Act 42

: (International space cooperation continues to deepen, Cheng Daodao and aerospace experts from different countries discuss the direction of future cooperation)

Aerospace expert I: Mr. Cheng Daodao, your aerospace experience has a great inspiration for our country's aerospace industry. We hope to strengthen cooperation with China.

Cheng Daodao: (Passionately) I am very willing to cooperate with you. The aerospace industry requires global joint efforts, sharing achievements, and jointly pursuing the glory of the starry sky.

Aerospace expert J: We all believe that only through cooperation can we better advance the interstellar voyage of mankind.

Cheng Daodao: Yes, the starry sky is our common home, let us work together to make the development of the aerospace industry a well-being for all mankind.

Act 43: The Revelation of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao and the young aerospace engineer stand under the starry sky with a lot of emotion) Cheng Daodao: The starry sky

is an endless revelation, which allows us to understand the connection between human beings and the universe, and inspires us to constantly pursue truth and wisdom.

Young man: It is precisely because of the guidance of the starry sky that we can go further and further on the road of aerospace.

Cheng Daodao: (smiling) Young people, continue to pass on the dream of the starry sky, so that the aerospace industry will never stop.

Act 44: The Prospect of the Starry Sky

(At an exhibition of aerospace science and technology, young aerospace engineers show off the latest aerospace technological achievements)

Audience 1: The development of China's aerospace industry is truly amazing!

Audience 2: Yes, they have made many new breakthroughs in space technology.

Cheng Daodao: (Stepping forward to explain to the audience) This is the crystallization of the wisdom of the younger generation of aerospace engineers, and the result of our joint efforts.

Audience 3: Mr. Cheng Daodao, your aerospace industry has brought us infinite hope and confidence.

Cheng Daodao: (Emotionally) The prospect of the starry sky is full of infinite possibilities, and I believe that future astronauts will continue to open up new voyages.

Act 45: The continuation of the starry sky (at an important space event, Cheng Daodao's speech) Cheng Daodao: (

passionate) The continuation of the starry sky

is inseparable from the efforts of a new generation of astronauts. Let us shoulder our responsibilities together and make unremitting efforts for the development of the aerospace industry!

Audience: (applauding) The starry sky continues, the starry sky continues!

Act 46: The Eternity of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao stands in the small courtyard again, looking up at

the starry sky) Cheng Daodao: (silently prays in my heart) May the future astronauts continue to inherit the dream of the starry sky and write new legends. The splendor of the starry sky never ends.


47 of the story: The hope of the starry sky

(at an important space forum, Cheng Daodao and young aerospace engineers reunited)

Young man: Mr. Cheng Daodao, you have been fighting for the aerospace industry all your life, and your fighting spirit is our model.

Cheng Daodao: (smiles) Thank you for your compliments. I used to be a young astronaut, and now I am very proud to see the progress made by generations of your young people in the field of space.

Young people: We will continue to inherit your aerospace dream and continue to work hard for the glory of the starry sky.

Cheng Daodao: (encouragingly) Keep up the good work! The future of the stars is in your hands, believe in yourself, and you will definitely achieve something.

Act 48: The Connection of the Starry Sky

(At the International Space Conference, Cheng Daodao and aerospace experts from various countries shared their research results)

Aerospace expert K: Mr. Cheng Daodao, your aerospace experience has had a positive impact on our country's aerospace industry.

Cheng Daodao: (humbly) Thank you for the compliment. The space industry should not be limited by national borders, and only cooperation can make us progress together.

Aerospace expert L: We hope to deepen cooperation with China in more areas.

Cheng Daodao: (gladly) Very happy. Let us contribute wisdom and strength to the interstellar voyage of mankind.

Act 49: Harmony in the Starry Sky

(At the International Space Cooperation Conference, aerospace experts from various countries discuss cooperation plans)

Cheng Daguo: The space industry is the common cause of mankind, and we should adhere to the concept of cooperation, openness and win-win cooperation, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the space industry.

Aerospace expert M: Mr. Cheng Daodao is right. Only by working together can we share the treasures of the starry sky.

Cheng Daodao: (smiles) Let's move forward hand in hand and create a new chapter in the starry sky together.

Act 50: The Inheritance of the Starry Sky

(Young aerospace engineers hold an exhibition in the Aerospace History Museum to show the public Cheng Daoguo's aerospace deeds)

Visitor 1: Mr. Cheng Daodao is really a great aerospace hero!

Visitor 2: His dream of space is an inspiration to our generation of young people.

Young Aerospace Engineer: Yes, we will continue to inherit his aerospace spirit and contribute to the aerospace industry.

Act 51: The Hope of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao returned to the small courtyard again, looking up at the bright

starry sky) Cheng Daodao: (silently prayed in my heart) May the future astronauts continue to cherish their love for the starry sky and chase their dreams of the starry sky. May the space industry always be full of hope and prospects.

(End of story: Cheng Dao's dream of space is the never-dying flame of human interstellar voyage.) He used his life to write the legend of the dream of the starry sky. Under his leadership, China's aerospace industry has flourished and continues to advance towards a broader unknown. His story inspires countless young people to pursue their dreams and achieve great things. Under the guidance of the starry sky, human beings will continue to break out of their cocoons and become butterflies and fly towards a better future. The dream of the starry sky will never be extinguished.

Act 52: The Future of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao and the young aerospace engineer sit down in the courtyard and look forward to the future together)

Young man: Mr. Cheng Daodao, your aerospace career has become a legend in our hearts. In the future, how can we continue to move forward and let the dream of the stars shine brightly?

Cheng Daodao: (After a moment of contemplation) The future is infinitely possible. We need to continue to embrace innovation and scientific and technological progress to push space technology to new heights. At the same time, we should also pay attention to talent training, attract more young people to devote themselves to the aerospace industry, and inherit our aerospace spirit.

Young People: Yes, I think we also need more open and inclusive international cooperation, so that we can jointly address global challenges and share the fruits of space development.

Cheng Daodao: That's right. International cooperation is a key factor in promoting the development of the space industry, and by working together, we can better explore the mysteries of the starry sky for the benefit of all mankind.

Act 53: The Mission of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daoguo delivered a speech at the launching ceremony of an

important space project) Cheng Daodao: Distinguished guests and dear colleagues, we officially launch this important space project on this beautiful day. This is not only a feat of our country, but also the exploration and desire of all mankind for the starry sky.

Audience: (Applause)

Cheng Daoguo: The mission of the aerospace industry is to break the boundaries, open up the unknown, let us make progress together, and make the dream of the starry sky a common wealth for all mankind.

AUDIENCE: (Applause again).

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