Act 65

: (At Cheng Daodao's parting ceremony, everyone says goodbye to him)

Young man: Mr. Cheng Daodao, you are the pride of our astronauts. Your space career will always be in our hearts.

Cheng Daodao: (Saying with emotion) I will always miss this beautiful space time. I will pass on my legacy to you, and I hope you will continue to move forward and pursue your own dream of starry sky.

Act 66: The Inheritance of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao is in the small courtyard, facing the bright starry sky, his heart is full of emotion) Cheng Daodao

: (talking to himself) The dream of the starry sky will never be extinguished. My dream of space flight continues in the hands of you young people, and I believe that you will write an even more brilliant space legend.

(The starry sky in the small courtyard shines with the light of hope

) Act 67: The Future of the Starry Sky

(At the launching ceremony of a new space mission, Cheng Daodao was invited to witness) Cheng Daodao

: This is a new era of spaceflight, a new beginning. I am confident that you, the younger generation, will forge ahead and open a new chapter in spaceflight.

Audience: (Applause)

Young man: Mr. Cheng Daodao, you are a great pioneer of our aerospace industry. We will continue to inherit your aerospace dream and continue to work hard for the glory of the starry sky.

Cheng Daodao: (smiles) I have full confidence in you. May the future of the starry sky be full of infinite hope and possibilities.

Act 68: The Continuation of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao and young aerospace engineers stand at the space launch site together to witness a new space mission)

Young people: This is our moment, let us witness the new glory of the aerospace industry together.

Cheng Daodao: (excitedly speaking) Yes, let us continue to work together for the starry sky!

Act 69: The Eternity of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao stands in the small courtyard again, looking up at

the starry sky) Cheng Daodao: (silently prays in my heart) May the future astronauts continue to inherit the dream of the starry sky and write new legends. The splendor of the starry sky never ends.

Act 70: The Glory of the Starry Sky

(At an International Space Awards Ceremony

, Cheng Daodao received a special honorary award) Host: Now, one of the greatest astronauts of all time, Mr. Cheng Daodao, is invited to the stage to receive the special honorary award!

Audience: (standing ovation

) Cheng Daodao: (Emotionally on stage) Thank you very much for your affirmation of me. I have been chasing the dream of the starry sky all my life, and this honor belongs to all the people who support me and every contributor to the aerospace industry.

Audience: (Applause again

) Act 71: Perception of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao and the young aerospace engineer strolling in the courtyard)

Young man: Mr. Cheng Daodao, your lifelong experience in aerospace is very valuable to us.

Cheng Daodao: (smiling) Aerospace is a big science, and I'm just one of the students. I realized in the starry sky how deep the connection between human beings and the universe is, and we should be humble to explore and face the mysteries of the starry sky.

Young man: We have benefited greatly from your humility and wisdom.

Cheng Daodao: Each of us is a traveler exploring under the starry sky, let us join hands with each other to keep moving forward and unlock more mysteries of the starry sky...

Act 72: The Hope of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao gave a speech at an aerospace academy to inspire students who are about to devote themselves to the aerospace industry) Cheng

Daodao: Young people who are about to embark on the journey of astronautics, you are the hope of the future and the hope of the starry sky. I hope you will embrace your dreams, persevere, and contribute to the aerospace industry.

Student 1: Mr. Cheng Daodao, your aerospace deeds are our role model. I will definitely work hard for the aerospace industry!

Cheng Daodao: (encouraging) I'm glad to hear you say that. I hope that you can all become future aerospace pioneers and promote the take-off of the aerospace industry. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Act Seventy-Three: The Vision of

the Starry Sky (Cheng Daodao and Young Aerospace Engineers Talk About the Future Under the Starry Sky) Young

Man: Mr. Cheng Daodao, your aerospace career has brought us endless longing and hope.

Cheng Daodao: (smiling) The future of the starry sky is bright and beautiful, and I believe that your young generation will create more miracles.

Young people: We will continue to inherit your aerospace spirit and let the glory of the starry sky continue to bloom.

Cheng Daodao: (Encouragingly) There may be bumps in the road to aerospace in the future, but as long as you have firm beliefs and move forward bravely, the dream of the starry sky will continue to get closer.

Act Seventy-Four: The Faith in the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao speaks at a ceremony to celebrate a space project) Cheng Daodao

: Aerospace is a stage for human beings to move forward, and it is our belief in exploring the mysteries of the universe. Let us protect this faith together and strive for the glory of the starry sky.

Audience: (in unison) Fight for the glory of the starry sky!

Act Seventy-Five: Looking Back at the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao returned to the small courtyard again, looking up at the bright

starry sky) Cheng Daodao: (silently praying in my heart) May the future astronauts continue to inherit the dream of the starry sky and write new legends. The splendor of the starry sky never stops.

(The starry sky in the small courtyard is shining with eternal brilliance

) Act 76: The Promise of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao Speaks at a Space Cooperation Conference)

Cheng Daodao: The space industry is the cause of all mankind, and we should regard international cooperation as an important way to promote the development of space. Only by working together can we better explore the mysteries of the starry sky for the benefit of all mankind.

Aerospace expert P: Mr. Cheng Daodao is right. International cooperation not only helps to share technology and resources, but also enhances friendship and understanding among nations.

Cheng Daodao: Exactly. Let us protect the dream of the starry sky together, regardless of borders, and strive for the glory of the starry sky.

Act Seventy-Seven: The Journey of the Stars

(Cheng Daodao and young aerospace engineers participated in a space seminar)

Young man: Mr. Cheng Daodao, you have always been our role model. Your journey in space inspires us to keep moving forward.

Cheng Daodao: (Encouraging words) You are the successors of the aerospace industry, the younger generation, continue to work hard and create more brilliance.

Young people: Yes, we will inherit your aerospace spirit and contribute to the future of the starry sky.

Act Seventy-Eight: The Revelation of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao is in the small courtyard, recalling his aerospace journey) Cheng Daodao

: The dream of the starry sky is not only the dream of our astronauts, but also the driving force for mankind to move forward. I hope that my experience can inspire those who come after me to pursue their dreams and move forward.

Act Seventy-Nine: The Unknown of the Starry Sky

(Cheng Daodao and the young aerospace engineer gaze at the starry sky together during a stargazing activity at night)

Young man: The starry sky is full of infinite unknowns, and we can never fully explore its mysteries.

Cheng Daodao: (smiles) It is precisely because of this that the vastness of the starry sky makes us feel small, but it is precisely because of this endless unknown that we have the motivation to continue to explore.

Young man: I hope that one day, we will be able to embark on a more distant interstellar journey...

Cheng Daodao: As long as you stick to your dreams and continue to work hard, this day will eventually come...

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