Trial Of Monsters And Summons

Chapter 37 - Short Pause in Scheduled Chapter

I'm really sorry to announce that Monday's chapter most likely won't be on schedule. I have the hardest exam of my already extremely difficult Neuro Psych class to study for and take on Monday.

I haven't written the chapter yet, and likely won't have time to work on it while hunkering down and studying tomorrow and on exam day right before it. The reason I can't finish the chapter after the test is over, (which I likely will fail despite lots of early preparation and studying), is because there are multiple assignments due that night as well.

I'd really like to be able to continue posting regularly without interruptions, but it'll probably occur again around a really busy time for me, or during vacation. The only way I could guarantee regular postings is if I did shorter or broken up sections of actual chapters so I would be able to have back up chapters every time I wrote.

I know I can get pretty long-winded when writing, so I would have 2-3 chapters every time I wrote. I'm pretty sure I average between 2,000 to 4,000 words per chapter usually, which is plenty enough to divide bit into more than one chapter to ensure a regular posting schedule.

Writing a chapter usually takes about 2-3 hours of solid work to complete the chapter to my satisfaction. Obviously this is a huge timesink for an already busy college student, but I feel that it's worth dedicating the time to.

Most s usually have around 1,000 words per chapter, but because I didn't sign the contract, I can decide my own posting schedule and format of the chapters. Please keep in mind that I am a busy student writing during his free time as a hobby of sorts. I also may or may not be guilty of writing during class or study time, it is really hard not to keep writing when you have so many ideas in your head at that moment.

My question for you is whether you would prefer to have a novel that is usually consistent but occasionally paused for short periods of time when things crop up. Or, would you prefer for me to break the chapters up into shorter segments and have nearly daily postings.

Doing this would allow me to start building up back up chapters for when things get busy in my life. I don't mind either way and will do my best to keep to my promised writing schedule, but I wanted your input on how I should continue writing.

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