Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1521: , The prerequisite of ‘Fengshen’!

The "conferment of the gods" he wants to carry out has never happened before and now.

That is, the confession of the gods occurs by mixing the traditional concept of "conferred gods" and the concept of gods in the academy city.

That's right, Zhang Xiang wants the indestructible Seraphim's position as the core, allowing himself to become a god-like existence with the power of faith.

It's simple to say, but it is difficult to do.

Zhang Xiang has also recently gradually explored how to use the power of faith, and he has the confidence to do this.

After possessing the power of faith as the energy supplied by the ‘status’, Zhang Xiang believes that he can exert a stronger strength.

At least, what he can exert is not weaker than the power of the archangel Gabriel during the fall of the angels in the academy city.

As for the power of the ‘position’ to be fully utilized, it is only after comprehending the power of the rules that one can have the right.

Of course, if Zhang Xiang was willing to transform himself into a conceptual existence while ‘approving the gods’, he would also be able to fully control the power of the archangel Gabriel’s ‘status’.

By that time, even if he wanted to stir the world's seas, there would be no problem at all.

However, this is a great price.

For example, after conceptualizing, the human body will disappear naturally.

Moreover, if you incarnate as the existence of a certain concept, your actions will also be bound by the concept, and act as the executor of the concept.

That is, most of the personal freedom is lost. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

Even, sometimes I can't control my own actions.

Zhang Xiang said that he hadn't lived enough, hadn't lived well enough, and he didn't have this kind of thought of desperate for strength.

"However, after I go back, I can choose an existence that can withstand this kind of power instillation in my heart, so that she can continue to use the power of faith on a large scale, even to the point of goddess..." Zhang Xiang While walking on some sparsely-traveled streets, while thinking about this issue.

However, it was at this moment that a pleasant sound was transmitted to Zhang Xiang's ears.

"Ah, listen well" Tina Loli, who was following Zhang Xiang, showed a comfortable expression on her slightly confused face.

Oh, forgot to say, after Tina Loli woke up, she followed Zhang Xiang to apologize seriously, and said that Zhang Xiang still handled it.

Moreover, I also said that if he wanted to do this or that kind of things to her when he was unconscious, she would not resist.

At that time, Zhang Xiang was shocked.

And the little Lori who heard these words beside Zhang Xiang were also stunned.

Then, they turned their eyes of deep suspicion to Zhang Xiang.

And then, when the girls suddenly became more energetic, they learned that when Tina was transformed into a transformed person, a chip that could absorb bioelectricity was implanted in her head to supply power.

This chip will faithfully record everything around her when she passes out of a coma.

Then, when she wakes up, pass this information to her.

In this case, she would understand the information revealed by some ordinary people when they lose their vigilance, and even the location of the terrain can be known.

And, to prove that what I said is not wrong.

She deliberately said the sentence Zhang Xiang said at the time:'When this happens, I should be cruel, kill her, or be soft-hearted, take home a whip and candles, or be soft-hearted and let her be A maid just told her to warm the bed and warm the bed' it was repeated.

So, next, the loli performed a runaway for Zhang Xiang, how dangerous it was.

In short, Zhang Xiang doesn’t want to think about his pathetic appearance that day.

After that day, perhaps it was for the sake of atonement, or the words Zhang Xiang said were taken as true.

However, from that day on, she considered herself Zhang Xiang's maid.

Although, because of my confused personality during the day, I do more things that are not helpful o (╯□╰) o

Today, the other party wanted to act as Zhang Xiang's protector, and came out with Zhang Xiang.

Yeonju, who came out with her, came to practice swordsmanship.

At this moment, Yeonju Lori also made a sound.

"Yeah, I sing better than me." Yeonju's face also showed admiration.

And Zhang Xiang was gradually attracted by the singing, and moved in the direction from which the singing came.

In a short while, on the pedestrian overpass, Zhang Xiang and the others saw who the singer was.

To Zhang Xiang's expectation, it was not a beautiful girl who made such a soft voice, but a girl in some dirty linen clothes.

She is between seven and eight years old, holding her hands on her chest, and humming with all her heart.

Although there is no name of the lyrics in the voice, even the melody is somewhat wrong.

However, inexplicably, she could hear gentleness and beauty from her singing.

However, when Zhang Xiang waited and walked closer for a while, his face changed slightly.

Because this little girl hummed a beautiful song, but she covered her eyes with a white cloth.

It seems to be blind.

Looking at the other party's clothes that were obviously cursed, Zhang Xiang couldn't help feeling a bit sad.

Because he knew that someone who could hum such a beautiful voice must be a kind little guy.

However, being a cursed child, being so kind is not necessarily a good thing.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang and others had already walked in front of her.

"Hello, your singing is very good, can you get to know it?" Zhang Xiang squatted down halfway, and followed the girl with a gentle face with her hands in front of her and said softly.

At this moment, some familiar Yanju loli next to her also spoke.

"Yeah, it's really good. If you listen, you have a feeling of washing your heart. How did you do it? Oh, by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lan Yuan Yanzhu. You can Call me Yeonju.” Yeonju Lolita asked the girl happily with her curious eyes wide open.

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