Trembling At A High Altitude

Chapter 477 Chapter 535-536 Facing Fear

Chapter 535

"Haha, are you really doing this? It will scare the little girl to death." After returning to the monitoring room, Pan Yu smiled and said a few words to Liu Yanliang and Li Juan. Just now, he and Liu Yanliang acted as bandaged men and rushed in to catch Li Juan. They felt very excited and exciting.

"We are teaching her a life lesson, telling her how dangerous society is, and don't trust anyone easily when you go out." Li Juan answered Pan Yu. The scene in the morgue just now was something she, Liu Yanliang and Pan Yu had discussed beforehand.

She found a lock and hid it on her body, and lured Shen Mengying into the morgue. Then Liu Yanliang and Pan Yu, with their clothes on backwards and a strip of cloth wrapped around their heads, rushed in pretending to howl like wild beasts and 'kidnapped' her out. Then she closed the door, took out the big lock she had hidden, and locked the door.

Shen Mengying was the only one left in the morgue.

After the morgue door is closed, the temperature inside will continue to drop below four degrees, close to zero.

Coupled with the evil spirits and weird atmosphere inside, it was enough to scare this timid little girl to death.

"Sister Li, you have to pay for the lesson you taught her with her life and fortune, and she was scared to death and frozen to death. It seems a bit cruel!" Liu Yanliang said a few words.

"There is no way, one person must die in this plot. If she doesn't die, one of us will have to die. If you feel you can't bear it, you can die for her, so that she won't die.

"And all this was agreed upon by us, and I didn't do it alone. Now it's like I am the bad guy. And if I do this, isn't it for everyone's good? As long as she dies, the other seven of us will I will be saved." Li Juan answered the two of them somewhat unhappily.

"What you said makes sense. The film and television city is encouraging us to kill each other. There is nothing we can do about it. Someone will always be eliminated. Who makes this little girl so naive and so easy to be fooled?" Pan Yu agreed with Li Juan. statement.

"What you three did is really insidious. But I don't mean to blame you. I support your approach." Monitor Hu Qiurong spoke.

On the surveillance screen, you can clearly see that Shen Mengying in the morgue was frightened. She first kept banging on the door and crying. After finding that it was useless, she ran under the camera and kept waving at the camera. .

It seemed that he wanted the monitor to be able to shield her and then go over to rescue her.

It seems like she still doesn't know that she was set up by someone else and that they left her there and locked up on purpose.

"Can the temperature in the morgue be lowered? If it is set to minus 20 degrees, she probably won't last long. We have to get her out before the evil spirits come out to kill people. Otherwise, we will still be alive. Worry." Li Juan looked at the monitoring screen and said a few words to the other three.

"I have researched and found that the lowest temperature in the morgue can only reach zero degrees. Any lower than that and the body will freeze and be damaged." Liu Yanliang shook his head.

"She doesn't wear much, and she's not as fat as Sister Li. The temperature is enough for her, and if she's scared, she won't be able to hold on for long." Pan Yu saw on the monitoring screen that Shen Mengying had hugged Shen Mengying with both hands. His body, and then stamped his feet, it was obviously too cold to bear.

"You said she was thin, so you didn't need to point out that I was fat, right? Damn brother!" Li Juan kicked Pan Yu unhappily.

"Slip of the tongue! Slip of the tongue! How can Sister Li be fat? She's plump." Pan Yu laughed awkwardly.

"Get out!" Li Juan looked angry.

"Dad, Mom, where are you?"

Shen Mengying in the monitoring room was crying helplessly.

Growing up, she had never really left her parents or the protection of their wings.

Everything she had experienced in the past few days was like a nightmare to her.

But this nightmare never meant to end.

She thought that after making a friend like Li Juan, she could seek new protection and help, but now Li Juan was taken away.

She was trapped here alone.


You can only rely on yourself for everything.

“Dad once said to me that if one day I am in trouble and cannot seek their protection, he said the first and most important thing is to calm down.

“The second thing is thinking.

“You can think when you calm down.

"I can't continue to be afraid. Getting hurt won't solve the problem. I have to calm down." Shen Mengying squatted down by the wall, hugged her trembling body, and tried to control her fearful emotions.

When Shen Mengying's father saw the news about some girls being murdered, he would tell Shen Mengying and warn her about some things, but she actually didn't listen much and felt that his father was just preaching.

She felt that as long as she didn't go out at night or go to dangerous places, the things in the news wouldn't happen to her.

She never thought that what was happening to her now was even stranger than what was in the news.

"If dad were here, what would he do at this time?

"Yes, think.

“Think about how to get out of trouble.

"Who are the two weirdos who rushed in? Why did they take Li Juan but not me?

"It doesn't make sense.

"Looking back now... their voices and their figures seem very similar to the two corpse movers from before?

"Are they plotting against me together? Sister Li deliberately tricked me into coming here?

"Can human nature be so sinister? Did I think of them too badly?

“Because someone had to be eliminated, and they chose me to protect themselves?

“I was too stupid and naive to see the dangers of human nature.

"Dad actually told me that after entering society, the only person I can trust is myself. There is no eternal friendship, only eternal interests. I only make friends with others when there are benefits. I have nothing to do with Sister Li. Yes, even if she looks for someone to be bold, she doesn’t necessarily need to look for me.


“I hope the truth is not what I speculated.

“But now things have developed like this.

“So, that’s probably the truth.

“What can I do to save myself?

“They tricked me into coming here, and they certainly won’t let me escape so easily.

“After the door was locked, I couldn’t escape.

“What on earth am I going to do?

"Dad, what should I do to save myself at this time?"

Just as Shen Mengying was concentrating on thinking, a 'Boom' came from the iron cabinet next to the wall! ’ There was a muffled sound, which startled Shen Mengying.

There are fifteen iron cabinets in three rows and five columns. The middle iron cabinet is the third iron cabinet in the second row.

The corpse in the iron cabinet seemed to be the source of all fear.

Chapter 536

Shen Mengying subconsciously moved her squatting body against the wall to the corner. Her eyes stared at the iron cabinet with great nervousness. She was so scared that she didn't dare to breathe out, fearing that something terrible would suddenly come out of the iron cabinet.

"Take a deep breath! Calm down! Calm down! Dad also told me that fear is the most useless thing after an accident. In addition to being calm, don't be afraid. Face everything bravely, face all difficulties, and find ways to solve them. Only then can you get yourself out of trouble.

“So, I don’t have to be afraid anymore.

"It has reached this point. I am afraid that it is useless. Moreover, it is so cold here, I will freeze to death sooner or later. What I am facing is actually a desperate situation.

“If I continue to be afraid, I will either freeze myself to death or scare myself to death, which is really meaningless.

"Since we are bound to die, we might as well give it a try, maybe there is a glimmer of hope.

"When I was applying makeup to the female corpse, I got a small bottle from her. The paper inside said: 'I am not sorry for my husband, I did not have an affair, I was forced, but no one believed me.'

"This female corpse came out from here, could it be... These corpses are all together, in the same related incident, and each corpse has a clue. Once I find all these clues, I will tell you Maybe we can find another way to solve this plot.

"Of course, it's also possible that my assumptions are wrong. The small bottle and note are just accidental and have nothing to do with the plot.

"But now that I'm facing a certain death situation, I might as well give it a try and see if each corpse has a clue. Maybe these clues can really piece together a hidden plot to help me get out of trouble."

After making up her mind, Shen Mengying took a few deep breaths, then stood up and walked towards the iron cabinet by the wall.

"Don't be afraid! Don't be afraid! If there is really a ghost inside, the ghost should have come out of the cabinet and killed me long ago. But it didn't, which means there is no ghost inside. In other words, the ghost doesn't kill people, it has grievances. I'll help resolve it.

"So, I don't want to be afraid, I want to be calm, and I want to find a way to solve all this."

Shen Mengying tried her best to encourage herself and walked to the iron cabinet step by step.

She went straight to the iron cabinet in the middle.

"Isn't there something that keeps trying to get out? Then pull it open and see what's inside.

"Dad said that the unknown is the scariest thing. The best way to eliminate fear is to face it head-on."

Shen Mengying reached out and grabbed the door handle of the iron cabinet in the middle.

Then, he pulled it out forcefully.

However, as soon as she pulled it out a little, the iron cabinet retracted itself with great force.

"I'm not afraid! You are afraid, right? You are afraid! After I stopped being afraid of you, you became afraid! You didn't dare to come out! You only dared to hide in and scare people!

"I'm not afraid of you anymore! You're the coward!"

Shen Mengying shouted loudly to the iron cabinet, which made her emotions so high that she really wasn't afraid anymore.

Whatever is in the iron cabinet in the middle, it obviously doesn't want to show up now.

After thinking for a moment, Shen Mengying decided to start with other corpses.

See if other corpses may contain some clues like the female corpse.

Find all the clues and combine them, maybe she can get a chance of survival.

Shen Mengying decided to start the inspection from the first iron cabinet at the bottom.

When the first iron cabinet was completely opened, the body of a man in his forties appeared inside.

Like the middle-aged female corpse that Shen Mengying saw before that Liu Yanliang and Pan Qingla used to put makeup on Yang Limei, this male corpse was also stabbed many times and died in a miserable state.

Shen Mengying suppressed her fear and reached out to search around for clues that might be hidden in the man's palms and pockets.

Eventually she found a newspaper cutout in the man's corpse's pocket.

The content of the news was that a man’s wife was bullied by two drunken gangsters on the street. He got a knife from a fruit stand and stabbed the two gangsters.

This man was an intern doctor at the time and was a very weak man. In order to protect his wife, he burst out with energy and stabbed someone with a knife.

But he was convicted of intentional injury at first trial.

I lost my job and was locked up.

His wife found a famous lawyer for his case, and after two years of unremitting efforts, she finally won for him in the second trial for excessive defense and received a suspended sentence.

But when the man came out, he found his wife and the lawyer together.

So he drove his wife to commit suicide, killed the two gangsters who had bullied his wife, and the two gangsters' families, and then committed suicide.

"That female corpse, the female corpse I put on makeup, couldn't be his wife, right?

"Is it possible that everyone in this morgue is related to this case?

"The note left by his wife said: 'I am not sorry to my husband, I did not have an affair, I was forced, but no one believed me.'

"Does this mean that she didn't actually get along with the lawyer? Was she forced?

"The lawyer got interested and used her husband's case to coerce her?

"Or was it simply forced on her?

“The man misunderstood his wife and drove her to commit suicide.

"There is a big doubt here, that is, the man misunderstood his wife. Why didn't he kill the lawyer instead of killing the two gangsters?

"Or maybe he thought that his current situation was caused by two gangsters, so he killed the two gangsters to vent his family's anger?

"Let's continue checking the second iron cabinet."

Shen Mengying closed the first iron cabinet in the bottom row and opened the second iron cabinet in the bottom row.

In the second iron cabinet was the corpse of a young man, who had also been stabbed many times, some in the back and some in front.

This male corpse has a bald head, the upper body is also bare, and has tattoos on his body, and he looks a bit fierce.

Could it be one of the two gangsters?

There was no note or news cutout on the body of this young man, but there was a mobile phone in his pants pocket.

The screen of the phone was actually still on, with only the last bit of power left.

The man is writing a WeChat message to send to a friend, but has not yet sent it in the input box.

Maybe there is no chance to send it out.

"Nah! The absolute killer I met today is a professional killer!"

Just after Shen Mengying finished reading this sentence, her phone completely ran out of battery and the screen went off.

"That man was a doctor, and the gangster was killed by a professional killer? A doctor who was released from prison became a professional killer? Or maybe the doctor paid a professional killer to kill the gangster?

"We still can't figure it out yet, we need to find more clues."

Shen Mengying opened the third iron cabinet in the bottom row.

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