Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 426 The Charge of the Terrifying Doomsday (2nd update, please vote for me)

"You don't need to sleep. Why didn't you know how to avoid the monster when it rushed over?" Liu Yin couldn't help complaining to Liu Hui.

"Are you stupid? It doesn't take long to start such a big car?" Liu Hui was furious.

Liu Yin was silent. Indeed, she had overlooked something. Liu Hui was different from her engineering vehicle. Every time the train started, it would take at least half a minute before it would pick up speed. The monster rushed over very quickly. Unless the train was in motion, it would not pick up speed. There simply wasn't enough time to dodge.

Elsa plays a cyborg maid this time. As long as she has enough energy, she won't get tired.

It is her duty to collect the carriages. She operates it completely according to the biochemical human's program. She does not need to use her brain. She can directly let the program automatically collect it, and her soul is watching from the side.

There was a lot of picking up after this destruction. After the bedrooms, storage room, and kitchen were almost cleaned, her energy dropped to less than 20%.

To avoid abnormal shutdown due to low energy, she stopped working and returned to the charging cabin in the storage room to prepare for charging.

"Is Anna asleep?" Seeing Li Teng coming from the bedroom, Aisha said hello to him.

"Well, are you done with your work?" Li Teng nodded.

"There are still a few carriages left to pack, but I'm out of battery and ready to charge." Aisha raised the charging head and smiled at Li Teng.

"Such a thick charging head? How to use it?" Li Teng took it and looked at it.

"This is the instruction manual. I'm about to study it, but I hate studying these things the most. Please help me read it." Aisha handed a copy of the cyborg instruction manual to Li Teng.

Li Teng took the cyborg user manual and read it.

There was a picture on it, and quite to Li Teng's surprise, the charging head was actually connected to the back for charging.

But it’s not surprising when you think about it, there are no suitable interfaces elsewhere.

Since the cyborg doesn't eat, there's no other use for that place, so it's perfect for connecting to electricity.

"Look at this diagram, it's how to connect the electricity." Li Teng held the page of the instruction manual in front of Aisha.

"This, is this too much?" Aisha frowned.

"I think this design is quite reasonable." Li Teng smiled.

"How about you help me charge it." Aisha hesitated for a moment and suggested it to Li Teng. She felt that it was more difficult for her to charge, mainly because she had never done this before.

"Isn't this appropriate?" Li Teng hesitated.

"You studied everything before when you didn't turn on the power. You know what's going on better than me. Please, please help me!" Elsa said and bent down. Anyway, this was a bionic and not herself. He had nothing to lose by studying it.

"Ahem..." Li Teng didn't expect that Aisha was actually conscious when the power was not turned on. Didn't she know everything he did?

Forget it, since she said so, he would reluctantly help.

After squatting down and seeing everything in front of him, Li Teng suddenly had another idea.

In fact, he also has a charging head.

"Emergency! Emergency! A giant monster is approaching!" Liu Hui's warning voice came from the carriage.

"Fuck!" Li Teng hated that monster so much that he didn't come early or late, but he came at this time!

"You go deal with the monster first, and then help me after you're done. I'll sit here and wait for you." Aisha stood up, straightened her clothes and said to Li Teng.

"Okay." Li Teng put down the charger and hurried to the control room.

Sure enough, there were two monsters fighting not far away, the giant rhinoceros monster from before and another equally giant monster that looked like a wild wolf.

The rhinoceros was now covered in flesh and blood.

There was a hole in the side of the wild wolf's belly and he was bleeding.

It seemed that the wild wolf wanted to feed on the rhino, but of course the rhino refused to give in, so the two sides started fighting.

The giant wild wolf is slightly smaller but very agile, while the rhinoceros is large but very bulky.

Judging from the appearance, only the horn of the rhinoceros has turned into energy metal, while the fangs and claws of the wild wolf have all turned into energy metal. The rhinoceros obviously lost in this fight. With the brutal collision, except for The blow to the wolf's belly basically didn't have much chance of hurting the wolf.

The fight between two giant monsters may threaten the train here again at any time.

The train had been severely damaged just now. If it were hit by them again, the consequences would be disastrous if it hit important parts.

In order to nip it in the bud, and to avenge himself for being hit by a giant rhinoceros, Li Teng decided to strike first.

These two giant monsters do not have metal scale shells. Shooting their brains with a gun can cause great damage to them. No matter how big they are, the bullet fired into their brains will create a cavity effect that is enough to destroy their brains. , causing them to die in an instant.

If one bullet doesn't work, then two.

After killing such a large prey, the meat can be eaten, and the energy metal can also be fed to Liu Hui, so that the train can repair the damaged parts by itself as soon as possible.

After the plan was decided, Li Teng put on the exoskeleton and quickly climbed onto the roof of the car, aiming the barrel of his left hand at the huge rhino.

This giant rhinoceros poses a great threat to the train. Its previous impact severely damaged the train and turned it upside down.

The giant wolf is hunting the giant rhinoceros. After killing the giant rhinoceros, the giant wolf's attention should be on the giant rhino's body instead of coming to attack the train. Li Teng also has enough time to kill the giant wolf again. .

The reverse is not necessarily true.

'boom! ’ A muffled sound.

The bullet came out of the barrel and shot into the giant rhino's head very accurately.

The giant rhinoceros did not fall down, but looked in the direction of the train and roared loudly.

"Skull! A hard and thick skull!" Li Teng knew what the problem was.

After a while, the giant rhinoceros gave up the struggle with the giant wolf and rushed towards the train instead.

Liu Hui quickly started the car and prepared to escape.

Li Teng called him to stop.

Li Teng took a deep breath and aimed at a certain point on the giant rhino's head.

'boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ’

Five consecutive shots were fired at the same point no more than two centimeters away.

The huge body of the giant rhinoceros fell to the ground, and it rushed forward with inertia and finally fell less than two meters away from the train.

The giant wolf's eyes glowed faintly with green. He looked at the giant rhino's body here and then looked at Li Teng on the roof of the car.

It seemed to sense Li Teng's threat. After roaring, it suddenly pounced over, seemingly wanting to tear Li Teng into pieces before enjoying the feast of the giant rhinoceros.

'boom! boom! boom! boom! ’

The giant wolf's skull was obviously not as hard as the giant rhinoceros. This time, Li Teng only used four bullets to knock it down to the ground next to the giant rhinoceros.

PS: There will be an update tonight.

There will be an update tonight

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