Title: Reminiscing about the journey of the 60s

protagonist: Cheng Daodao (referred to as Cheng) Scene: Cheng Daodao

grew up in the countryside and joined the army in 1965 as a soldier.

(Scene: Recruitment Office)

Recruitment Officer: Cheng Daodao, have you signed up for the army?

Cheng: Yes, I want to contribute to the country.

Recruiter: Good! The decision was wise. Do you have any specialties?

Cheng: (modestly) I grew up in the countryside and am familiar with farming and animal care.

Recruiter: If you are from a rural area, then you can consider choosing an agricultural company after enlisting in the army and give full play to your strengths.

Cheng: Okay, I'm willing.

(Act 2: Basic Training Ground)

Instructor: Up! Stand! You're recruits! From today onwards, I am your instructor! Make you good warriors!

Cheng: (shouting slogan) Yes!

Instructor: Looks like you're not a bunch of lazy guys, yes. Start running, five kilometers!

(After a few weeks of basic

training) Cheng: (panting) Instructor, why are you training us so hard?

Instructor: Cheng Daodao, do you know? What the army needs is a united, resilient warrior. Your training is to develop this quality.

Cheng: I see, instructor.

Comrade-in-Arms 1: Cheng, your rural background comes in handy, and our crops are growing much better than in previous years because of your help.

Cheng: We are all comrades-in-arms, and I'm glad I can help.

Comrade-in-arms 2: Come, Cheng, let's sing a peasant song together!


: The enemy is in ambush ahead, we must move forward carefully!

Cheng: Comrades-in-arms, follow the commander closely and stay vigilant!

(After a fierce battle

) Cheng: (clenching the butt) Victory! We've won!

Comrade-in-Arms 1: Great, we all survived!

Comrade-in-Arms 2: With your courage and determination, we can defeat the enemy!

(Act 5: Discharge Ceremony)

Senior Officer: Thank you for your contribution to the country! You are brave warriors!

Cheng: (with tears in my eyes) Thank you for tissue culture, I will always remember it!

(Act 6: On the Way Home)

Comrade-in-Arms 1: Cheng, are you planning to return to the countryside?

Cheng: Yes, I want to go back and see my family and help my parents farm.

Comrade-in-Arms 2: You are such a good son, I admire you.

Cheng: These are all things I should do.

(Back in the countryside, Cheng saw his parents, they hugged tightly)

Father: Son, you're back!

Mother: We are always proud of you!

Cheng: Mom and Dad, with your support and understanding, I can get to where I am today.

Recalling the journey of the 60s, Cheng Daodao knew that although he was just an ordinary person among many people who joined the army, his dedication and courage to the country forged his true heroic character. No matter how the years passed, those years of joining the army will always be the most precious memory of his life.


: (Sitting at the dinner table at home) Mom and Dad, I was doing well in the army and made a lot of good friends.

Father: I heard that you are still helping everyone grow crops in the army, which is not easy!

Mother: Well, it seems that you can also come in handy in the army.

Cheng: Yes, the training in the army has made me stronger and I have learned to work together.

Father: When you came back this time, did you feel that life in the army was very hard?

Cheng: Yes, life in the army is really hard, but I have learned a lot from it. In the military, I learned to persevere, to learn not to back down in the face of difficulties.

Mother: Listen to you, we're really proud of you.

Cheng: I would like to thank you for your support and education, which has brought me to where I am today.


1: Cheng Daodao, I heard that you performed very bravely in the army?

Cheng: Wherever I was, I just did my duty as a soldier.

Villager 2: It is worthy of being a good seedling in our village!

Cheng: I'm really grateful for everyone complimenting me. However, there are many more heroic and outstanding comrades in the army.

Comrade-in-arms 1: Cheng, what are your plans after you retire from the army?

Cheng: I plan to return to the countryside and continue to help my parents farm. At the same time, I also want to use the skills I learned in the army to help the village increase agricultural production.

Comrade-in-Arms 2: That's great, you can play your best in the countryside and benefit more people.

Cheng: Yes, I think my work in the countryside is also a way to contribute to the country.

(Act 10: After the discharge ceremony, Cheng walks on

the train home) Cheng: (Sitting in the train car, looking at the scenery outside the window) It's been a long time since I've been back to this place.


Daodao sat on the train home, his heart full of nostalgia for his army and comrades-in-arms. He knew that this experience of joining the army would stay with him forever. No matter where he goes, he will use his practical actions to integrate the qualities learned in the army into his daily life. Back in the countryside, he will use the tenacity and determination cultivated by the army to contribute to the development of his hometown. Cheng Dao's journey is just a microcosm of the countless soldiers in this era, and this history will always be engraved in their hearts.

(Act 11: The farmland in the village, Cheng is busy farming)

Villager 3: Cheng Daodao, you are back! I heard that you are doing quite well in the army.

Cheng: Yes, thank you for your concern. I benefited a lot from the military, and now that I'm back, I want to apply what I've learned to the farmland.

Villager 4: That's great! Our village's farmland needs someone to manage and guide it, and you are the right person.

Cheng: Thank you for your trust, I will do my best.


5: Cheng Daodao, you are an experienced warrior, how do you think we should improve the cultivation of farmland?

Cheng: I think we can introduce some modern agricultural techniques, such as proper fertilization and pest control. At the same time, it is also important to organize farmers to learn some advanced planting methods Xi.

Villager 6: Sounds good! We support your plans!

(Act 13: Farmland Improvement Implementation

) Process: (Leading a group of farmers, patiently guiding) In this way, when the canals are laid, the water can penetrate into the soil more evenly.

Farmer 7: Captain Cheng, you are such a good teacher!

Cheng: Don't be so polite, we are all family.


8: Look at this harvest, it's a lot more than in previous years!

Cheng: Everyone's efforts have not been in vain, and we have ushered in such a good harvest together.


Cheng Daoguo used the practical skills he learned in the army to lead the villagers to improve the cultivation of farmland, which not only increased the yield of crops, but also led to the development of the entire village. Thanks to his efforts, life in the village gradually became richer and happier. Cheng Daodao used his own actions to prove that the qualities learned in the military are also applicable to people's livelihood.

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