Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1236: ,futureoftechnology

And beside, everyone except Qiu Ren had a strange look on their faces.

Because they have almost never heard of this company.

"Qiuren, what is this Futureofteology?" Next to him, sincerely touched Qiren's shoulder and asked in a low voice, scratching his head in doubt. .

Looking at the tallest appearance in Zhencheng, and the surrounding guys who were almost blank, even Xiangye was the same, Qiu Ren couldn't help but let out a sigh of hatred for iron and steel.

"Don't you guys watch TV?" Takagi Qiuren said helplessly.

"I don't read it. I usually draw comics. Where can I read it?" Majo's highest honest answerer.

"Look, but only watch TV series." Cang Shuhong nodded and said.

"I just watch the racing channel, and racing is the man's choice..." Fukuda said with a high-end atmosphere.

Ahem, it's a pity that no one paid attention to him.

"Ah, watching TV? I don’t have a TV in my house. When I’m at home, I don’t draw other comics when I’m bored. I just buy comic books to watch." Shinzawa Eiji waved the paintbrush in his hand and said in a circle. .

" guys don't watch...but I didn't want to watch it...that guy Yoshida is really a devil. He didn't even give me time to watch TV series, and he kept forcing me to draw comics in the studio... …" Hiramaruichi also lashed out at his editor, as if his editor was inhumane.

But in fact, everyone knows that this guy is the most lazy. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Once, in order not to draw manga, I left a note "Don't find me" on the table, and then went to the studio of other teachers such as Xinzuo to escape his partner Yoshida.

Therefore, every time when the serialization is approaching, his editor Yoshida will go directly to the door to stay in the opponent's home and supervise the opponent.

And listening to everyone's explanation, Takagi Qiuren couldn't help but was a little speechless while covering his forehead.

"Well, it seems that everyone is not interested in the news of emerging things..." Takagi Qiuren said helplessly.

However, at this moment, Xiangye, who was standing next to Qiu Ren, seemed to think of something.

"Futureofteology...isn't it the one that designs and manufactures the new smart phone that I often see on TVs recently?" Xiangye said with some doubts what she remembered.

"GoogJob, Xiangye, someone finally found out." Qiu Ren felt relieved.

Because, everyone's answer just now gave him a feeling as if he was not working hard watching TV.

But in fact, he is not without hard work.

Finding interesting news and various written materials is a way to inspire him

After all, he is only in charge of plot design, and painting is the highest job in Zhencheng.

The way of work is naturally different if the distribution is different.

After Xiangye mentioned this, everyone seemed to think of this company.

"Smartphone? Is it the "Skynet Smart Phone" that is often promoted on TV nowadays?" Cang Shuhong asked with some surprise covering her mouth.

There was a look of surprise in her eyes.

She really did not expect that Zhang Xiang, the president of a smartphone company that is known to be a collection of modern technology with a lot of high technology, would be in front of her.

"The smartphone advertised on TV? To be honest, in the intermittent advertisements of racing cars, it seems that I have seen this news before. At the time, I thought it was interesting and wanted to buy one." Fukuda touched his chin. I also remembered something.

"Yes, I also remembered. Once, I thought about how I could hide from Yoshida's eyes and watch TV under the drawing table secretly. So I paid special attention to this one that can play HD Video, I also have a mobile phone with a large screen. And, I also ordered one! Zhang Xiang-kun, can you give me an original type soon? I want to get rid of Yoshida’s claws quickly. "Hiramaruichi is also a sudden The earth became energetic, and his eyes were shining in Zhang Xiang's direction.

But it is a pity that he did not see the light flashing in Yoshida's eyes, who was walking behind Hiramu Kazuya not far away, and heard his words.

"Oh, is it? Can a mobile phone play video? It seems that I have to help Hiramaru-kun change the order to a luxury special custom model, so that he will be happy for a while, and then tell him to add the house that he bought some time ago How much is the bill, so he has to work hard. No, you can also tempt him to use this mobile phone to video chat with beautiful women as an excuse, and use the introduction to him to chat with beautiful women as a condition to motivate him to create. I don't need to worry about the month..." Hiramaru Kazuya's editor Yoshida touched his chin, his eyes flashed with a devil's light, while talking, he walked to the side of the editor.

And inexplicably, Hiramaru Kazuya, who was dreaming about something with great interest, couldn't help but shudder.

Well, pray for this guy who is about to be designed again.

In the end, only the real city is the highest, still in doubt.

"What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?" Majo Grandmaster asked curiously, feeling a little itchy in his heart.

After all, it seems that everyone already knows

"Majo-kun, although I know you are very envious of seeing Qiujin-kun getting married. But you can't always bury your head in drawing comics just because you can marry Miho sooner. Smartphones are a hot topic for young people these days. , If Miho talked to you about this one, if you can't answer it, it's not bad." Hiramaruichi also said as if he had experienced many winds and rains, patted Majo's tallest shoulder as a person who came by.

And listening to Hiramaru Kazuya's words, Majo, who had a thin face, was the tallest, and his face blushed.

"No, no, I'm not envious..." Zhencheng's highest blushed, waving his hands and said.

"Oh, do you want to marry Mibao soon if you don't refute it?" Zhang Xiang said jokingly.

After hearing Zhang Xiang's words, Zhencheng Supreme couldn't help blushing even more.

"No, no, I just want to draw the manga well, but...then, that's also the purpose..." Majo Takashi said with some twist.

And watching this scene, everyone couldn't help laughing...

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