie Hongzu smiled and said, "I have always felt sorry, but I didn't expect that we would meet here?"

Dai Yinmo Hu thought about it and felt a fever on her face.

After enduring it, she still said politely: "There are indeed no private rooms. You can either be a little aggrieved today and sit in the private area; or you can come back another day and I will definitely reserve a private room for you."

"Aunt Dai," Xie Hongzu waved his hand, "You don't need to bother me. I'll wait here. If anyone reserves a private room, I'll pay extra to take it over. I won't embarrass you."

As he spoke, he took out a Diamond Unlimited Credit Card from his pocket and made a gesture.

Some of the diners coming and going recognized the level of this card and couldn't help but stick out their tongues secretly - the shop owner didn't know why he offended this rich man, and he came to this small shop to cause trouble.

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