Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1199: , Black technology?

However, because the technology in the Academy City is too high-end.

Especially those phone models that exist in the research institute are extremely powerful.

Some semi-formed high-tech mobile phones even have satellite calls, serve as temporary signal stations, and even have the ability to transform!

How could Zhang Xiang bring out such a weird thing in this world?

Don't talk about how to sell it, it means that the world's high-tech technology on mobile phones is good, whether we can make such a mobile phone, it is two things.

After all, in Academy City, the models of these mobile phones are just imaginary.

In desperation, Zhang Xiang had no choice but to reluctantly buy a normal cell phone that he had bought in Academy City, and handed it over to this computer capable of controlling ultra-fine analysis work for brutal dismantling and research.

And this supercomputer is worthy of being made by Zhang Xiang imitating the computer in the research institute. Its research and analysis ability is super!

Although, compared to dendrogram researchers, its computing power is only a quarter of that of the other party.

However, in this world, this computer is already top-notch!

Therefore, after Zhang Xiang entered the plan, it only took half an hour. For convenience, he has developed detailed technology and assembly procedures, and removed most of the high-tech functions. Only functions equivalent to Zhang Xiang's original world smart phone are left.

In addition, this simplified smart phone solution was set into three different modes to facilitate future ‘technical upgrade’

After calling out the plan for the smart phone, Zhang Xiang couldn't help nodding.

Compared to the non-smart phones held by people in this world today, even the most advanced smart phone in it can completely explode the opponent.

Moreover, after the computer has referenced a lot of information, the shape of the shell designed specifically for this world is also extremely beautiful.

If the world’s non-smart phone and this smart phone are compared with each other, Zhang Xiang believes that no matter who it is, this smart phone can completely explode each other.

Not to mention, the revolutionary changes brought about by the large screens of smart phones can trigger people's pursuit.

Watching TV series, cartoons, and movies on your mobile phone is no longer a dream!

Zhang Xiang is confident that with these smart machines, he can play a world in this world.

At this time, Zhang Xiang had time to look at the situation of the reformed person.

At this time, the appearance of the robber boss was completely deformed.

He is no longer the one 1.9 meter tall, strong body like a bear, and a lot of tattoos on his body. He doesn't look like the robber boss of a neon man anymore.

He is now only 1.8 meters tall and his figure is still very strong, but the tattoos on his body are gone.

What is even more surprising is that the opponent's face has completely changed, becoming completely different from that of the robber boss.

This is part of the changes brought about by biochemical transformation.

If, at this time, put on a black suit and a pair of black sunglasses on his body.

Then, the opponent is alive in the rhythm of the man in black.

However, the current robber boss...No, it should be said that it is Biotransformer One. His strength is far stronger than the single strength of the man in black in the movie.

Because, no matter how well the man in black exercises, the opponent is also human.

Whether it is nerve speed or the strength of body muscles, there are limits.

However, if you now have a pair of eyes that can see through.

Then, you will find that the muscles of the biochemical transformation of Human No. 1 have already undergone some abnormal changes at this time. The dense muscle mitochondria have become more compact, and the cell skin has become tougher. It was also covered with a cell wall that animals don't have, and it became tougher.

Of course, this is just a change on the surface.

The deeper changes are still in the seemingly normal cells, but there are a lot of unknown virus-like substances.

However, they are now dormant, without any movement.

However, if you encounter danger, under the stimulation of brain waves, these virus-like substances will proliferate in large quantities, completely occupy the entire cell, transform a large number of cells into heterogeneous cells, and greatly increase the number of cells. Explosive power and defense power.

Moreover, some special substances will be secreted to transform the structure of the whole body.

By that time, biochemically transformed humans are no longer humans, but are monsters of human nature.

Its power is equivalent to a lv4 person with great ability in Academy City.

That is, one person can fight against the existence of an elite special force!

Not to mention, the control of biochemical transformation is under the control of supercomputers.

If all the power is liberated, and the calculation function of the supercomputer is borrowed, the combat power it exerts, in a specific environment, can be said to be against the existence of an army!

"Yes, if there are some unclean things in the future, I don't have to do it myself." Zhang Xiang nodded with some satisfaction. In just half an hour, it is very rare to be able to transform into this way.

The next step is to fine-tune the other's body hormones.

Of course, this is not a matter for Zhang Xiang.

Because he is not superb in his biochemical transformation skills, it is better to hand over to the supercomputer.

After all, the other party has all the information.

Then, he lifted the two bags set aside and walked outside.

From the gap that couldn't fill the chain, we could see a neat bundle of "Fukuzawa Yukichi" (10,000 yen) inside.

When the robber boss ran away, he did not forget to take away the two money bags around him.

Judging from the size of the two bags, the money inside is about 200 million yen.

Moreover, even more fortunately, most of the money in it is still old money without serial numbers.

Perhaps, this group of robbers has spotted that most of the money is old money with no serial numbers. As long as they **** it out, it can be spent after a period of time, so they attacked this bank.

However, these are all about Zhang Xiang.

The point is, he got the money

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