Senior: I'm so grateful to you for creating this wonderful time for us. Cinema is a timeless art that inspires us to think and resonate.

Act 14

: (Cinema Screening Room, Cheng Daodao and Li Ming continue to prepare for the next movie)


Cinema Screening Room

Cheng Daodao: Li Ming, our film screening work continues, and we have cooperated with producers to introduce many excellent film works.

Li Ming: Yes, we have received positive feedback from the audience. We can continue to work on promoting diverse films that meet the needs of our audiences.

Cheng Guodao: I also want to try some special screenings, such as screening classic black and white films or holding film discussions.

Li Ming: It's a great idea! Through these activities, we can further deepen the audience's understanding and appreciation of the film.

Cheng Guoguo: At the same time, we can also invite some filmmakers, directors or actors to share their creative experience on the spot.

Li Ming: This kind of event will give the audience a chance to get closer to the film industry, and they will be able to get a deeper understanding of the behind-the-scenes story of the film.

Cheng Daodao: Our goal is to create a vibrant and creative cinema where audiences can have more fun and inspiration.

Li Ming: I couldn't agree more. We will continue to work hard to bring more exciting film experiences and rich cultural activities to our audiences.

(Cheng Daodao and Li Ming are passionately preparing for their next film, and they are determined to make the cinema a unique and vibrant venue.)

End of story:

Cheng Daodao and Li Ming establish a deeper connection with the audience through dialogue and interaction. They listen to audience feedback and needs, strive to promote diverse film productions, and enrich the audience experience with special screenings. Their job is not only to screen films, but also to bring cultural exchange and ideological inspiration to the audience. Cheng Daodao and Li Ming have created a vibrant and creative environment in the cinema where audiences can enjoy the charm of cinema and share their love and insights with them. Their efforts became a driving force for the cultural development of a small city, leaving a time full of memories and reflections.

Act 15

: (In the cinema, Cheng Daodao and Li Ming have a conversation with a young audience)

Scene: Cheng

Daodao in

the cinema: Do you have any impression of our cinema?

Young audience:

I really like this cinema! You have brought many different types of films, so that we have more choices.

Li Ming: Great! We have been working hard to provide audiences with a diverse range of films, hoping to satisfy all tastes and interests.

Cheng Daodao: In addition to films, we also try to organize some film discussion groups so that the audience can explore the themes and meanings of films in more depth.

I love sharing my views on the film with other audiences and listening to different perspectives and interpretations.

Li Ming: We believe that through dialogue and sharing, the audience can have a deeper understanding of the meaning of the film and expand their horizons.

Cheng Daodao: It is precisely because of the participation and feedback of the audience that we can continue to improve and enhance our services.

Young Audience: You really put your heart into it, thank you for bringing us such a wonderful cinematic experience.

Cheng Daodao: Thank you for your support and encouragement, we will continue to work hard to bring you more surprises and fun.

Li Ming: We will continue to enrich our screening program to ensure that every audience can find their favorite films.

Act 16

: (Cinema Screening Room, Cheng Daodao and Li Ming discuss future development)


Cinema Screening Room

Cheng Daodao: Li Ming, our cinemas are becoming more and more popular with audiences, and I think we can consider expanding the scale of our cinemas.

Li Ming: Yes, we can add more seats to provide a comfortable viewing environment for more audiences.

Cheng Daodao: At the same time, we can also introduce more advanced projection equipment to improve the quality of the movie-watching experience.

Li Ming: Yes, modern digital projection technology has made tremendous progress, and we can consider upgrading.

Cheng Daodao: In addition to the technical equipment, we can also consider expanding our event space to host more cultural events and film parties.

Li Ming: This will further increase audience engagement and interactivity, making the cinema a place for social and cultural exchange.

Cheng Daodao: Our goal is to make the cinema a comprehensive cultural center, where audiences can experience more fun and inspiration.

Li Ming: I couldn't agree more. We will continue to work with producers and filmmakers to bring in more excellent films and enrich our screening plans.

(Cheng Daodao and Li Ming are looking forward to the future direction of cinema, determined to make it a more unique and influential cultural venue.)

End of story:

Cheng Daodao and Li Ming continue to improve and develop the cinema through dialogue and feedback with the audience. They are determined to expand the size of the cinema hall, enhance the movie-going experience, introduce state-of-the-art projection equipment, and host more cultural events and film parties. Their goal is to make the cinema a comprehensive cultural center where audiences can enjoy the charm of cinema and share their love and insights with them. The efforts of Cheng Daodao and Li Ming have pushed cinemas to a new level and become an important pillar of cultural development in small cities. Audiences also make the cinema a vibrant and creative place through their participation and feedback. Together, they created a time full of memories and inspiration that left a lasting impression.

Act 17

: (Cinema Hall, Cheng Daodao and Li Ming have a conversation with the audience)

Scene: Cinema HallCheng

Daodao: How is the movie screening today? What do you think of the movie?Audience


This is an unforgettable movie! It made me think about a lot of life questions and aroused deep resonance.

Li Ming: Thank you for your feedback. We hope to bring a meaningful cinematic experience to the audience, so that you can be inspired and thought about during the viewing process.

Audience Member 2: I really like the atmosphere of this movie theater. Whether it's a movie being screened or an event being held, it makes people feel warm and happy.

Cheng Guoguo: We attach great importance to the feelings of the audience and strive to create a comfortable and energetic environment where you can enjoy the charm of the film and communicate with others.

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