Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1514: , Warm bed or warm bed?

"It's you?" Zhang Xiang's face showed a trace of astonishment.

Because he already recognized who the person in front of him was.

That was the girl with blonde hair he had met in the afternoon a few days ago who was wearing pajamas and hitting a gangster on a bicycle.

However, at this time, she was put on a blue-green dress, and the golden hair was also divided into two strands on both sides of her cheeks, which were woven by two ropes to form a hair band similar to a net. Come.

What's more eye-catching is that the eyes, which were originally aqua-blue, are already flushed.

There is no doubt that this young girl is a cursed child.

Coupled with the anti-tank sniper rifle on her shoulder and the small reconnaissance plane flying beside her, the girl in front of her was the man behind the attack on him.

However, when he reacted, Zhang Xiang was already too late to collect all the power he had displayed.

"Suck!" Zhang Xiang only had time to say such a word.

His body had already come to Tina's face completely.


A puff of smoke filled up instantly, and even the two floors connected to the top of the building could feel an obvious shock.

In the smoke, Zhang Xiang's figure was looming.

As the smoke slowly dissipated, we could also see Zhang Xiang's body gradually becoming clearer.

His arms seemed to be hugging a petite body, limp in his arms. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

However, what attracts more attention is the web-like cracks under his feet showing spider patterns.

With Zhang Xiang as the center, a shallow pit with a diameter of about five meters appeared at the feet of Zhang Xiang and the girl in his arms. The depth of the shallow pit was about 30 centimeters. The floor is running through.

Well, it's not that Zhang Xiang used magical power to control the traces of cracks under the soles of his feet, and that the impact was as much as possible into the building on the soles of his feet.

Then, the roof of the building under his feet had already collapsed below.

At this moment, the smoke and dust finally disappeared.

However, when the smoke dissipated, we discovered that the girl in Zhang Xiang's arms was completely unconscious.

Her eyes were closed, and her body was weakly limp in his arms.

"Hey, this is really troublesome..." Zhang Xiang held the blond girl who passed out into a coma with a little speechlessly, scratching his hair and said.

Because when the impact was just over, he was unable to completely offset the impact.

Therefore, the remaining shock wave stunned the girl.

The cursed girl can be stunned, and the impact force can be imagined.

However, the real trouble is yet to come.

"If this happens, I should be cruel and kill her, or be soft-hearted, take home with whips and candles, or be soft-hearted and let her be a maid, just let her warm and warm the bed." Zhang Xiang said these words inexplicably.

It seems that he really wants to become a hentai.

However, looking at the wry smile on his face, he knew that his intention was different.

If the person in front of him is a man, or simply an adult woman, or even a cruel girl at the center of his impression, he can be cruel and kill the opponent in one go.

But, who called this girl in front of him, the first impression made him feel pretty good, is it a confused girl?

Coupled with the girl's eyes that just released.

"Well, there must be some insider information. This girl was forced to come by others." Zhang Xiang gave himself a very good and powerful excuse.

However, after this excuse came out, Zhang Xiang suddenly felt that his mind was much smoother.

"Okay, just take it home and have a good'torture'! Although, I want to say this, and I want to do this, but if there is any conspiracy in it, it would be bad... …" Zhang Xiang muttered to himself.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang smiled and stretched out his right hand, and grabbed the small detective plane flying around.

"Originally, I thought that this detective plane stayed with my master because it was not controlled by anyone... But when I invaded this small detective plane and was about to control it to land, I did I found a very interesting thing... This small detective machine was not controlled by no one... but was controlled from the beginning..." Zhang Xiang installed the small detective on the small detective. The camera on the plane moved in front of him.

"Yeah, An Rand, the former top person in charge of the US branch of the Robotized Soldier Project!" Zhang Xiang said to the camera with a sneer.

"However, please rest assured, for your treatment, I will give you a good return!" Zhang Xiang said, but at the same time he burst out his mental power instantly, and connected this small machine along that. The satellite connection of the detective plane instantly traced back to one of the satellites passing over Tokyo, and it was about to counter-invade into the other party's computer controlling this small reconnaissance plane.

However, it is at this time.

Zhang Xiang suddenly found a slight threat.

The bullets from four consecutive anti-tank sniper rifles suddenly came to Zhang Xiang.

But the other party had long expected Zhang Xiang to come back here, and had already arranged an attack in this direction.

At the same time, the other party's somewhat hoarse voice transmitted by the electric wave also rang from the small reconnaissance plane.

"Four bullets, can you avoid it?!" There was a hint of pride in the other party's hoarse voice.

However, listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang's face showed a mocking smile instead.

"Do I need to hide?!" Zhang Xiang said word by word.

At the same time, the four bullets that exceeded the speed of sound several times came to Zhang Xiang.

Seeing that Zhang Xiang and Tina in his arms were about to be shot through.

But at this moment, outside of Zhang Xiang and Tina's body, a translucent protective cover suddenly appeared.

The four bullets fired from four directions, when they hit it, it was like a piece of tofu flying at high speed hitting the surface of steel, but it suddenly squashed and became four pieces. Pie-like existence.

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