Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1149: , A vision of heaven and earth!


A roar that was different from the past, spread all over the continent.

Everyone who hears this roar will have a burst of fear in his heart, as if the end is coming.

And at the next moment, as the ten tails of the ten tails surged wildly, a tyrannical black chakra suddenly burst out centered on it, and the distance involved was not one hundred meters or two hundred. Meters, but everything within a full range of one kilometer.

All people and things within this distance have suffered a merciless blow.

The tyrannical Chakra rushed in, tearing everything up or throwing it out.

Even the Five Shadows couldn't stop it at all. They just had time to protect themselves, they were blasted out by the incomparable shock wave, and fell into the distant forest without knowing their life or death.

The earth began to crack, the trees began to crumble, the clouds were torn apart, the sky began to darken, and even the earth began to shake.

In the sky, a red moon appeared!

All this seems to be a picture of the coming of the end.

But more than a thousand meters away, Zhang Xiang's figure was floating steadily in the air.

When the shock wave approached, he successfully avoided.

Of course, his attempt to kill Uchiha's attack on the soil was also forced to cancel.

And Uchiha's fate with the soil is not as good as he imagined, but he was the first to collect the powerful Chakra shock wave!

Not only was the powerful shock wave severely injured by itself, a part of the tyrannical Ten-tailed Chakra also invaded his body and clashed fiercely with his cells. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

If there is no wooden escape cell between the pillars to help suppress it, I am afraid it would be dead on the spot.

However, his current state is not so good either. The whole person has been severely injured, and his body is still weakly thrown into the distance.

If there is no accident, when he hits the ground, it is time for the opponent to die.

"Forget it, let's deal with him first!" Zhang Xiang's face was solemn, and the ten tails who were able to perform the second stage of full strength in the runaway, but not as weak as when they were controlled by soil, because they were afraid of losing control!

Moreover, not only the strength of Togo has soared, but the surrounding environment has also become worse.

With the release of the ten-tailed tyrannical chakra, its endless tyrannical chakra like an abyss has caused irreparable damage to the surrounding environment.

A large number of natural forces were expelled and replaced by the ten-tailed chakras all around.

Even after the tyrannical ten-tailed chakra condensed to a certain degree, a dark tornado formed purely by the ten-tailed tyrannical chakra formed one ravine after another on the ground.

In this state, whether the opponent is attacking or defending, they have a certain degree of advantage.

However, Zhang Xiang is not afraid at all.

A huge chakra wave began to rise in Zhang Xiang's body. It was an extremely cold chakra wave with powerful power.

This powerful chakra wave even formed a thin black cloud on Zhang Xiang's body.

That was the vision that the cold chakra condensed to the extreme.

Even a part of the ten-tailed chakras were attracted, swallowed by that gloomy chakra, and then assimilated into the same energy.

And under the increasing intensity of the Chakra, even if it was caught in a runaway, ten tails madly crushed the surrounding mountains and the ten tails that bombarded the ground with ravines, it was also suspended. , Looked towards Zhang Xiang's direction with that blood-red eye.

"Is it a big guy? Then, let me become a big guy too, let's let you have fun!" Zhang Xiang smiled and said to the ten tails who were watching him.

The five-pointed star and key pattern in his eyes also began to rotate rapidly.

The black hole in the right eye seemed to be opened even larger.

The Chakra, which condensed to the extreme like a tide, was continuously instilled into Zhang Xiang's body, and then projected outside of the body through the rotation of the pair of rapidly rotating double pupil kaleidoscope writing wheels.

It's just that the ten tails caught in the runaway obviously won't let Zhang Xiang continue to strengthen like this.

After it sensed the danger, it immediately took action.

Its body was as tall as a mountain, but it squatted down slightly, as if it had just fallen on the ground.

However, this is different.

Because, it fell on the ground because of insufficient chakra.

But now it is lying on the ground because it is to accumulate energy.

So, in the next moment, there was a loud bang with a loud bang.

Ten-tail was as heavy as a mountain, with a body of tens of thousands of tons, but suddenly jumped up.

It seemed to be an earthquake-like wave, sweeping over a range of several kilometers.

"You can jump!"

Tsunade used medical ninjutsu to heal himself with one hand, his face was shocked.

"Unexpectedly, after the runaway, the strength has increased so much."

Gaara squinted his eyes slightly and used Chakra to repair the cracked clay ceramic layer on his face.

"Moreover, its movements are beginning to become more flexible. It is not easy to attack so easily."

Shui Ying's right hand was resting on a big tree, obviously in a bad state, a trace of blood still remained at the corner of his mouth, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"If I used the Thunder Plow Hot Knife in full force before and could make it take a step back, I am afraid it would be impossible now."

Four generations of Lei Ying clenched his teeth, eyes full of unwillingness and anger.

"Also, don't forget. It is obviously not the final state now..."

The third generation of Tuying was a little embarrassed floating in the air, his left hand was in a strangely curved state, and said bitterly.

As soon as the words came out, all the five shadows fell silent.


On the battlefield, the ten-tailed body, weighing more than 10,000 tons, also ascended into the air for tens of meters.

And at the next moment, the ten tails of the ten tails, which are 100 meters long, all waved towards Zhang Xiang.

Each tail is carrying a mighty force, as long as it is swung, a mountain will be razed to the ground!

Don't underestimate the power of the ten tails in the runaway state!

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