Zhang Xudong paid attention to the infrastructure construction and the improvement of the agricultural service system in rural areas. He advocated the construction of rural e-commerce and agricultural science and technology extension centers to promote the sales of agricultural products and the transmission of agricultural technology information. He also actively sought government support to promote the construction of rural power grids, irrigation facilities and rural public service facilities, and to improve infrastructure conditions in rural areas.

With the passage of time, Zhang Xudong's agricultural research and practice have achieved remarkable results. The efficiency and quality of agricultural production have been improved, and the income level of peasants has increased markedly. Zhang's efforts have also inspired more agricultural scientists to pay attention to agricultural development and contribute to national food security and rural economic development.

Zhang Xudong's story inspires more people to devote themselves to agricultural research and practice, promote agricultural modernization with scientific and technological innovation, and contribute to the country's agricultural development and farmers' well-being. He became a pioneer in

the field of agricultural science and a new figure in the modern

era of agriculture: Liu Yang

was a young engineer in the sixties who was passionate about the field of transportation and committed to improving transportation infrastructure and increasing transportation efficiency, contributing to national construction and economic development.

Liu Yang is well aware of the importance of transportation to the country's economy, and he recognizes that high-quality transportation infrastructure is the key to promoting national construction and improving people's lives. With the encouragement of Cheng Daodao, he decided to apply his engineering skills and innovative thinking to the field of transportation.

Yang Liu is actively involved in transportation infrastructure projects, working with transportation departments, engineering teams and experts to promote the planning, design and construction of transportation construction such as roads, bridges and railways. He pays attention to the balance between traffic safety and operational efficiency, and advocates scientific traffic planning and the application of intelligent traffic management systems.

Liu Yang focuses on the green development and decarbonization of transportation. He actively promotes public transport and non-motorized transport, encourages people to reduce the use of private cars, and promotes walking, cycling and taking public transport to reduce traffic congestion and environmental pollution. He is also an advocate for the application of energy conservation and emission reduction measures to promote the sustainable development of the transportation industry.

Liu Yang pays attention to the coordination of transportation planning and urban development. He is involved in urban transport planning projects to promote the optimization of transport networks and the construction of urban transport hubs to improve the efficiency and convenience of transport. He advocates for the construction of sustainable urban transportation systems and promotes the sustainable development of cities.

Over time, Liu Yang's traffic engineering and planning have yielded remarkable results. The transportation infrastructure has been improved, and the transportation efficiency has been improved, which has provided convenient conditions for the country's economic development and people's travel. Liu Yang's efforts have also inspired more people to pay attention to the development of the transportation field and contribute to the country's transportation construction and economic prosperity.

Liu Yang's story inspires more engineers to devote themselves to the field of transportation, promote the modernization of transportation with scientific design and innovative thinking, and contribute to national construction and social progress. He became a pioneer in the field of traffic engineering and a promoter of traffic modernization.

New Character: Chen YaqinChen

Yaqin was a young educator in the sixties who loved education and was committed to improving the quality of education and providing equal opportunities for education.

Chen Yaqin understands the importance of education to the future development and personal growth of a country, and she recognizes the power of quality education to change people's lives. With the encouragement of Cheng Daodao, she decided to devote her educational wisdom and enthusiasm to the education cause of national construction.

She works closely with education departments, schools and teachers to promote innovation and improvement in education and teaching. She pays attention to the improvement of education quality and teaching methods, and is committed to cultivating students' comprehensive quality and creativity.

Chen Yaqin focuses on equity and inclusiveness in education. She advocates the balanced distribution of educational resources and provides high-quality educational opportunities for poor and rural areas. She pays attention to the educational needs of disadvantaged groups, actively seeks government support, and provides educational assistance and assistance to ensure that every child can receive a fair education.

Chen Yaqin focuses on the innovation and practice of education. She encouraged schools to carry out STEAM education and maker education to cultivate students' innovative thinking and practical ability. She advocates the deep integration of education and industry to help students better adapt to social and employment needs.

With the passage of time, Chen Yaqin's educational work has achieved remarkable results. The quality of education has improved, educational equity and inclusion have been strengthened, and every child has the opportunity to receive a quality education. Chen Yaqin's efforts have also inspired more educators to pay attention to the development of education and cultivate more outstanding talents for the country.

Chen Yaqin's story inspires more people to pay attention to the cause of education and shape the hope of the future with love and wisdom. She became a role model in the field of education and an agent of educational reform.

New Figure: Li

Qiang Li Qiang

was a young scientist in the sixties who was passionate about scientific research and was committed to promoting scientific and technological innovation and contributing to national construction and technological progress.

Li Qiang is well aware of the importance of scientific and technological innovation to national development, and he recognizes that scientific research is the key to promoting social progress and economic growth. With the encouragement of Cheng Daodao, he decided to apply his scientific research talents and innovative thinking to the country's scientific and technological fields.

Li Qiang is actively engaged in scientific research projects, and he cooperates with scientific research institutions, universities and enterprises to carry out the exploration and practice of cutting-edge science and technology. He focuses on his research field, constantly exploring and breaking through the boundaries of science, and providing new ideas and solutions for the country's technological innovation.

Li Qiang pays attention to the transformation and application of scientific achievements. He actively promotes the industrialization and commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, cooperates with enterprises to transform scientific research results into practical products and solutions, and promotes the contribution of scientific and technological innovation to the national economy.

Li Qiang pays attention to the cultivation of scientific talents and the construction of scientific research teams. He mentors and trains young researchers, encouraging them to conduct in-depth research and be innovative. He actively organizes research teams, promotes teamwork and interdisciplinary exchanges, and promotes the further development of scientific research.

With the passage of time, Li Qiang's scientific research achievements and scientific and technological innovation have achieved remarkable results. He has made breakthroughs in his research field and has made important contributions to the country's scientific and technological progress and economic development. Li Qiang's efforts have also inspired more young scientists to pursue scientific truth and innovation, injecting new vitality and impetus into the country's scientific and technological field.

Li Qiang's story inspires more people to pay attention to scientific research and innovation, and use the power of science and technology to promote the development and progress of the country. He became an outstanding representative of the scientific and technological community and a promoter of scientific innovation.

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