Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 82 The Pain of New Yorkers

"Steven, that's a great idea. Beer can really make everyone less depressed!"

"William, promise this gamble, we need to have a good drink! Otherwise, today will be a bad day!"

The cheers rang out at the scene.

Faced with the clamor of so many treasure diggers, William naturally couldn't refuse, unless he didn't plan to mess around in the storage auction circle, not to mention that this gamble was harmless and the possibility of winning was higher.

Amidst the cheers, William looked at Ye Tian very unhappily and said:

"Okay, Steven, I accept this bet, everyone is waiting to taste the beer you invited, and everyone will not drink you bankrupt!"

"Hahaha, don't worry though, my wallet is thick enough to keep everyone drunk!"

Ye Tian responded with a loud smile, very confident.

The elevator came, and everyone began to go downstairs in batches.

"Steven, are you confident of winning this bet?"

Jason asked excitedly, and the rest were also excited.

‘It doesn’t matter if you win or lose, as long as everyone is happy and there is free beer! "

Ye Tian replied with a smile, as if he didn't care about winning or losing at all.

"Good point! Free beer would be great, Steven!"

There was cheers in the elevator.


When everyone arrived at the warehouse door, Ye Tiantian unlocked the padlock, then turned around and said to everyone:

"Gentlemen, the answer will be revealed soon, just a moment! During this time, you can think about going to that bar for a drink. I think this is a very pleasant thing!"


Everyone laughed heartily.

Amidst the laughter, Ye Tian turned his head and said to Jason:

"Help me watch the warehouse door, I'll go in and clean it up, and I'll be out soon"

"OK! Let's start, I believe you will dig the treasure!"

Jason nodded excitedly, with an impatient expression.

Afterwards, Ye Tian stretched out his hand and pushed up the rolling shutter door, and got into the warehouse.

As usual, he still pulled down the shutter door, put on a mask and gloves and started to clean up.

You don’t need to look at all the other things, the goal is very clear, that is, the three sorting boxes.

After a cloud of dust, he opened the first box.

It was the box containing darkroom supplies. These things were of no value, and he pushed them aside.

Then he started cleaning the dust off the other two boxes.

Considering the dusty environment here, he was willing to open the antique camera box to check the two precious treasures.

He was ready to take the case home, or admire it in Sotheby's personal vault, the kind of clean environment suitable for viewing these two kings of cameras.

Beating William at the gamble, all it takes is a few master shots!

Apart from seeing the dust rising in the warehouse, the treasure diggers outside saw nothing, and they didn't even hear the sound of cleaning.

Everyone is waiting excitedly and anxiously, waiting for Ye Tian to come out,

Ten minutes later, the shutter door was pushed up again.

Afterwards, everyone saw Ye Tian coming out covered in dust, with a bright smile on his face.

In addition, he was holding two sorting boxes, and on the top were a few huge envelopes, which were very eye-catching!

This scene is a bit familiar! Isn't the process of appearance of baseball collectibles similar! Did this kid really find a treasure? How lucky!

"Steven, what's in the box? What's in the envelope? Show everyone!"

someone asked eagerly.

Many people have already thought of what is in the envelope, nine times out of ten it is a photographic work, and it must be very good for him to show it! It might be a masterpiece!

William's face became very ugly from the moment Ye Tian came out.

He realized that he lost in all likelihood!

Thinking of this, a deep sense of aggrieved suddenly surged in his heart.

It's not about the beer money! What made him feel aggrieved was losing to the bastard in front of him one after another. The feeling of being repeatedly defeated can swallow people's hearts and make people crazy!

Seeing the box Ye Tian was holding and his smug smile, the other auction predators immediately understood that he should have dug up the treasure, otherwise they wouldn't have this expression.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but immediately feel regret.

I have also participated in the competition! It's a pity that I didn't stick to it to the end, and let the bastard Steven take advantage of it!

They were all envious of Ye Tian's good luck. They had just suffered a small loss and then dug up the treasure in a blink of an eye. Their luck was simply against the sky!

at the same time.

Everyone at the scene had a vague feeling that this might be the celebrity warehouse that everyone was looking forward to but hadn't seen!

"Don't worry, everyone will have the most delicious Irish beer. Let me dust off my body and change my gloves. I'm not willing to show my baby like this now"

Ye Tian said with a smile, and at the same time nodded lightly to William, completely in the attitude of a winner.

Then he handed the sorting box to Jason, and walked aside to start cleaning the dust.

Two minutes later, Ye Tian changed into a new pair of gloves and returned to everyone.

Immediately afterwards, he took an envelope from the sorting box Jason was holding, smiled and said to everyone:

"Gentlemen, are you ready to go to that bar? William will be very generous and give everyone a drink!"

"Hahaha, 'New York New York' of course, the best bar in town! Just go there!"

A treasure digger responded with a loud laugh.

This striker is black enough! Go straight to the most famous bar in the city!

Dozens of people are invited there to drink to their heart's content. Even beer is enough to make anyone's flesh hurt for several years!

Hearing the name of the bar, William's face couldn't help but change, and the corner of his mouth even twitched, apparently terrified! But he didn't say anything to refute!

Ye Tian gave the treasure digger a thumbs up and said with a smile:

"Man, the choice is great! But I'm worried that I'm going to bankrupt William, so let's find another place!"


Everyone laughed, and many turned their heads to look at William.

"Bastard! Stop talking nonsense, show off your harvest, whoever treats you may not know!"

William still kept his mouth shut, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot.

"Hahaha, as you wish!"

Ye Tian smiled and shook his head and said.

Immediately he opened the envelope, carefully pulled out an A4-sized photo from inside, held it up with both hands and began to show it in front of everyone, and at the same time gave an explanation.

This is a modern color photo, which was taken not long ago. The picture is familiar to every New Yorker, and even unforgettable, because this is the eternal pain in the hearts of all New Yorkers!

The picture constitutes a shocking, dilapidated building, a burning scene full of smoke, and people rushing back and forth with endless grief and hatred on their faces!

The focus of the photo is the pile of flaming, like the ruins of a battlefield, one by one pointing to the sky, or crooked, almost molten steel structure, seems to be angrily accusing this atrocity.

The scene fell silent.

Everyone stared at this photograph, and memories and grief began to appear in many people's eyes!

Only the voice of Ye Tian's explanation echoed in people's ears.

"Gentlemen, the picture in the photo must be very familiar to everyone. It is the site of the World Trade Center after the 9/11 incident. According to the information recorded on the back of the photo, this photo was taken on September 13, 2001.

From this we know who the photographer is, and he is Joel Meyerowitz, the only photographer who was allowed to enter the scene of the 9.11 terrorist attack at any time without any restrictions after September 13.

Joel Meyerowitz's personal signature on the photo also illustrates this point. The photographic work in front of me is from the hands of this master, recording the sad memories and anger of all New Yorkers! "

Joel Meyerowitz, a representative of the neo-colorism genre, an award-winning photographer, enjoys a high status in the photography world, and is a well-deserved master figure.

A true New Yorker, he was born and raised in the Bronx, but has now moved to France to enjoy the warm Mediterranean sun!

This warehouse should be rented by him before he left New York to store some things that he couldn't take away temporarily.

Perhaps it was because he was nearly eighty years old, his memory was declining, and he had completely forgotten the existence of this warehouse, so Ye Tian took advantage of it.

These thoughts flashed through Ye Tian's mind, and they were thrown away in a blink of an eye.

Whoever it belonged to before, now these treasures are yours and will become a big dollar in your collection and account! This is the most important!

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