On a sunny day, a fashionably dressed young man walked into Cheng Daodao's french fry stand.

Youth: Hello, I'm a producer of a TV show. I heard that the fries here are very famous, so I came here to make a show about traditional food.

Cheng Daodao: (excited) Wow, this is a great opportunity! Welcome, welcome! We are honored to be a part of your show.

Youth: I've heard that your family's fries have a flavor inherited from the 60s, can you let me know for myself and feel the tradition?

Cheng Daodao: Of course! Please try our fries, we hope you will enjoy it.

(Cheng Daodao personally made a french fries for the youth, and after the youth tasted it, his face showed a satisfied expression.) Youth

: It's really a unique flavor, and I can feel that there are a lot of stories and emotions in it.

Cheng Daodao: (excited) Yes, each french fries represents the family's tradition and persistence, and it is a memory that has been passed down from generation to generation.

Youth: I think this is a very meaningful story, you use food to convey the emotions of the family, and this will be a very touching program.

Cheng Daodao: Thank you for your appreciation. We are committed to passing on this tradition so that more people can understand and love this flavor.

(With the filming of the producers, the story of Cheng Daodao will be presented on the TV program and become a moving landscape.)

Producer: (Emotional) Your family's fries are not only delicious, but also a touching story. I am sure that this show will be loved by the audience.

Cheng Daodao: I hope that through this program, more people can understand and pay attention to the traditional delicacy of our family.

(Time flies, and after the TV show aired, it attracted widespread attention and praise.) As a result, Cheng Daodao's french fry stalls have attracted more tourists and become a part of the city's landscape.

Xiaohong: Brother Big Country, our french fries stand has become so lively!

Cheng Daodao: Yes, this program has made more people know us and let more people taste this traditional delicacy.

Uncle Gu: Young man, you are really amazing. Your insistence on inheriting the flavor of your family not only makes us proud, but also allows more people to taste this deliciousness.

Cheng Daodao: Thank you for your continued support and encouragement, Uncle Gu. I will always insist on passing on our family's fries to more people happy and touched.

(With Cheng Daoguo's persistence and efforts, the french fries stand has become a legend, and the story of inheritance is also remembered by more and more people.) In this alley, the flavors of the 60s are perpetuated, conveying the emotions and traditions of the family. Cheng Daodao's french fries stand has not only become a representative of food, but also a symbol of moving and perseverance.

(In front of the french fries stand, a middle-aged woman walked over, she looked at Cheng Daodao's fries stand, looking a little hesitant.)

Middle-aged woman: Hello, I've heard that the fries here are special, but I don't know much about traditional flavors and don't know what to order.

Cheng Daodao: Hello and welcome to our french fries stand. If you're not sure what to order, I can recommend our signature fries set, which contains our family's classic flavours and some side dishes.

Middle-aged woman: Let's have a signature fries set. I've heard that the fries here have a unique story, right?

Cheng Daodao: Yes, our fries are inherited from the classic flavor of the 60s, passed down from generation to generation, carrying our family's emotions and traditions. We hope that through this delicacy, more people can understand and feel our story.

Middle-aged woman: Sounds very touching. I also love food with a story. Wait a minute, I see some old photos hanging on your stall, is it your family's history?

Cheng Daodao: Yes, these photos record the inheritance of our family from the past to the present. This is my great-grandfather, this is my grandfather ... Every generation is sticking to this tradition.

Middle-aged woman: (Interestedly) Your family's fries really look like they've been passed down from generation to generation, and I think there must be a lot of touching stories behind that.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, each generation has its own story and persistence. When I was a child, I heard my grandfather tell stories about our family's legacy, and this is one of the motivations for me to keep the legacy.

Middle-aged woman: You're such an amazing young man. Not only are you protecting your family's traditions, but you're also letting more people know about the delicacy and the story.

Cheng Daodao: Thank you for your affirmation. I feel that with this tradition, our fries are no longer just an ordinary delicacy, but a bond between people and emotions.

(Cheng Daodao brings the new signature fries set to the middle-aged woman, who tastes it excitedly with a satisfied smile on her face.) Middle-aged

woman: It's delicious! I can feel the tradition and the care.

Cheng Daodao: I'm glad you like it. We will continue to work hard to pass on this traditional flavor and bring warmth and emotion to more people.

(After the middle-aged woman finished tasting, she smiled and said goodbye to Cheng Daodao.) Middle-aged

woman: Thank you for giving me a wonderful dining experience, and thank you for letting me know your family's story. I wish you all the best of luck!

Cheng Daodao: Thank you for coming, and thank you for your recognition. We will continue to preserve this tradition and pass it on.

(After the middle-aged woman left, Cheng Daodao and Xiaohong's family were full of emotion.)

Xiaohong: Brother Big Country, you see, our fries are not only delicious, but also make people feel stories and emotions.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, I think our family's french fries stall is not only a business, but also conveys a spirit of perseverance and tradition.

Uncle Gu: Young man, your persistence and hard work have changed the fate of this alley. Our family tradition is perfectly continued in your hands.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, this traditional flavor is not only my personal responsibility, but also the glory of my family. I will continue to work hard to pass on this deliciousness.

(In joy and emotion, Cheng Daodao's french fries stand continues his inheritance.) Every day, someone walks into his stall to taste this traditional delicacy and taste those precipitated memories. The flavor of the 60s, passed down through time, has become a story worth remembering. And Cheng Daodao, his story will continue to bring happiness and emotion to more people.

(In the days that followed, Cheng Daodao's french fry stand continued to operate busily and happily.) One evening, a strange middle-aged man walked up to the stall, he looked a little tired. Strange

man: Hello, I heard that the fries here are famous, and this is my first time trying them.


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