Bagir was stunned, then ecstatic

"Boss! Tamerik breathed a sigh of relief,"If nothing was wrong, you should have spoken out earlier.""

Ganash and the other two guardians showed an expected smile.

The Rain Octopus looks really scary.

But the fire of the sky has the highest propulsion power among the seven attributes.

Even if it cannot resist, it will definitely be able to defeat it. At that moment, he was far away from the tentacle attack of the Rain Octopus!

Since Sawada Iemitsu did not choose to dodge, it means that in his opinion, there is no need to dodge.

Tamerik and Bajir are not fools. It can only be said that caring leads to chaos. Too concerned about Sawada Iemitsu.

Ganash and Iemitsu are about the same age.

Their previous friendship was a little closer than the others.

Ganash's ring flashed with lightning and asked

"Do you need help?"

"Thanks," Iemitsu's voice continued,"I have to solve it quickly, Nana is still waiting for me to go back for dinner."

Hearing this, Tamerik shot the bullet at the Rain Octopus.

It had a distracting effect.

Bajir threw the boomerang into the blind spot of Gurojisinia's sight.

Trying to solve the release box People with weapons.

But just when the boomerang was about to hit the enemy, a long tentacle blocked the attack.

Apparently the enemy was aware of their intentions.

Now, protected by the tentacles.

Ancient Rokisinia can He safely used the remaining tentacles to attack other enemies.

Seeing this,

Ganash calmly transferred the attack behind Gurojisinia.

In front of Gurojisinia, he did this The frightened Gurojisinia had no time to care about the life and death of those cannon fodders.

How could he be okay!?

The Rain Demon's attack had indeed reached the target!

At this thought,

Gurojisinia noticed There was a powerful force of resistance.

A flame burst out from the overlapping tentacles!

The tentacles of the box weapon stiffened for a moment, and gradually turned into a long stone and shattered in the horrified eyes of its owner.

At the same time, His heart is beating violently——"reconcile!"

"The opponent turned out to be a flame with the sky attribute!"Grokisinia is simply unbelievable.

People with this attribute are extremely rare.

Even the flames used by many heads of small families may not have the attribute of the sky.

A guard who appeared here actually also possesses the sky. The power of fire?


Guro Jisiniya immediately thought: Will ordinary people be able to protect Vongola IX?

Impossible. There are not many strong people who use pickaxes as weapons.

But with the sky attribute flame people as the basis for screening.

Ancient Rokisinia knew a lot of information.

The man who walked out of the pit carried the dilapidated pickaxe on his shoulders.

Can it collide with the tentacles of the Rain Demon? It has not been damaged for a long time.

It is obvious that this pickaxe is extraordinary.

What is even more surprising is this enemy who seems to have little power!

Guro Jisiniya said in a deep voice:"Are you the outsider who resigned many years ago? Chief of Advisors?"

Extensive knowledge and strong memory is one of his strengths.

The man chuckled:"The leader of the consultants outside the door? what is that?"

"Now I am just an ordinary middle-aged man waiting to go back to eat."

Damn guy... Gurojisinya cursed in his heart.

To be honest, he calmed down a lot.

After subconsciously analyzing according to the previous thinking, he also saw the enemies surrounding him.

Although he followed them. Support Sawada Iemitsu.

The eighth unit must have gradually broken through the enemy's original defense point.

After holding on for a while, he will be able to meet up with the members of the unit and deal with these annoying flies.

However, he needs to delay for a while before he can complete it. This plan seemed to be impossible if it relied solely on the Rain Demon.

Ancient Roxenia immediately released another box and summoned the Rain Owl!

Heavy rain poured down.

The waves rose again.

The Rain Demon bathed in the water. The devil's strength and flexibility have obviously increased a lot!

The intact tentacles are violently attacking Sawada Iemitsu.

However, this man still only uses the pickaxe on his shoulder to strike out the rain again and again like iron. Tentacles of the Devil

"That pickaxe is absolutely extraordinary!"Gurokisinia flashed this idea.

Ordinary weapons, even box weapons, would have been shattered by the attack of the Rain Demon!

Behind him, support attacks from Ganash and others arrived one after another.

Facing him. Regarding these, Ancient Rockisinia's current methods are considered to be at their wits end.

One is to use the waves condensed by the Rain Flame to defend themselves.

The other is to rely on the tentacles of the Rain Demon to protect themselves.

The more critical the moment.

Ancient Rockisinia Yagotsu is calm.

Both sides always choose one side as the main target.

In comparison.

Under such circumstances, Gurojisinia chose to transfer the main conflict to Sawada Iemitsu!

If this powerful enemy can be solved.

Then he can snatch Vongola IX as bait without hesitation!

Otherwise, this raid will become a joke.

It went smoothly, but ended up overturning.

It is undoubtedly the most deplorable bad result.

Gu Luo Kythynia didn’t even know if he could go back intact!

So, the strength and attack frequency of the Rain Demon increased again.

Ancient Kythynia decided to fight to the death

"It's almost done."

Sawada Iemitsu glanced at the castle behind him and said calmly:"Let's end it like this."

There is no need to waste any more time.

He smashed the tentacles of the octopus with force, and the fire of the death energy of the sky flashed on his forehead. He kicked off his feet and rushed to the top of the octopus's head in the blink of an eye.

The pickaxe was in his hand, and the Sawada family was naked. He exerted force in his belly and transferred the power to the pickaxe.

The flame burned and enveloped the ordinary-sized pickaxe. It condensed into a much larger flame weapon!

Then, an unbelievable sudden action occurred in Ancient Rokisinia. With his eyes narrowed, he smashed down with a bang!

Even though

Gurojisinia tried hard to complete the defense with the remaining tentacles.

But in front of the speed of the sky, it seemed extremely slow. (To read Kuangshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The pickaxe collided with the octopus's head.

The high-temperature flames burned its skin until it turned white, and then black!

Like waves.

The petrified lines gradually wrapped around the noisy giant octopus.

"impossible! impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

Even if the facts are already in front of you.

For today's Gurojisinia, his calm mood has been thrown out of the sky!

A second ago, he was still thinking about bursting out his power and solving the enemy.

At this moment, it seems that The enemy could only defend himself under the tentacles of the Rain Demon.

But he rushed forward in an instant.

With a speed that he could not react at all, he petrified the Rain Demon!

Flames surged on the Sawada family's bald heads, with sharp expressions, and they raised their pickaxes again. Son.

At this moment.

How is he still a boring middle-aged uncle?

He is the former leader of the outside consultant who has experienced hundreds of battles and solved countless troubles. A powerful warrior known as the Vongola Lion!

Guluojixi Nia understood deeply. If the Rain Demon dissipated, it would be too late to summon him again to fight against the enemy at his speed.

——"Wait, wait!"

In his distorted and meaningless shouting.


The pickaxe came into contact with the petrified Rain Demon.

The huge octopus statue caused a large amount of gravel to splash!

What a coincidence.

One is not big. A large stone just hit Gurojisinia's glasses.

In an instant, the lenses were covered with cracks, shattered and fell, and the frames were skewed.

Among the scattered gravel, the figure with a sharp expression, a After taking a breath, she broke through to him.

The last thing that greeted Guro Jisinia was the vague flame pickaxe!


The flames engulfed the enemy.

Soon after,

Yu Xiao, who was soaring in the sky and resisting, was lost. Supported by the flames of the master.

Dissipated together with the wave of rain.


Sawada Iemitsu fell to the ground.

The flip-flops made close contact with the ground. He punched the pickaxe towards the ground, and the flames on his head dispersed.

Tamerik Showing respect to Bagir.

Long time no see.

The boss is still so strong. It seems that he has not neglected his training after abdicating the throne!

Ganash and the other two guardians saw through Iemitsu's situation with a sophisticated eye.

As age increases, people's energy naturally loses its former glory.

Generally speaking, as combat skills increase, the flame pressure of the Life Flame will drop a lot.

This is also the case for these ninth-generation guardians.

Once the Life Flame Reduction.

The most intuitive reflection is the decline in combat power.

For the oldest guardians, the decline in combat power is even more staggering.

When the number of enemies faced increases, they will be easily exhausted.

Only some experienced ones Experience can also have some effect.

This is why Sawada Iemitsu previously arranged for several other guardians to accompany the ninth generation.

Although it seemed that Iemitsu had not taken much effort to deal with the enemy just now.

In fact,

Ganash and others knew how to deal with it. For such a huge box weapon, the consumption of flames is extremely huge.

It's just that Iemitsu always concentrates the flames on one point and bursts out, which seems ordinary!


In fact, Iemitsu's flame energy reserve.

Compared with Vongola Ten lives is not a lot.

It’s just the level of awareness and the skills honed in countless battles.

Each of Sawada Iemitsu’s strikes can be kept at the limit of flame output.

——This is also an important ability that must be mastered to become a top powerhouse!

The price is.

If you can't kill the enemy before the flames are exhausted.

Face the siege of a large number of enemies.

Sawada Iemitsu's ending is not going to be too happy.

But in general.

With his instantaneous output ability.

It's enough to beat the enemy to death in just a few moves.

The enemy commander who was killed just now.

Isn’t the Rain Guardian Guro Kythenia of Lilacia the best example?

Just listen to Ganash's slightly teasing tone:"The remaining enemies will come over soon, and it will take some effort to solve them.""

"Even if you spend a lot of fire, you won't be lazy and rest, right?"

All the enemy commanders have been killed.

After dealing with the remaining enemies, the risk has dropped a lot from a dangerous point of view.

Iemitsu scratched his belly,"To be honest, now I want to drink some beer and eat Nana. lunch"

"Drinking too much beer alone is boring.

Ganash smiled and said:"Let's finish the enemy together!""

Iemitsu sighed and was about to speak.

But suddenly he saw!

Behind Ganash and others.

At some point, a short, strange man appeared with a suture doll in his arms.

He looked nervous and frightened, but also With a strong expectation


"I have a wish...can you kill me?"

It's hard to bear. I'll squint for a while, wake up and start typing again. You don't have to wait for me tonight!"

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