Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 436: City of Wax Figures (12,000-word chapter please vote for me)

The extremely nervous natives had no idea when Li Teng came behind them.

All they heard was a burst of gunfire.

Some kind of gunfire that was much louder than their gunshots.

Then they saw a hole punched through the head of the monster in front of them, and it fell in front of them without even making a roar.

The ground was dusty.

It was only then that the natives turned around and saw the iron-man-like Li Teng behind them.


There was a look of fear on the faces of the natives, and they seemed no more relaxed than when they faced the monster just now.

Some of them raised their guns, but they were immediately suppressed by the people around them, as if they were afraid of angering Li Teng in front of them.

"I'm here to help you. If I hadn't taken action, you would all have died here today. Wouldn't anyone have thanked me?" Li Teng asked slowly to the natives in front of him.

They call him Cyborg, and it looks like they've seen someone similar to him before?

"Thank you for saving my life, brother." The indigenous leader hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward to express his gratitude to Li Teng.

After testing and discovering that Li Teng had no ill intentions, the indigenous leader started talking to Li Teng.

Maybe it was a life-saving grace, or maybe he was afraid of Li Teng's strong strength. The leader tried his best to answer Li Teng's questions.

Of course, what he knew was very limited.

From these limited conversations, Li Teng roughly understood the background of this script world.

Science and technology progress and artificial intelligence becomes popular, but cold mechanical and electronic artificial intelligence cannot meet people's various needs.

The new generation of biochemical mechanical intelligence has replaced the traditional mechanical and electronic artificial intelligence. Robots produced with biochemical mechanical intelligence have powerful computing power and resistance to attack that are comparable to mechanical and electronic robots. They also have emotions and powerful learning similar to humans. adaptability.

This new technology is favored by the military of various countries and used in soldier training and war.

Pandora's box has been opened.

More and more powerful cyborgs were created.

Then there are the biochemical monsters...

A sudden plague of unknown origin struck.

Biochemical humans and biochemical monsters are mutating at an accelerated pace and losing control.

War, plague, natural disaster...

A large number of ordinary humans died, and powerful cyborgs dominated this chaotic apocalyptic world.

As for those zombies... they are failed cyborg experiments.

With Li Teng's whole body covered in metal and holding such a cool weapon, it's not surprising that he was mistaken for a powerful cyborg.

It is impossible for ordinary people to have such good equipment, and even if they do, they will be taken away by biochemicals.

The city in the distance is called Liangcheng by them, and there are three forces in the city.

One force is the mutual aid association that they, the refugees, rely on. The leader is Liu Jin, a three-star biochemical man. The mutual aid association has the largest number of people, with a total of more than 20,000 refugees.

There is also an elite group that is unwilling to be with refugees like them. The leader is named Duan Kuang, who is also a three-star biochemical man. He only has more than 500 people under his command, but there are more than fifty biochemical people among them.

Liu Jin used to be a member of the Elite Association, but after they parted ways due to disagreements with Duan Kuang's ideas, Liu Jin recruited a large number of refugees and established a mutual aid association.

The largest force in Liangcheng is called the Mawang Gang, co-chaired by a man named Ma and a man named Wang.

The man named Ma is Ma Qihui. Before the end of the world, he was the leader of the local garrison. Now he is a four-star biochemical man and the highest-level biochemical man in the entire Liang City.

Like the monster just now, Ma Qihui jumped up with his bare hands and could kill him with one punch.

The person named Wang is Wang Xuan. She is a woman. It is said that she is an ordinary person, but she has cutting-edge biochemical technology in her hands and helped Ma Qihui cultivate and create a large number of biochemical humans. Wang Xuan provides technology and Ma Qihui provides protection. The two have a cooperative relationship and are called the Mawang Gang.

If refugees like them want to join the Mawang Gang, they must accept Wang Xuan's biochemical experiment. If they can become biochemical humans in the experiment, they can join the Mawang Gang and enjoy the best life in Liang City.

But Wang Xuan's experiment had a mortality rate of more than 90%.

Therefore, if these refugees had not been unable to survive, they would not have taken the risk of becoming experimental subjects for Wang Xuan's laboratory.

"A four-star bionic can kill that monster with one punch?" Li Teng was very interested in this information.

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I heard legends. It is said that the body of a four-star biochemical man has begun to turn into energy, has energy armor, and is invulnerable." The leader of the refugees, a man named Wu Chaojun, answered Li Teng.

"How is this star rating determined?" Li Teng continued to ask.

"The star rules were formulated by Wang Xuan of the Mawang Gang. She has instruments to test the energy levels of these biochemicals. But I heard that the biochemicals will have obvious energy level breakthroughs when they ascend to stars, so they can even Without going to Wang Xuan to test, knowing how many times you have broken through, and based on your own strength, it is easy to judge what star level you are." Wu Chaojun continued to answer.

"What's the strength of a three-star biochemical man?" Li Teng asked next.

"Hmm... Samsung's bionic skins are all metalized, but they don't have energy armor. It would take a lot of ordinary bullets to penetrate their metalized skin. In terms of strength, one person can take on the monster just now, with bare hands. Under certain circumstances, a three-star bionic can also kill the monster, but at least it will take a hard fight." Wu Chaojun still used the metaphor of the monster just now.

"I am just a small leader of the low-level refugees. I actually have no chance to contact these high-level biochemicals, so my information... can only be used as a reference..." Wu Chaojun added a few more words.

Li Teng thought about it for a while and estimated that his current strength should be between a three-star biochemical man and a four-star biochemical man. Of course, this is while wearing exoskeleton armor. Without exoskeleton armor, he is just an ordinary person.

"By the way, do you know where this place is?" Li Teng projected the map in Yao Xue's video message onto the ground and asked Wu Chaojun and others.

He eliminated the red dots to avoid causing any accidents.

Wu Chaojun and his friends came together, but they all shook their heads after seeing the map.

"The world has changed greatly after the disaster. Since Liangcheng is not marked on your map, it is difficult for us to guess. The connection between cities has been cut off due to the large number of monsters. There may only be the leader of the Mawang Gang. Can you understand this picture? Only he has the ability to travel between cities." Wu Chaojun provided Li Teng with a piece of information.

Li Teng's face changed. The caravan leader was a four-star biochemical man with energy armor outside his body. His strength was probably above his.

It will be more difficult to get information from this kind of people.

But still have to try.

Although Yao Xue didn't have time to explain clearly what would happen after ten days, Li Teng thought that he must arrive at the city where the red dot is located within ten days.

"How can I meet the caravan leader?" Li Teng asked Wu Chaojun another question.

"I'm not very clear about this. The leader of the horse gang lives in a simple way and doesn't show up much. He has several powerful men, all of whom seem to be three-star biochemicals. They can often be seen in the city. They should be introduced to him. That's okay, right? But tomorrow is hunting day, they are going to hunt a three-star giant monster, and they have to do preparation activities today, so they may not have time to meet outsiders." Wu Chaojun thought for a while and answered Li Teng.

"A three-star giant monster?" Li Teng was very interested.

"That's Yu Town over there. It's said that a three-star giant monster hatched from the ground of Yu Town. Devouring the monster's energy metal can help them break through." An informed refugee rushed to answer Li Teng.

"What does a three-star giant monster look like?" Li Teng asked next.

"We haven't seen it with our own eyes. It is said to be more than ten meters tall and can summon two-star monsters to help. So the three-star biochemical people have to work together to defeat it." The refugees were very excited when they talked about this giant monster, talking about it. Li Teng said.

Li Teng almost understood it as soon as he heard it.

More than ten meters high, wasn't it the giant ruin monster he encountered before?

Before the train was upgraded, it was very difficult for Li Teng to fight the giant ruin monster, especially from the front, where it was basically impossible to break through the defense.

But it will be different after the upgrade.

And after hearing that another giant ruin monster of this kind had been discovered, Li Teng had the idea of ​​going to hunt it.

The train has now been upgraded to LV3, and the upgrade experience value has reached 70%. If it devours another giant ruin monster, it can be steadily upgraded to LV4.

With his current strength, it should be easy to kill such a giant ruin monster.

"How far is Yu Town from here? How to get there?" Li Teng asked again.

"Go forward on the main road for two kilometers, then turn right, about ten kilometers." The refugees answered Li Teng.

"Okay, thank you all." Li Teng felt that he had nothing more to ask, so he was about to leave.

"Brother, this monster..." Wu Chaojun looked at the monster corpse on the ground and asked Li Teng quickly.

Although they encountered this monster first, Li Teng shot it to death, and without Li Teng, they wouldn't even have a chance to escape from the monster's claws.

"I'll see you off. By the way, after I enter the city, I may have something to do with you. How can I contact you?" Li Teng thought for a while and asked Wu Chaojun again.

"The outer city is the territory of the refugees. After you get there, brother, just ask anyone where Camp No. 17 is and you can find us." Wu Chaojun was overjoyed when he heard that Li Teng said that the monster belonged to them, and he quickly told Li Provide their contact information.

"Okay, see you later." Li Teng said and left quickly.

Wu Chaojun and others quickly began to decompose the body.

Liangcheng's supplies were becoming increasingly scarce. In order to survive, everyone in Camp No. 17 took desperate risks. They went far away from Liangcheng to hunt some small monsters. Unexpectedly, they encountered a large monster, and the bones were already metal. The transformed monster was almost destroyed here.

Li Teng helped them kill the monster, but did not take away the monster's body.

After they decompose the monster's body and bring it back to Liangcheng, they can make a fortune. At least the members of Camp No. 17 and their families will not have to worry about food expenses for a month!

I didn’t expect there to be such kind-hearted biochemical people in this world! If it were any other cyborg, they would never let go of this monster with metal bones. It is full of treasures!

This monster is indeed of some use to Li Teng. If fed to Liu Hui, it can at least increase Liu Hui's upgrade experience by two percentage points.

But after hearing about the large ruins monster, Li Teng didn't want to waste time here.

It is better to kill monsters quickly. As long as the large ruins monster is killed, the main train base can be steadily upgraded to LV4. After the main train base is upgraded to LV4, Li Teng will have an advantage against the caravan leader. Then there is no need to worry about asking the caravan leader about the map.

After returning to the train, the train started again and rushed past the main road.

The refugees who were busy dismembering the bodies were far away from the main road and did not even notice the train passing by.

Perhaps because it is relatively close to Liangcheng, the roads here have been cleared, and the train traveled over more than ten kilometers in less than ten minutes.

Of course, he did not enter Liang Town directly, but stopped when he was still about a kilometer away. Li Teng put on his exoskeleton armor and continued forward with the drone into Liang Town.

The drone rose into the sky and flew over Liangzhen to conduct reconnaissance on the ground.

Heat source detection found a total of more than a dozen heat sources in Liang Town. There was a large heat source in the middle and small heat sources around it.

It seems that there is a giant monster and a dozen small monsters in Liang Town. During the battle, they may be summoned at any time to help the giant monster.

After knowing what was going on, Li Teng walked straight towards one of the small monsters.

The place where the small monster is is a pile of ruins, and you can't see where the small monster is through the gaps in the ruins.

It is estimated that it should be underground under the ruins.

Liu Yin was still upgrading, and Li Teng's plan to get her to shovel away these ruins could only come to nothing.

After thinking about it, Li Teng tried to chop the ground with a machete, making noise to anger the small monster underground.

But the little monster remained unmoved.

After thinking for a while, Li Teng fired a shot at the body of the small monster under the ruins.

There was a howl from the ground, and then the ruins were pushed open, and a small ruins monster that was four or five meters tall stood up from the ruins.

It had a bullet hole in it and was bleeding green and red.

Li Teng was not polite to it. He fired several bullets from the Gauss gun and penetrated its head, killing it on the spot.

The other monsters and the huge monster in the center actually didn't react at all and remained motionless on the spot.

In this case, Li Teng stopped being polite and walked around the town several times, eliminating small monsters at targeted locations. In the end, only the largest monster in the center of the town remained.

Li Teng didn't see the huge eyes under the largest pile of ruins in the center of the town.

Instead, I saw two... huge compound eyes!

The ruins shook as the exoskeleton armor's flashlight shone through.

The ground also shook.

Li Teng quickly retreated away, the howitzer barrel on his arm facing the ruins.

Li Teng was stunned when the giant ruin monster pushed open the huge pile of rubble above his head and exposed his entire body from the rubble.

What the hell is this?

Unlike the previous giant ruins monster with an arm blade and big eyes, this giant ruins monster in Yu Town... no, it would be more appropriate to call it a giant ruins monster.

It looks like a giant fly!

When a fly reaches a height of more than ten meters, what does it feel like to stand in front of it?

This is how Li Teng feels now.


Doubly disgusting.

Most of the fly's shell has been metalized, and it occasionally flashes with blue light of energy.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Several bursts of shots from the Gauss gun hit the compound eyes, mouthparts, and thin legs of the giant rope.

All without breaking the defense!

Is there something wrong with Liangcheng’s information? Is this a three-star monster?

"Its weak point seems to be on its back! In the middle of its two wings! Do you want me to shoot it a few times?" Huang Xun sent a communication from high altitude.

"Get back to the train quickly!" Li Teng gave the order to Huang Xun.

Huang Xun's gun barrel was full of ordinary bullets. Even if it hit the weak point of this monster, it would not cause much damage. Instead, it would alert the monster and destroy the drone.

Looking at the shape of this monster, Li Teng could think with his toes that this thing would definitely be able to fly.

Sure enough, just when Li Teng let Huang Xun escape, there was a loud buzzing sound, and the giant fly flapped its wings and flew into the sky, knocking Huang Xun over in the sky and hooking the barb spikes on its back. superior!

"It's over! I'm trapped!" Huang Xun sent a voice message.

The giant fly flew into the distance with a buzzing sound, taking Huang Xun out of the effective communication range.

"This pig! He's going to kill him! I just saw something flying underneath, why didn't you run away?" Gao Fei cursed in the air.

"It's not his fault, it's my command error." Li Teng stopped Gao Fei.

Before coming here, Li Teng never thought that the ruins monster was a big fly that could fly and fly so fast.

The screenwriter obviously hit his Achilles heel and gave him a surprise.

"What should we do? If Huang Xun dies, we all lose." Gao Fei sighed.

Li Teng looked around, and after a while, there was another buzz in the air! ’ There was a sound, and the giant fly flew back again!

Li Teng shot the giant fly several more times in the abdomen.

It's a pity that all of them were hit on the energy armor and couldn't break through the defense!

Is it level suppression?

The next moment, the giant fly that swooped over stretched out its long, barbed claws like lightning, grabbed Li Teng who was trying to escape but couldn't avoid it, and quickly took him high into the air.

Li Teng originally wanted to use his arm knife to try to cut off the giant fly's barbed claws, but he gave up immediately after seeing that he had quickly risen into the air and left the ground hundreds of meters away.

Instead, it clung tightly to the long legs of the giant fly.

The train above the ground quickly became like a toy car and then a thin needle.

"Eh? How can I still contact you?" Huang Xun's voice came from the communication.

"In order to save you, a pig, we have to risk our lives to climb on this fly!" Gao Fei answered Huang Xun.

"Hahahaha, I'm so touched! You weren't arrested, were you?" Huang Xun was not that stupid to believe Gao Fei's words.

"You're talking nonsense! Where are you? Let's go up and rescue you!" Gao Fei asked Huang Xun.

Huang Xun sent the video. The drone is now hanging on the back of the giant fly. The back of the giant fly has many barbed spikes. After the drone is hooked, it cannot free itself.

Li Teng lost contact with the train and had nothing to think about now. He could only find a way to rescue Huang Xun first. Otherwise, even if he and Gao Fei escaped and Huang Xun was gone, the mission would still fail.

Li Teng climbed up the fly's legs. The shell of the giant fly was full of barbed spikes, which made it easier for Li Teng. In a short time, he climbed on the fly's back and saw the drone trapped inside. One of the barbs was spiked, and Li Teng quickly climbed over, took out the drone, and hung it on his ammunition box.

"Look at the middle of its wings. Is there a weak spot?" Huang Xun reminded Li Teng.

Li Teng took a was indeed possible.

However, this is hundreds of meters high in the sky. If this fly is killed, won't he be thrown to death?

Let’s wait until it lands before trying again.

Of course, a few shots are still possible.

Li Teng's gun barrel pointed at the seemingly soft spot in the middle of the giant fly's wings.

There is actually an energy shield!

You've been fooled! There is no way to break the defense!

This giant fly should be tried after reaching LV4 and having bullets that can destroy energy armor. It is obvious that Li Teng was arranged by the screenwriter and thought it was the same town, the same scene, and the same place as before. The BOSS turned out to be a BOSS that couldn't break the defense at all and could still fly!

‘Buzz! ' With a bang, the giant fly suddenly turned in the air. Fortunately, Li Teng held on to the barbed spikes to avoid being thrown down.

The flight characteristics of flies are completely different from those of birds. They all change direction suddenly and bump around everywhere. Otherwise, there would be no such thing as a "headless fly".

This was very painful for Li Teng, who was sitting on the fly's back. He went back and forth, violently stopping and changing directions and then accelerating suddenly, and his head was shaken by it.

But this is not the worst luck.

The most unlucky thing was that at the same time that the giant green rope shook Li Teng unconscious, another giant fly flew past the back of the giant fly with lightning speed, stretched out its sharp claws and forced Li Teng away from the giant fly. His back was pulled off, and then he was thrown to the ground from a height of dozens of meters!

"Fuck! You're dead!" Li Teng cursed.

He quickly opened his arms and legs and spread his body as flat as possible.

But, there is no parachute!

The exoskeleton armor is like a bang!

Opening his arms and legs and seeing everything white on the ground below, Li Teng suddenly realized that he might not fall to his death.

However, you may be disgusted to death!

Below is a huge canyon.

The canyon was filled with stench and seemed to be a huge dung heap.

Then on the dung pile, there were hundreds... no, thousands... no, tens of thousands of huge white ones...


They rolled around in a tangle and crawled around in the dung heap.

It's dozens of meters in the air, not too high from the ground.

When Li Teng saw everything below clearly, he, who was as heavy as a weight, said, "Bang!" ' The ground struck a giant maggot, and the huge impact instantly crushed the giant maggot. Li Teng continued to go down, and crushed the maggot below the giant maggot. After catching three giant maggots, he stabilized his body among a pile of maggots.

The armor was covered with some kind of white liquid.

The view is blocked.

"Hahahahahahahaha..." When Li Teng fell to the ground, Huang Xun, who got away from Gao Fei's ammunition box in time, laughed happily when he saw the embarrassing scene of Li Teng and Gao Fei below.

"You're so ridiculous!" Gao Fei was so angry that he wanted Li Teng to shoot Huang Xun down.

A giant maggot next to it didn't know what it was that fell down. When it found Li Teng standing up, it immediately opened its big mouth and swallowed Li Teng into its belly.

Li Teng slashed open the maggot's body with a sharp slash of his arm knife, and crawled out from inside.

But two more maggots rushed over and tried to devour the moving thing.

"Drone navigation!" Li Teng roared. He couldn't see anything clearly now.

Fortunately, the armor was completely sealed, and the disgusting slurry only stuck to Gao Fei's body, but not to him.

"Run straight towards two o'clock and you can leave the canyon." Huang Xun quickly provided Li Teng with voice navigation.

Li Teng wielded his machete, slashing randomly, and rushed out of the canyon according to Huang Xun's voice guidance.

There is a huge dung pile under your feet, and there are giant maggots rolling everywhere. If you are not careful, you will fall over and fall into the dung pile.

This kind of battle is not life-threatening for Li Teng, who is heavily armored.

But, disgusting!

He once again felt the deep malice from the screenwriter.

These giant maggots had not yet grown a hard carapace. Under Li Teng's slashing, they quickly turned into corpses on the ground. The sound of fighting alerted two giant flies that were patrolling nearby and flew towards the nest. .

"Right! You can go out!" Huang Xun continued to provide Li Teng with voice navigation.

With one deep kick and one shallow kick, Li Teng finally escaped from the canyon and arrived on the plain outside before the two giant flies flew back.

After crawling on the ground, grabbing some weeds and wiping his armor, Li Teng finally regained some of his vision.

"Get away quickly!" Huang Xun shouted.

A giant fly swooped down and stretched out its sharp claws as fast as lightning to catch Li Teng.

Li Teng quickly rolled away.

"Here we go again!" Huang Xun shouted again

Another giant fly swooped down again, and Li Teng quickly rolled to avoid it.

After two giant flies flew high into the sky, they immediately followed by a dive. The target was very clear, which was Li Teng on the ground.

Now Li Teng had no power to resist and could only keep rolling to avoid.

I never thought that one day I would be bullied by two flies and chased in an extremely embarrassing manner.

It is not easy to avoid a giant fly that is more than ten meters tall.

If it weren't for the drones that navigated the air and the exoskeleton that provided additional assistance, it would have been difficult for Li Teng to evade capture from the air on his own.

If the drone is hit again, things could be in trouble.

These two giant flies are obviously not as stupid as ordinary flies.

When he got up again, Li Teng looked around, trying to find a place to hide. It would not work if he kept rolling like this. Sooner or later, he would use up all his energy to fly high.

At this moment, the roar of helicopters came from the distant sky. At the same time, several missiles roared out from the bases of several armed helicopters and hit the giant flies heavily.

The missile was so powerful that the shock wave after the explosion knocked Li Teng to the ground more than a hundred meters away.

These missiles were obviously energy-charged missiles and successfully tore open the giant fly's energy shell. Some black liquid dripped from the giant fly's broken shell.

The two giant flies were irritated, ‘Buzz! ’ He rushed towards the two armed helicopters with a loud sound.

"General Protector! It's me!" A familiar voice entered Li Teng's communication.

"General Protector of the Country?" Li Teng frowned.

This Secretary Zhou?

No way? Getting involved?

The script of King of Forces?

Li Teng tried, but he couldn't summon a fierce ghost clone or transform into a ten-turn ghost king.

The two helicopters separated. One of them continued to launch missiles to attack the two giant flies. The other took the opportunity to land on the ground, lowered the rope ladder and picked up Li Teng.

The helicopter pilot was a woman, and Li Teng didn't recognize her.

But her voice is familiar.

"I'm Secretary Zhou. I never had the chance to meet the script that time, but now I finally meet." Secretary Zhou turned around and smiled sweetly, his voice extremely sweet.

He also looks very sweet.

Li Teng asked the helicopter to wait for a while. After Huang Xun flew over and landed on the ammunition box, Secretary Zhou flew into the sky again.

"What's going on? Why are you in this script?" Li Teng asked Secretary Zhou.

"It's a long story, let's get rid of those two flies first." After Secretary Zhou took off the helicopter, he launched two more missiles.

The two flies were covered with bruises under the attack of the energy missiles, but they were still chasing the other helicopter aggressively. The helicopter tried its best to dodge, but the speed of the giant flies flying and changing direction was too fast. After all, the helicopter still could not escape and was caught among them. The body of a giant fly hit hard.

The helicopter and the giant fly fell to the ground together, and violent explosions and deflagrations occurred.

But the giant fly that crashed the helicopter stumbled back up and flew into the sky again!

"This thing is too difficult! The screenwriter deliberately tricked you!" Secretary Zhou frowned and fired the last two energy missiles at two giant flies.

After the giant fly flying on the ground was hit this time, it fell back to the ground again, and then could not get up.

But after being hit, the giant fly in the sky was only slightly more injured than before, and continued to rush towards Secretary Zhou's helicopter without fear of death!

"Hover! I'll take care of it!" Li Teng yelled at Secretary Zhou.

Secretary Zhou quickly turned the plane's nose and faced the giant fly rushing towards him.

Li Teng raised the howitzer barrel and locked on the largest flaw in the giant fly's body.


The grenade chamber has an armor-breaking function, and the energy drill at the front becomes extremely hot instantly.

Without the protection of the energy armor, the grenade's energy drill easily penetrated into the giant fly's body.


With a loud noise, the grenade exploded inside the giant fly, and the huge power instantly tore the giant fly into pieces.

One of the compound eyes hit the helicopter cabin without missing a beat, and the impact caused the helicopter to shake violently.

Li Teng quickly kicked the compound eye out of the cabin.

This bitch will disgust him even after death.

"This place is only a dozen kilometers away from your train. I'll take you back." Secretary Zhou suggested to Li Teng.

"First tell me why you are in this script, and you appear at this time." Li Teng proposed to Secretary Zhou.

Secretary Zhou took out two magnet-like things and stuck one on the drone and the other on Li Teng's armor.

"There are some things they are not suitable to know." Secretary Zhou explained to Li Teng.

Obviously, what she took out were two jammers or something like that, which sealed the consciousness of mechanical creations like Huang Xun and Gao Fei.

"Well, you did the right thing." Li Teng nodded.

"Like Liu Shiyuan, I am a member of the resistance army... What are you doing?" Secretary Zhou was about to say something when he noticed that Li Teng suddenly took off his armor, leaving only the communication device on his head and taking off his clothes. , was about to take off his pants, and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"Aren't you going to take off your clothes?" Li Teng looked at Secretary Zhou.

"Why do you need to take it off?" Secretary Zhou's face turned red.

"Aren't you afraid that the studio will overhear your conversation?" Li Teng had a serious expression.

"We have blocked the signal in a large area nearby. There is no need to take off your clothes." Secretary Zhou looked a little embarrassed.

"Okay." Li Teng put on his clothes again.

"The previous conversation between you and Liu Shiyuan...haha...isn't it?" Secretary Zhou thought of a certain scene in his mind and seemed a little excited.

"Can we get to the point?" Li Teng got angry.

"Hmm, cough, um... We almost succeeded in occupying the script world of King of Kings last time, but in the end we fell short, and the studio took back the permissions of the underlying data.

"As soon as the film and television city regained the underlying data rights, it forcibly stopped the script of King of Forces.

“Due to data errors, a large number of staff and actors were stranded in the script world of King of Forces and could not return.

"In order to prevent these stranded staff and actors from being further harmed, the resistance organization gave up the script of King of Forces and returned all authority to the film and television city.

"After the studio took back the script, it did not save the stranded staff and actors. Instead, it cut off the connection between the King of Forces script and all other scripts and turned it into an independent apocalyptic world.

“Moreover, it’s disgusting to backtrack on Studio City and try to cover up the mistakes and crimes they committed.

"The rollback caused many actors to lose their memory and were completely whitewashed.

"It must have caused you a lot of trouble."

Secretary Zhou stopped here.

"Are the rebels right? Without your attack, there would be no follow-up actions in the film and television city." Li Teng pointed it out to Secretary Zhou.

"Did you receive a map? Asking you to go to a certain city?" Secretary Zhou changed the subject.

"How do you know?" Li Teng asked Secretary Zhou.

"That's a trap, you can't go." Secretary Zhou answered the question incorrectly.

"I asked you how you knew about this?" Li Teng continued to ask.

"That city is a city of wax figures, full of crises. If you go there, it will be difficult to leave alive." Secretary Zhou continued to answer the question.

"City of wax figures? What do you mean?"

"Alas..." Secretary Zhou sighed, but didn't explain.

"Although in principle I don't hit women, if some women deserve a beating, I don't mind hitting her until she tells all the truth." Li Teng came to the passenger seat and sat down, fists clenched It has to snap.

Secretary Zhou looked at Li Teng with a smile, and suddenly the corners of his mouth started to bleed, and his body collapsed on the driver's seat.

Li Teng quickly helped her up and tested her. She found that there was no breathing or heartbeat.


Li Teng cursed loudly and looked over. The helicopter had already arrived above the train.

He quickly moved Secretary Zhou to the passenger seat and sat in the driver's seat.

Damn it! I’ve never flown a helicopter before!

I have only played similar games before...

"Brother! There is an automatic landing on the right!" Huang Xun spoke.

Li Teng took a look. This helicopter was very advanced. There was an automatic landing button on the right hand side.

He pressed it quickly.

The helicopter automatically detected the situation on the ground, then chose a very flat open space and landed smoothly.

Li Teng quickly rushed into the train with Secretary Zhou's body in his arms and put her into the medical cabin.

The medical bay panel indicated that the subject was dead.


"Could the previous video be faked by her?"

"It's very possible."

"You're here again, pretending to stop me from going there, but actually you're trying to arouse my curiosity!"

"Otherwise, why did you mention the 'City of Wax Figures' on purpose?"

"Also, these two flies appeared very suddenly. Isn't that the original arrangement of the screenwriter? I'm afraid it's also the work of the rebels, right? Did you deliberately lead me there?"

"Lead me away, lead me away, and throw me into the maggot dung. What do you mean?"

Li Teng was very angry and began to doubt everything.

While on the helicopter, he had already made plans to torture Secretary Zhou until she confessed if she didn't tell the truth.

Obviously, she had already calculated this and turned herself into a corpse without giving him a chance.

Such a sweet girl can be so sinister.

Now Li Teng wanted to drag out Secretary Zhou's body, strip it naked, and beat him up to relieve his anger.

Forget it.

no point.

"What happened? Where did the helicopter come from? And...the girl?" Liu Hui's communication came over.

"Just now..." Li Teng briefly recounted everything that had happened before. Of course, he would not mention Secretary Zhou's identity or the rebels.

As for who the dead girl was, Li Teng said he didn't know.

It wasn't him who killed him anyway.

In order to prove that what he said was true, Li Teng led the convoy to the place where the helicopter and the fly had fought.

The helicopter was not damaged much. Although it had no weapons, it was still very useful. The driving buttons were all fool-proof. Li Teng studied it for half an hour and figured it out. He took it into the air and landed on the roof of the car and locked it. stand up.

There is a mountain road that goes straight through. It is not easy to walk, but it is not a problem for Liu Hui's big tires.

Two giant fly carcasses were still there.

One of them was blown into many pieces and scattered.

"Eat them and you can rise to LV4." Li Teng began to get busy.

The construction truck was still being upgraded, so he had to go down and move it.

"Eating something like this? Disgusting." Liu Hui said in a disgusted tone after seeing the giant fly.

"It's not you who eats it." Li Teng rolled his eyes... Isn't this disgusting? Do you know what I went through before?

Although the engineering vehicle was still being upgraded and Liu Yin was unable to come out to work, Li Teng could borrow her cutting components, electric saws, etc., connect the power supply to the train, and then cut up the giant fly's body.

After eating most of the flies, Liu Hui's experience bar was full.

In eight hours, he was promoted to LV4.

LV4 and LV3 are a watershed, and the train's defense will undergo a qualitative leap.

Li Teng was tired and exhausted. After taking a bath, he hugged Anna and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, the train had been upgraded to LV4 and the exoskeleton armor was being upgraded.

The train has an energy shield. Ordinary bullets, including Gauss gun bullets, pose no threat to it. Only energy bullets and various energy attacks can cause damage to it.

The engineering vehicle has been upgraded to LV3.

The power has been doubled, four fixed piles and a tower crane mode have been added. If the train overturns, the tower crane mode can be used to right it.

After doubling the power, the engineering vehicle worked more efficiently. It quickly cut up all the remaining giant flies and sent them back to the train. They fed them to the train, increasing the train's experience bar to 30%.

At noon, the exoskeleton armor upgrade was completed, from LV3 to LV4.

After the upgrade is completed, a layer of energy armor is added to the original armor of the exoskeleton, which must be penetrated by energy weapons.

The exoskeleton armor adds a self-cloaking function... It does not help Li Teng become invisible, but the armor becomes fully transparent and does not refract light. In the eyes of outsiders, there is no difference in appearance between Li Teng wearing armor and not wearing armor.

The retractable machete on the right arm has become an energy machete, which can truly cut iron like clay.

The bullet magazine has been increased to 240 rounds, and the bullets have been replaced with energy warheads, which can easily penetrate a five-centimeter-thick steel plate. At the same time, they can cause effective damage to energy armor. Continuous concentrated attacks on a certain part of the energy armor can cause a penetration effect. .

The howitzer's grenades have become energy shells, doubling the explosive power, with an effective killing radius of fifty meters, and an increase in the number to 12. UAVs in the sky can provide vision to lock the target for long-range strikes.

The train began to upgrade the drone and returned to Yu Town while upgrading.

Li Teng planned to go to the city this afternoon and talk to Ma Qihui from the Mawang Gang to see if he could help Ma Qihui identify the map and find the city where the red dot on Yao Xue's map was located, which was the city of wax figures in Secretary Zhou's words.

When the train was about to enter Yuzhen, a huge boulder appeared at the intersection.

Liu Hui instinctively braked and stopped.

Because of the giant rhinoceros collision that night, people in the car now wear seat belts most of the time.

Including Anna.

Therefore, sudden braking will not cause injuries to the people in the car.

But this huge boulder still made Liu Hui very angry.

Li Teng was also very angry.

When I came here, there was no such boulder on the road, but when I came back, this boulder appeared.

And there are no big mountains nearby, so there can be no landslides or the like.

Therefore, someone must have deliberately moved a rock here.

Li Teng's guess was correct.

It is true that someone deliberately moved rocks here.

And they were lying in wait nearby.

When Li Teng, who was wearing invisible exoskeleton armor, stepped out of the car to check the situation, five cyborgs rushed out of the ambush and surrounded him.

They wore a three-star sign on their chests. It was obvious that they were five three-star cyborgs.

The sign represents their honor.

Although they were wearing normal clothes, some had their exposed arms metalized, and some had half of their faces metalized. It was easy to tell that they were biochemical humans.

"Are you from the Mawang Gang?" Li Teng asked the five cyborgs. He remembered what the refugees said yesterday, that several tough men from the Mawang Gang were going to Yu Town to hunt today.

Li Teng wanted to have a good talk with Ma Qihui, the leader of the Mawang Gang, so he didn't want to fall out with these people for the time being.

"Did you kill the monsters in Yu Town?" The leading cyborg asked Li Teng.

After they discovered that a new giant monster had appeared here, they planned for several days to come and hunt it today. After refining and devouring the energy metal of this giant monster, it would help them break through quickly, and maybe they could be promoted to a four-star level. , and after the result came, there was nothing.

Only rut marks were found on the ground.

"No monsters were found, only two flies, which I killed." Li Teng answered the cyborg's question.

"This is our monster. If you don't want to die, hand over the monster's body! If you can't hand it over, we must compensate us accordingly! Otherwise, don't even think about leaving here alive!" A cyborg raised his arm. The knife was placed on Li Teng's neck.

But before it came into contact with Li Teng's neck, Li Teng casually waved his hand, and the cyborg's arm knife was cut into two pieces.

The five cyborgs were all startled, and all assumed fighting postures.

"I don't mean any harm. Take me to see your horse gang leader. I have something important to talk to him about. If we want to fight, you all are no match for me. Killing you will be like killing a chicken." Li Teng said calmly. A few words.

After the five cyborgs looked at each other, four of them backed away.

"I wonder what you have to do with our gang leader?" One of the leading cyborgs asked Li Teng, his tone obviously much gentler.

"You don't need to know, just lead the way." Li Teng turned around and prepared to walk back to the train.

One of the four cyborgs suddenly raised his arm, revealing a very thick barrel.

But before he could shoot, Li Teng seemed to have eyes behind him. He raised his left hand casually, and a blood hole appeared in the middle of the cyborg's head. He fell to the ground motionless.

The energy bullet came out of the chamber without even making a sound.

The other four people's faces turned pale instantly. They saw that this man who looked like an ordinary human was actually a four-star biochemical man just like their caravan leader! Energy attacks can now be launched!

"I don't want to kill anyone anymore. You either lead the way or die." Li Teng walked into the car without turning around and closed the door without saying a few words.

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