Eventually, Li Feng set up his own firm and invited Cheng Daodao to become a consultant for his firm. The two architects worked together to create stunning architectural works that bring new beauty and imagination to the world.

On their last project, they designed a complex that incorporated local history and culture into the architecture. The building became a new landmark of the city, attracting tourists and residents alike.

After the completion of the project, Cheng Daodao and Li Feng stood in front of the building, looking into the distance, enjoying the joy of success together. They all know in their hearts that that summer of drinking soda is the foundation of their beautiful buildings, and it is also the eternal source of their hearts.

Cheng Daodao and Li Feng reviewed their life journeys together, sharing each other's stories and achievements. They are all proud and satisfied, because they have changed the face of the world with their passion and wisdom, making architecture a carrier of people's hearts and memories.

The story of this soda drinking summer is not only a simple memory, but also a spiritual inheritance and inspiration. It made Cheng Daodao and Li Feng understand that architecture is an art closely related to human emotions and memories, and it can bring joy, inspiration and emotion to people.

They are determined to pass on this spirit to more young architects, so that they can continue to pass on and develop the story of this soda drinking summer, and make architecture a better part of the world.

Cheng Dadao and Li Feng co-initiated a project called "Dream of Architecture", which aims to cultivate and support the growth and innovation of young architects. They created a foundation that provides scholarships, Xi opportunities, and start-up funding to encourage young people to pursue careers in construction and advance the industry.

Every year, they hold a "Dream of Architecture" event to select outstanding young architects from all over the country and give them all-round support and guidance. These young architects have been entrusted with an important mission, which is to create a better future for the world through architectural design, to convey humanistic care and social responsibility.

Cheng Daodao and Li Feng personally participated in the event, sharing their experience and wisdom with the young architects. They hope that through such exchanges and cooperation, the creativity and passion of the younger generation will be stimulated, and architecture will become an inspiration and force in people's lives.

Under the influence of the "Dream of Architecture" project, more and more young architects are inspired to embark on the path of independent entrepreneurship. With their dreams and love for architecture, they have designed innovative and unique architectural works, bringing new imagination and beauty to the world.

The story of this soda drinking summer, starting with Cheng Daodao and Li Feng, has continued to spread and extend, influencing the wider architectural community. It became a spiritual symbol, a reminder of the emotion and the power of memories to pay attention to architecture.

In the years to come, Cheng Daodao and Li Feng will continue to stick to their beliefs and strive to contribute to the development of the architectural community. They hope that every young person can discover their love for architecture and use architecture to create beauty and meaning.

The story of this soda drinking summer will always be the motivation and guidance in their hearts, so that they can persist in pursuing their dreams of architecture, and bring architecture to the joy and warmth of more people's lives.

No matter how the years change, this story will live on forever and become a timeless spirit that inspires and inspires countless people. And Cheng Daodao and Li Feng, as the protagonists of this story, will continue to write their own architectural legends and leave their own good memories.

Over time, the names of Cheng Daodao and Li Feng were recorded in the annals of architectural history. Their architectural works have become classics and benchmarks around the world, deeply influencing later architects and designers.

Cheng Daodao and Li Feng decided to pass on their spirit and wisdom to the next generation. They founded an architecture school dedicated to cultivating outstanding architectural talent. This college aims to train well-rounded architects, emphasizing a combination of creativity, practice, and social responsibility.

In this college, young students are encouraged to think and explore in an atmosphere of innovation. They participate in various design competitions, project practices and community services, and cultivate an awareness of humanistic care and sustainable social development through contact with real-world problems.

Cheng Daodao and Li Feng personally participated in the teaching and guidance of the college. They encourage students to express their unique ideas and ideas, and to stimulate their potential and creativity. They believe that every student has unlimited possibilities, as long as they are given the right guidance and support.

In this school of architecture, the young architects felt the care and expectation of Cheng Daodao and Li Feng. They are engaged in innovative projects and research, using the language of architecture to explore the possibilities of the future.

Decades later, the School of Architecture has become one of the most influential and prestigious institutions in the world. Its graduates have gone on to become leading figures and thinkers in the field of architecture in a wide range of fields.

The influence of Cheng Daodao and Li Feng transcends the limitations of time and space. Their spirit has been passed down from generation to generation of architects, inspiring endless creativity and inspiration. Their architectural works are not only the crystallization of art, but also a call to human emotions and memories.

The story of this soda drinking summer is no longer just a story, it has become a kind of inheritance and guidance, shaping the future of the architectural world. It reminds every architect, whether a master or a rookie, to pay attention to people's emotions and needs, and use architecture to create beauty and meaning.

Over the years, Cheng Daodao and Li Feng have continued to uphold their beliefs and continue to share their wisdom and experience with the younger generation of architects. They know that architecture is an art full of responsibilities and missions, which can change people's lives and shape the future of humanity.

They hope that every young architect can have a love and passion for architecture, and use their talent and creativity to bring beauty and meaning to the world.

The story of this soda drinking summer will continue forever, providing inspiration and strength to people. It has become a timeless spirit that has inspired countless people to pursue their dreams of a career in architecture and make architecture a better part of the world.

At the end of the story, we return to the small town, the place where soda used to be drunk in the summer. This small town has changed dramatically, and it has become a vibrant and creative city of culture.

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