Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1233: , Female, hostess? !

And soon, time came for the JUMP Weekly Annual Meeting.

However, it is said that it is an annual meeting, but it is not actually held during the Chinese New Year. It is usually held before the new year has passed.

The people invited are usually the editors of JUMP Weekly, as well as the cartoonists serialized by them.

Some cartoonists may only go there once in their lives.

And some editors do the same.

As Neon’s largest comic weekly, it is fighting the fiercest battle in it. It is not only the cartoonists, but also the editors who seize the fourteen serials.

If it is an editor's staff, there is no cartoonist for a long time.

Well, the editor will not stay in the editorial agency for a long time.

In addition to the cartoonists, the annual meeting also has many members from related companies in the industry invited by the company.

The members of these related companies usually include some companies of the animation production committee, the heads of various peripheral development manufacturers, and various agencies on sales channels, and so on.

Always, JUMP Weekly has covered almost one floor of the hotel, and it can accommodate so many people.

Today, as usual, JUMP Weekly needs to send a vehicle to carry Zhang Xiang on the scene last year.

It's just that Zhang Xiang, who now owns his own vehicle, has rejected this practice and instead intends to drive by himself.

Originally, Zhang Xiang wanted to take everyone there.

However, when Zhang Xiang proposed it, Xiao Ai was the first to express that she was not interested, indicating that her research is now at the most important time and cannot be distracted.

Therefore, Zhang Xiang's request was rejected.

As for Huahuo Lori and Miyu, they refused to go together because they wanted to do their winter vacation homework in one go, and said that the scene must be boring.

Of course, it is not ruled out that it is Huahuo Lori and Miyu who want to chase after the drama they have been chasing.

Zhang Xiang really can't figure out how these little girls, who are only in their teens, watch the complicated love triangle on TV and the drama about the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

Even those cold sorrows sometimes leaned over to watch.

So, in the end, the number of people who followed Zhang Xiang was reduced to two.

One is the excited little chicks who thought that they would see many anime characters on the scene of how anime was made.

And the other one said that he would supervise Zhang Xiang, so that he would not drink and spoil the young Xiaokong.

Of course, the things above are all excuses, and Xiao Kong actually has some careful thoughts in his heart.

She wanted Zhang Xiang to take her to some more formal occasions, and ‘secure’ her identity.

Therefore, she knows that there are some ambiguities with Zhang Xiang, who often come to her home as editor sister and sister Lai Xiang.

After determining the number of people, Zhang Xiang took Xiao Kong and Xiao Hina to the door.

It's just that this time he went in instead of the driver's seat, but followed Xiao Kong and Xiao Hina to the rear of the modified trunk.

Seeing Xiaokong who followed him and came to the trunk, he was a little puzzled.

"Brother, did you leave something behind?" Xiaokong said with some confusion.

But listening to Xiaokong's words, Zhang Xiang smiled mysteriously.

"No, I'll be with you at the back today" Zhang Xiang said with a smile, and pulled the door of the rear compartment up.

"But?..." Xiaokong showed a more confused expression on his face, looking in the direction of the driver's seat in front.

However, when she saw that location, she was slightly surprised.

Because, on the driver's seat, where is a driver in black.

However, it is because there are railings and curtains in the front and back slightly to hide the other side's figure.

"He is?" Xiaokong was slightly startled.

"Well, it can be regarded as my personal assistant and bodyguard. After all, your brother is now a well-known cartoonist and the boss of a company. Moreover, because of safety and fear of changing into a female assistant, you have to think carefully. Because of this, I changed to an assistant who has the ability of bodyguards." Zhang Xiang said with a smile, stretched out his right hand to touch the face of Xiaoqiong's nose with a little surprise.

"Personal assistant and bodyguard?????!!!" Xiaokong was very surprised.

"Yeah, you don't know how much money your brother makes now?" Zhang Xiang looked at the surprised Xiao Kong with a little amusement.

"I don't know." Xiao Kong shook his head honestly.

But looking at Xiao Kong's honest look, Zhang Xiang couldn't help laughing.

"If you continue like this, how can you become the mistress of Xiaoniaoyou's family? You don't even care about your brother's account," Zhang Xiang said with some jokes, touching Xiaokong's slightly soft brown hair.

When he heard the "hostess" in Zhang Xiang's mouth, a blush suddenly appeared on Xiao Kong's face.

"Who...who said that I promised to be a mistress and mistress..." Xiaokong said shyly.

It's just that her voice is a bit thin like a mosquito.

Because, even if the facts are already set, Xiao Kong still tends to be shy and blush in front of Zhang Xiang's eyes.

However, Zhang Xiang also likes Xiao Kong's innocence with his brutal character.

"Brother, there are still people here." Xiaokong shyly avoided Zhang Xiang's right hand, the blush on his face became thicker, and he gestured to the black-clothed driver in front of him.

"Don't worry, he won't have any reaction. Even if he sees it, he will be treated as invisible." Zhang Xiang approached Xiaokong, hugged her into his arms, and sniffed Xiaokong. The shampoo on Kong's body is fragrant, and there is a slight sweet smell unique to girls.

And at this moment, the young chick, who was playing with the rabbit doll, shouted: "The young chick must hug, too." The excited and childish words squeezed into the middle of the two.

It's just that after Xiao Chi's interruption, the inside of the carriage was a little messy, and laughter came out from time to time.

However, after Xiaokong calmed down and asked how much money Zhang Xiang had made on the comics, another exclamation came from the carriage.

However, because of excessive surprise and shyness, Xiaokong still ignored the fact that Zhang Xiang just said that he is the boss of a company.

Therefore, I have the shock...

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