Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1208: , Go, go the wrong door?

And just after the battle was over, the big Kuro card that had no change target and consumed a lot of magic power was also subdued by Sakura.

Then, Sakura began to use the Time Kuro card to restore everything that was destroyed in the park to its original state.

Seeing the scene that seemed to be back in time, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a heartfelt surprise.

It is so powerful to be able to comprehend the law of time and turn it into a card for others to use!

Then, Zhang Xiang said goodbye to Sakura who was a little bit ashamed, and Zhishi with a gentle smile on his face.


It took another hour before Zhang Xiang finally returned to his home in Ikebukuro.

Feeling the half-day of running around, although for him he doesn't feel tired physically, he is still a little tired mentally.

‘But, it’s okay, everything is for everyone’s future’ Zhang Xiang cheered for himself.

Then, he opened the door of his home.

Then he saw...saw a dog.

That's right, it was a small dog squatting in the hallway and seeing Zhang Xiang opening the door. He stared at Zhang Xiang a little bit eagerly. It looked like a small dog that often appeared on TV, but it looked quite old.

"I'm sorry... I went to the wrong door." Looking at the other party staring at him, Zhang Xiang apologized to the other party, and then closed the door and left.

He was still thinking: ‘it looks like I’m really tired today, how come I went to the wrong door... the door? ’

"Door? That's right! This is my home!" Zhang Xiang looked at the house number of his house, and then looked at the surrounding environment. This is really a little birdie.

And at this moment, a tender voice rang from the room.

"Ten guards, ten guards, where are you?" The tender voice of the young chick came from the house.

This made Zhang Xiang more sure that he did not go wrong.

And listening to the voice of the chicks, there were also two puppies' barks in the house.

Then, he heard the cheerful voice of the young chick, which rang from the house.

"Ah, ten guards, you are here" Xiao Chi's cheerful voice rang, accompanied by the sound of'tap' footsteps.

'not good! Zhang Xiang's face changed.

Although, he didn't know why there was an inexplicable dog in his home.

However, the young chick is still young, and if the dog is bitten off to anger, it will be a disaster.

However, at this time, Zhang Xiang, who was obviously familiar with the puppy because he cared about the little chicks, ignored this.

He rushed into the door.

"Little chick, get out of it." Zhang Xiang rushed toward the puppy with his hands open, and shouted out the little chick with a happy expression on his face.

Then, he rushed to the front of the puppy first, grabbed the flesh of the other's neck, lifted it up, and threw it behind.

"Xiao Chi, be careful, be careful of being bitten!" Zhang Xiang blocked Xiao Chi.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt that his back was being photographed.

"Bad uncle, you bullied the Ten Guards!" Xiao Chi cried, patted Zhang Xiang's back with a little hand, and said in an angry voice.

Then, taking her own small steps, she ran towards the puppy that Zhang Xiang threw at the entrance to the entrance, and picked it up.

"Ten Guards, are you okay? Didn't it hurt?" Xiao Chi had tears in her eyes, and she hugged the puppy in her arms very worried, and checked it carefully.

And the puppy, as if feeling the feelings of the young chick, stretched out his tongue, licked the small palms of the young chick, seemed to comfort the young chick, made it burst into tears and laughed and giggled. .

Only Zhang Xiang stayed in place, watching this scene somewhat dumbfounded.

At this moment, Xiaokong and others who heard the sound also ran out of the hall.

After understanding the course of the matter, Xiao Kong couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Xiang with a bit of complaint.

"Brother, you are not worried about the young chick. You are not so worried. Before you understand the truth of the matter, you are in chaos." Xiaokong looked at the very cheerful young chick who was playing with the puppy ten guards, and complained a bit. Said to Zhang Xiang.

"Yes, uncle, we have to clarify the facts in the future," Meiyu who was next to her also covered her mouth and smiled.

"Daughter control!" This is an additional attack on Zhang Xiang, who is watching a fashion magazine.

"I'm overly nervous. If the Ten Guards are really injured, let's see if Xiao Xiao will forgive you" Hua Huo Xiao Lori comforted Xiao Xiao to forgive Zhang Xiang, and glanced at Zhang Xiang.

"Hmph, don't forgive my uncle!" This was the words of the little chick who tilted his head and was a little angry.

Well, in that moment, Zhang Xiang's status became even worse than a dog...

It’s really o (╯□╰) o

Therefore, Zhang Xiang made a decision...!

He walked in front of Xiao Chi and the Ten Guards, and squatted down, looking at the Ten Guards in Xiao Chi's arms with piercing eyes.

"Uncle, what do you want to do?" Xiao Chu pouted her mouth, looked at Zhang Xiang with alert in her eyes, and hugged the Ten Guards in her arms tightly.

"What I want to do is...Xiao, can you forgive your uncle? Your uncle will never mess around again, so please forgive your uncle once!" Zhang Xiang looked at Xiao Xie with tears in his eyes, pitifully Xi's voice said to Xiao Chi.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, and looking at his pitiful appearance, the kind-hearted young chick suddenly felt softened.

"Then... Then I will forgive my uncle. However, I really don't allow the Ten Guards to be bullied in the future!" Xiao Chi looked at Zhang Xiang with big serious eyes.

And what else can Zhang Xiang say?

I can only nod quickly.

But at this moment, the little sad next to her was a mouthful.

"By the way, Xiaochun, haven't the Ten Guards eaten yet? Should we buy some dog food for the Ten Guards?" Although Xiao Ai said to Xiao Xiao, she looked at Zhang Xiang. With a smile on his little face.

Obviously, Xiao Ai wants to pit Zhang Xiang once.

And listening to Xiao Ai's words, Xiao Chi also heard her hidden meaning.

"Uncle" Xiao Chi looked at Zhang Xiang with expectant eyes.

In those **** eyes, there were expressions of innocence and expectation.

And what else can Zhang Xiang say?

I can only get hungry, and ran out again at night to buy dog ​​food in a shopping street a few hundred meters away...

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