It seems to be thinking about whether to go and see it.

"Hmph, if you want to use this method to provoke me, you are still young."

After a while.

A smile appeared on Mrs. Xiu's face.

He snorted softly.

".々However, I want to see if I can't compare to your sister Luo."


She murmured again quietly.

Look around on yourself.

It seems that some don't understand where they lost.

"It's been so long since you came back, aren't you afraid of being exhausted?"

As soon as Lin Yu returned to the manager's room on the first floor.

The worry on the bandaged female ghost's face disappeared.

With a face full of concern, she threw herself into his arms.

"How long has it been? Sister Luo, do you look down on me?"

Lin Yu smiled.

Kissed the bandaged female ghost in her arms lightly.

"Stop talking nonsense, how about Mrs. Xiu?"

The bandaged female ghost pinched Lin Yu's nose.

asked curiously.

"It's not good, you are far behind Sister Luo."

Seeing this, Lin Yu shook his head.

"Tch, do you think my sister will believe what you say?"

"Will it stop for so long?"

After the bandage ghost heard this.

(Hello Wang)

He rolled his eyes at Lin Yu.

There is some disdain in the mouth.

"Sister Luo, I think it's best to prove it with actions."

"Eh, I don't want to."

A mischievous expression appeared on the face of the bandaged female ghost.

Want to break free from each other's arms.

But Lin Yu had already prepared.

How could the bandage ghost slip away.

He wanted to admire the cute expression on the other side's eyes when he rolled his eyes.

"Brother, sister is really happy to meet you."

The bandaged female ghost lay beside her.

The eyes seemed a little blurred.

He said something lightly in his mouth.

"Sister Luo, you should rest for a while, a guest is coming."

"Guest? What guest?"

A curious expression appeared on the face of the bandaged female ghost.

He looked at Lin Yu beside him.

"Madam Xiu, have you watched it for so long, have you seen enough?"

Lin Yu turned his head and looked to one side.

He said something lightly in his mouth.

Chapter 142: Horror Game Auction, Advanced Red-clothed Secret Technique (Subscribe)

"Mrs. Xiu?"

Surprise appeared on the face of the bandaged female ghost.

Following Lin Yu's gaze curiously.

But nothing was seen.

"How did Mr. Lin know that the concubine is coming? You must know that the concubine has used her domain ability."

"Your sister Luo never noticed the concubine's arrival from the beginning to the end."

A place that was empty before.

A female voice sounded.

Then Mrs. Xiu in a red wedding dress appeared.

He stared at Lin Yu curiously.

The bandaged female ghost saw this.

There was an expression of surprise on his face.

Then something came to mind.

The body retracted into the quilt.

Only one head was exposed.


Lin Yu smiled.

But he didn't answer Mrs. Xiu's question.

"Since Mrs. Xiu is here, are you going to personally experience the things I specially prepared for Mrs.?"

He just stared at Mrs. Xiu in the red wedding dress.

A meaningful smile appeared on his face.

"The concubine is just here to come and see, experience or something, forget it."

Mrs. Xiu's eyes fell on the things beside her.

He couldn't help but blushed.

Turned around as if to leave.

"Then Mrs. Xiu can do as she pleases."

Lin Yu saw this.

But it didn't discourage the other party.

He just replied in a flat tone.

He didn't believe that the other party ran over in the field.

Just come and see.


"Why doesn't Mr. Lin dissuade you from being a concubine? Maybe the concubine will stay and experience it."

063 After seeing that Lin Yu did not keep him.

Mrs. Xiu snorted coldly.

Turning around, the tone was a little displeased.

"Mrs. Xiu, I think you'd better be honest with yourself."

"It's not a good thing to keep suppressing your heart."

"Now come here obediently, and I will teach you how to use these things."

Lin Yu said later.

The tone suddenly turned into a tone of command.

Looking into Mrs. Xiu's eyes.

"How dare you talk to my concubine like that?"

"Do you believe that this concubine can kill you right now?"

Mrs. Xiu's face darkened.

The voice was also a little cold.

His eyes are as sharp as a cone.

But the next second.

She was pulled into his arms by the other party.

The gloom on his face disappeared instantly.

With the red wedding dress falling again.

Madam Xiu's expression also changed accordingly.

Staring at Lin Yu with winking eyes like silk.

There was a fiery look in his eyes.

"Mr. Lin, let your sister Luo go out first, I am shy..."

She looked shy.

Said something softly.

"That's not okay."

"Sister Luo, go and bring the one you used earlier to Mrs. Xiu."

Lin Yu glanced at the bandaged female ghost beside him.

Open your mouth and say.

After the bandage ghost heard this.

Naturally, there was no hesitation.

Take out what makes you a kitten in the morning.

(’) It was used on Mrs. Xiu in front of her.

Mrs. Xiu's complexion suddenly changed.

I was a little surprised at first, but then returned to normal.

"Mrs. Xiu, this tail seems to suit you very well."

The bandaged female ghost looked at her masterpiece.

Nodding with satisfaction.

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