(The middle-aged man's approval excites Cheng Daodao and Xiaohong, who know that this is another new chapter for them and their noodle stand.)

Xiaohong: Dad, this is really great

(The middle-aged man sat down with Cheng Daodao and Xiaohong to chat after tasting the noodles.)

Middle-aged man: Master Cheng Daodao, your noodles are really eye-opening for me. I am sure that introducing your craft to my restaurant will be well received by diners.

Cheng Daodao: Thank you very much for your recognition, this is my greatest honor. I will carry my craft forward and bring delicious food to more people.

Middle-aged man: Your daughter Xiaohong is also very powerful, and I am deeply impressed by her creativity and enthusiasm. I hope there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Xiaohong: Thank you for the compliment. I am also looking forward to working with you to bring more surprises to diners.

(As they talk about the possibility of working together, a strange lady walks up to the noodle stand.) Strange

Lady: Excuse me, is this Cheng Daodao's noodle stand?

Cheng Daodao: Yes, that's right. I am Cheng Daodao. Is there anything you need?

Ms. Stranger: I'm a reporter from a food selection magazine, and I heard that the noodles here are very special, so I came here to interview them.

Cheng Daodao: Oh? It was a pleasant surprise. Welcome, we hope you will enjoy our noodles.

Strange Lady: Thank you. I've heard that you have quite a few unique flavors, can you tell me about them?

Cheng Daodao: Of course, we have been innovating while inheriting traditions. For example, in this bowl of noodles that you just tasted, we tried to add new seasonings and spices to create a unique flavor.

Xiaohong: We also have some other flavors, such as seafood noodles, spicy noodles, etc., which are all creative creations of ours.

Strange Lady: Sounds interesting. Can I taste these different flavors of noodles?

Cheng Daodao: Of course! We will prepare some samples for you to taste.

(Cheng Daodao and Xiaohong get busy, preparing several samples of noodles with different flavors for the strange lady.)

Xiaohong: Please try this bowl of seafood noodles, we have added fresh seafood, we hope to bring you a different experience.

Cheng Daodao: This is our signature spicy noodles, I hope you can enjoy it.

(The strange lady nods in satisfaction after trying a few bowls of different flavors of noodles.) Strange

Lady: These flavors are really unique, I've tried a lot of noodles, but it's rare to see a creativity like yours. I will write your story in our food magazine so that more people can know about it.

Cheng Daodao: Thank you so much, this is our greatest honor.

Xiaohong: Thank you very much for your support, we will continue to work hard to bring more delicious food to our diners.

(With the report of the Food Selection Magazine, Cheng Daodao's noodle stall became more famous in the city.) Their noodle stories are known and loved by more people, so that the food legends of Cheng Daodao and Xiaohong continue in the city.

(After a report in Gourmet Selection Magazine, the diners in front of the noodle stalls became more bustling.) Cheng Daodao and Xiaohong have been busy, but they are also very happy.

Xiaohong: Dad, you see, more and more diners have heard about our noodles and come to taste them. This report from the Food Selection magazine really helped us a lot.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, kid, thank you for the reporter's report and let more people know about our noodles. But more importantly, our noodles are made with care, and satisfying diners is the most important thing.

Xiaohong: Yes, our efforts have paid off. Dad, you know what? I've recently had some new ideas and wanted to try making noodles into other shapes.

Cheng Daodao: Oh? Do you have any new ideas? Tell Daddy about it.

Xiaohong: I saw a new noodle restaurant in the city, and they made noodles in the shape of small round balls, called "dough zi", which was very popular. I think we can try something similar as well.

Cheng Daodao: "Dough"? Sounds interesting. We can try making the noodles into small round balls and see how it works.

Xiaohong: Yes, and I also wanted to make them different colors and use natural ingredients to make the dough look more attractive.

Cheng Daodao: This is a good idea! The use of natural ingredients to match colors is not only beautiful, but also healthy. We can try it out, and maybe it will have unexpected effects.

(So, they started experimenting with new ideas and making a batch of colorful dough.)

Xiaohong: Look, Dad, these colorful dough pieces look so beautiful!

Cheng Daodao: Indeed, the different colors make them look like small gems. Let's try it and see how it feels and tastes.

(After a while, the colored dough is cooked and served to a diner.)

Diner: Wow, these little dough pieces look so cute!

Cheng Daodao: This is our new idea, I hope you will like it.

Diner: I'll try it. Well, the taste is really good, and the color looks appetizing.

Xiaohong: Thank you for the compliment, we are always trying to bring new flavors to our diners.

(Diners were raving about the new idea as they tasted the colorful dough.) With the passage of time, the dough has also become the new signature of Chengguo's noodle stall.

Gui: Master Cheng Daodao, you see that this new idea is really hot! The dough has become one of our signatures.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, kid, your creativity is really amazing. Not only does the dough look beautiful, but it also tastes good. Diners loved it.

Xiaohong: Dad, I think our noodle stalls are becoming more and more diverse, and our efforts have paid off more.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, children, we are not only passing on the tradition, but also constantly innovating to make the noodle stand more attractive. We want to keep working hard to make more delicious food.

(With the success of the dough, Cheng Daodao and Xiaohong's noodle stalls became more and more prosperous.) They make noodles with heart, convey happiness with creativity, and become representatives of the city's cuisine. There

are more and more diners in front of the

noodle stall, Cheng Daodao and Xiaohong are still busy, but everyone's smiles are bright and happy.

Gui: (wiping sweat) Dad, with so many diners, our noodle business is really getting better and better!

Cheng Daodao: Yes, kid, our efforts have finally paid off. I feel like this is just a new beginning, and there are many more possibilities in the future.

Xiaohong: Dad is right, we can't stop working hard, we must continue to innovate and improve, and bring more surprises to diners.

(While they are chatting, a young man walks up to the noodle stand.) )

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