In the sixties of the last century, a novel drink was popular in small towns in China, and that was soda. Our story takes place in that time when there was a lot of simplicity and joy.

The main character is a ten-year-old boy named Cheng Daguo, who is a student at an elementary school in the town. One day, he and a few good friends decided to go on an expedition and look for some adventure opportunities. They ran to the edge of the town and came to an abandoned warehouse.

When they entered the warehouse, they found it full of all kinds of old goods and sundries. They searched everywhere and suddenly found a tin box in a corner. They opened the box, which contained several bottles of soda in tattered packaging but with an intact seal.

Cheng Daodao picked up a bottle of soda, and some happy childhood memories appeared in front of his eyes. He excitedly said to his friends, "It's a soda! When I was a kid, I only saw it in the movie theater and never drank it!" They

took the soda out of the warehouse and sat on a nearby lawn. They sat around and excitedly shared their findings with each other. Cheng Daodao unscrewed the cap of the soda bottle and let out a "hiss" sound. The bubbles and sweet smell released from the soda made the corners of their mouths smile.

Cheng Daodao carefully took a sip of soda, and then wiped the droplets from his lips with his fingers. His eyes sparkled as he looked at his friends and said, "It's so delicious! It's sweet, a little bitter, but it's delicious!"

and they picked up their soda bottles and tasted them carefully. Everyone was filled with curiosity and satisfaction, as if they had discovered the door to a new world.

They continued to sit there, drinking soda and talking about various topics. They shared their dreams and adventures, and laughter reverberated in the air.

At this moment, soda became a bond between them and one of the best memories of their childhood. They are full of anticipation for the future, believing that there is more beauty in this world waiting for them to discover.

In the years that followed, they grew up and chased their dreams, but they will never forget that summer of drinking soda. And Cheng Daodao, as the protagonist of this story, has always been with a love for life and an adventurous spirit, and continues to move forward on the road of growth.

This simple yet heartwarming story teaches us that even a bottle of soda can be a part of our fond memories. No matter how the years change, we should cherish the little happiness that accompanies us to grow up, because they are engraved in our hearts and will never be erased.

As time passed, the sixties passed, and Cheng Daodao and his friends each took different paths. They leave their small towns to chase their dreams and embark on their own journeys in life.

Cheng Daodao became an outstanding architect. He has designed many beautiful and functional buildings, bringing his passion and talent to each project. However, behind his success, he has always maintained that childlike heart. He remembers the happy time of drinking soda on the lawn with his friends that summer, and it was a fond memory of his life.

One day, Cheng Daodao received a special commission. He was asked to design a theme park that aimed to recreate scenes from life in small towns in the sixties. The goal of this project is to evoke nostalgia for the past and allow them to relive fond memories of that era.

Cheng Daodao is full of enthusiasm for this project. Together with the team, he delved into the culture and lifestyle of the sixties. They browsed through a large number of historical photos and materials, and listened to the stories and memories of many old people. Through these efforts, they succeeded in restoring the appearance of the small towns of that era.

The opening day of the theme park has arrived, and people are waiting in line to enter. When visitors step into the park, they feel as if they have stepped back in time to the 60s. The streets of the town are lined with old stalls playing classic music from the past. People walk in the park and enjoy that nostalgic time.

And in the heart of this theme park, there is a special corner, which is a replica lawn. Cheng was personally involved in the design of the area, and he made sure that every detail matched the summer he remembered.

One day, Cheng stood by the lawn of the park, watching the tourists play, chat, and laugh there. He was moved to watch, because he knew that they were experiencing the joy of him and his friends.

Just as he was about to leave, a young boy ran up to him, his eyes shining with curiosity and joy. The boy took a bottle of soda, handed it to Cheng Daodao, and said with a smile: "Uncle, I just found this bottle of soda in that corner, do you want to try it?"

Cheng Daodao took the soda, and a warm feeling welled up in his heart. He unscrewed the cap, and a familiar smell came to his nose. He took a careful sip and felt the taste of that summer. He smiled and said to the boy, "Thank you, kid. This bottle of soda reminds me of many good times.

At that moment, Cheng Daodao understood a truth, that is, memories and emotions are bridges across time. Whether it's sipping a soda on the lawn in the sixties or reliving that memory at a theme park now, that innocence and friendship will always be there.

Cheng Daodao continues to walk on his own path in life, continuing to create beautiful buildings for the world, but he will always cherish that soda drinking summer because it was an important chapter in his growth journey, allowing him to understand the things that really matter in life: friendship, memories and love.

Many years later, on a sunny morning, Cheng Daodao sat in his garden, drinking a cup of coffee. There was serenity and contentment in his eyes as he had lived a fulfilling and meaningful life.

Suddenly, a strange young architect walked into the garden. He paid tribute to Cheng Daodao, calling him his role model and asking to be able to communicate with him.

Cheng Daodao warmly invited him to sit down and began a conversation with the young man. They talked about architectural design, life experiences, and their vision of the future.

The young architect asked curiously, "Mr. Cheng, how do you maintain your passion and creativity for architecture, and are there any tips you can share with me?"

Cheng Daodao raised his head with a smile and looked at the sky in the distance. He thought quietly for a moment, then replied: "Young man, for me, architecture is not just a process of design and construction, it represents a way of expressing oneself, a way of communicating with the world. And the source of this passion and creativity comes from memories and emotions that I cherish. "


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