Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1224: , Network broadcasting right!

This meeting officially entered a climax after Zhang Xiang’s identity was revealed. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

In the end, Zhang Xiang finally reached an agreement with the most sincere Bone Society.

After all, Bone Club urgently needs a well-known animation to start their company's name.

Therefore, some interests can also be discarded.

As for the Kyoto Animation company, although its supervision is very tempting, it wants to cooperate with Zhang Xiang.

But reluctantly, his rights are only to be able to promise him 75 royalties.

If you want to allow the right to broadcast on the Internet, you need to collect a lot of information and make relevant assessments before it may be allowed.

Therefore, under the premise that Zhang Xiang wanted to animate as soon as possible, he was also eliminated or given up by himself.

After all, it is unknown whether this new thing about the right of network broadcasting plays a role in promoting animation or not.

Soon afterwards, Zhang Xiang and others officially signed the contract.

Zhang Xiang, as the original manga author, the deputy editor of JUMP Weekly, and the president of Bones Club, has three major contracts.

The contract promises that the investment scale of "Fullmetal Alchemist" is not less than 200 million yen, and Zhang Xiang has the right to broadcast on the Internet, and can replay the original work free of charge on the Internet after it is broadcast on TV.

Of course, at this price, Zhang Xiang also cancelled many of his privileges, and there was no excuse to formally interfere with "Fullmetal Alchemist".

However, Zhang Xiang did not intend to interfere in the production of "Fullmetal Alchemist".

Professionals will definitely do better than him.

Not to mention, this is a very important basis for the bones club to be able to show off, Zhang Xiang does not believe that they will not make this animation well.

I don’t know if it fails, the society of bones will not collapse, but the 200 million yen investment, but most of it will be invested in the sea, at least it will hurt its muscles and bones for a while.

But after the matter was solved perfectly, everyone exchanged greetings with each other and went directly to each house.

As for Zhang Xiang, when he was about to leave, he was left by the deputy editor-in-chief of JUMP and handed an invitation to Zhang Xiang.

"JUMP Weekly's annual meeting?" Zhang Xiang looked at the invitation card in his hand, looking like a human being.

He really did not expect that it had been so long since the last annual meeting.

Obviously, in his memory, this period of time seemed so short.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't know the reason why he felt that this year would be so short.

It’s just because he has lived in other worlds for at least three years. Using that three years in other worlds to feel "Listen to Dad" for one year, it really makes people feel The time spent in this world is so short.

Walking on the road, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt unreal.

"In this way, one year has passed. The young chick also grew up one year old, from three to four years old... And I am also one year older, no, three or four years older. That's it." Zhang Xiang smiled at the corner of his mouth and walked out of the door of the building where JUMP Weekly was located.

At this moment, the snow-white flowers in the sky descended from the sky and fell into Zhang Xiang's mouth, warmed by the temperature of the palm of his hand.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also showed a smile.

"It's great to be alive!" Zhang Xiang laughed.

Snowflakes also seemed to feel something, and surrounded him, as if they were guarding him in the middle and protecting him.

An invisible aura radiated from Zhang Xiang's body, no matter who was looking at him, then he would feel an inexplicable momentum coming from Zhang Xiang's body.

And, it is gradually degenerating.

His mental ocean is undergoing a great change, and a large amount of mental power that was originally all over his body is instilled into his brain and is beginning to be purified rapidly.

In the process of gathering, a lot of mental power was inexplicably lost.

However, the more depleted, the more pure the spiritual power in the middle.

In the end, there was only a trace of exclamation left, which had completely turned into a silver-white light, but it came to the depths of Zhang Xiang's brain.

Perhaps, in the words of cultivation, that is the location of the Purple Mansion.

Only after coming to this position.

The powerful mental power that he gathered from his whole body seemed to be unable to accumulate anymore.

Because, the meridian that marched into the Zi Mansion was blocking it.

After coming out of the mother's womb, there has been a meridian that has been blocked. After so many years of experience, more and more things are blocked.

By this time, that meridian can be considered completely blocked.

However, when that trace of pure and incomparable silver-white mental power came to this place.

Zhang Xiang, however, did not hesitate at all, he controlled that trace of spiritual power to the extreme, and directly rushed towards that meridian.

It's like a fine needle piercing into tofu. The meridians that could have blocked the powerful impact are blocked. When Zhang Xiang fits in with the world, the impact of the essence of mental power tempered by instinct Down, it was as if a tuwa dogwa was hit completely.

That trace of silvery white mental power to the utmost point shot Zhang Xiang's brain deep and burst out suddenly.

Zhang Xiang felt his consciousness mixed, and then it was like the universe had exploded. A very small point burst out suddenly, forming an infinite burst of light, which opened up a piece of light in the infinite darkness. The vast'sea' comes

However, it is said that it is the sea, but in fact it is not even a small lake, it can only be regarded as a pond.

A large amount of spiritual power wandered in it, and was continuously purified, turning into silver-white rays of light.

However, if his own mental power enters it.

Then, he will feel how vast this piece is, at most, just like a pond.

It's like a truly endless sea, even if he looks around, he can't see the slightest edge...

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