Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1164: , The world is one!

"お母さん (mother), the obstacles have been swept away. Look. Wool, Chinese net, then, we will begin to realize your dream, let the world be one!" Hei Jue flew to the side of Otsuki Kaguya, respectfully She said.

"Then, let's start. Let the world of the moon and the world of ninja be one, let me embark on the road of return!" Otsuki Teruya opened his hands, and the six surrounding her invisible to the naked eye The space began to rotate rapidly along her.

An illusory light began to shoot out from the gradual blooming flowers of the sacred tree, shot toward the moon, and connected with the illusory jade reincarnation eyes projected on the moon, like a pathway.

The land of the entire continent began to vibrate, and a large number of chakras were extracted from the body of the person bound by the roots of the sacred tree, and instilled into the sacred tree.

And the red moon in the sky is getting bigger and bigger, as if the moon is being gradually pulled over.

On the other side, under Zhang Xiang's control, the countless broken awns from the broken angel armor on his body were merged together again, forming a pair of wings behind Zhang Xiang.

He flapped his wings slightly and flew slowly into the sky.

It's just that when he saw the ninja who was bound by roots all over the ground, the moon in the sky with nine-hook jade reincarnation eyes, and the roots that seemed to cover the entire continent, Zhang Xiang's face It changed suddenly.

"Not good, unlimited monthly reading!"

Because, he thought of the Bai and others in Konoha Ninja Village.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help closing his eyes quickly, and began to perceive the defensive magic circle he had set up at home.

But after a moment, he was relieved.

Because, in his perception, although the defensive magic circle in his home had suffered a lot of damage, it was only the ordinary ninjutsu style used by the outer layer was destroyed.

Going deep into it, Zhang Xiang used some of the theories learned from the Golden Dayan Art, plus other defensive magic techniques to create a defensive magic array that uses dragon veins as energy, but it still runs calmly.

In his perception, although he could not detect the appearance and emotions of Bai et al.

But he was sure that they were all fine, and they were not affected by the unlimited monthly reading.

Feeling this, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I feel unsafe. When designing a defensive magic circle, part of the theory of Golden Dayan Art that can defend against mental attacks is applied to it. Otherwise, even if the roots of the sacred tree are defended, it is difficult to defend. Unlimited month read it." Zhang Xiang said with a sigh of relief.

As for why he uses dragon veins as a source of energy, this is obvious.

Since he has already recovered the magic circle that can extract dragon veins, how can he give up using this kind of infinite energy thing? !

Because, as long as the earth is not destroyed, the power of the dragon veins will not be exhausted!

"Then, let's start and restore this world to its original state!" Zhang Xiang looked at the huge sacred tree not far away, as well as the big barrel wood Huiye and Hei Jue.

Although he didn't understand the specific process so clearly, after he survived inexplicably, he had an inexplicable ability.

That is to use one's super mental power to read the memory.

When he first came out, he used this ability to read the memory of a hapless person near the giant pit, and he understood what happened.

After listening to the other party's words just now, what the other party wants to do is self-evident.

The other party actually wanted to ‘pull’ the moon down so that the two spaces merged into one.

What a crazy thing this is!

If it succeeds, the world will change drastically.

In addition, in the age of the Six Dao Immortals, the opponent used Infinite Moon Reading to transform humans into Bai Jue weapons, and it can be seen that in the world of the moon, there are definitely opponents' enemies.

When those two spaces are united, it may be the time for the entire human world to be used as cannon fodder to launch a battle between the two worlds.

"Crazy!" Zhang Xiang could only think of this one word.

The other party turned out to return to the world of the moon and avenge their enemies. He turned out to do something to destroy the Ninja Continent.

"We must stop her!" Zhang Xiang made up his mind.

But at the next moment, he waved his wings behind his back and rushed in the direction of the sacred tree.

However, when he appeared, Hei Jue had already discovered Zhang Xiang.

"There is one guy who has survived!" Hei Jue's voice was full of surprise.

"Then, kill him!" Hei Jue split his mouth, revealing his beast-like fangs.

In the next moment, he rushed out and launched an offensive towards Zhang Xiang.

"Sword of the immortal!" Hei Jue yelled in a low voice, and a blade made of pure Yin and Yang power appeared in his hand.

"Give me a clean break!" Hei Jue snorted in excitement.

However, on the other side, Zhang Xiang also increased his vigilance looking at the Heizie that flashed like a ghost.

‘Do you look like the six immortals? It has become more tricky! "Zhang Xiang hasn't forgotten how many times Uchiha Madara's strength has skyrocketed after transforming into six immortals!

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but immediately opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel.

However, at this moment, he gave a slight exclamation.

"What is this?" Zhang Xiang said in shock.

However, Hei Jue was also impulsive to Zhang Xiang's side. Before Zhang Xiang recovered, he turned his body somewhat naturally, and extended his index finger with his right hand, slightly on the back of the knife. bomb.

A cold black light flashed away, submerged in Heijue's body.

Then, before Zhang Xiang could react, something strange happened.

The fairy sword that Hei Jue used to escape from Yin and Yang turned into fly ash in Hei Jue's hands bit by bit.

And Hei Jue's face also changed suddenly, most of its body also suddenly turned into fly ash, only his right body was spared.

However, the other party's status of six immortals was also lifted at the same time.

"This, what is this ability?!" Hei Jue's face was full of shock.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang, who vaguely thought of something, had a flash of excitement on his face.

Then, his body suddenly launched an attack. It turned out that in a flash of thunder, he came behind Hei Jue and hit his waist with one kick.

Another black light flashed from his feet.

Hei Jue's body started to dissipate in midair.

"No, it's impossible..." Hei Jue's screams sounded in the air.

However, before he finished shouting, his body had already turned into flying ash, dissipating forever in the air...

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