Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1548: , Energy weapon!

"Kill!" Zhang Xiang shouted in a murderous voice.

His figure suddenly rushed forward for a distance of more than a hundred meters, and came to the front of the group of ant-shaped primates.

With his hands crossed, he took out the two large-caliber pistols that crossed his waist.

However, when he took it out, he immediately shot and killed the ant-shaped gastroenterate not far in front of him.

Instead, he slammed his body and walked sideways to the side of the group of ant-shaped gastroenterologists rushing forward.

The crimson magic light began to condense on the muzzle.

In the next instant, a crimson light rushed out of his muzzle, and directly penetrated through the bodies of the primitive gut in a row in front, leaving behind. A pothole about half a meter in diameter came.

A foul burning smell also rose up at the same time.

But it was the parts of the bodies of the archgut animals that were hit, but it was started to be ignited because of the fire magic power remaining in the body.

And the crimson light seemed so dazzling at the moment when the sun just shone on the earth.

All the people near this line of defense were attracted by this crimson light.

Then, they were almost stunned by this incredibly unbelievable reality.

"Energy... energy weapon?"

"I, I am not mistaken?! Then, that is a laser, right?!"

"Impossible, even with a laser, it is impossible to shoot through so many gastroenterologists in an instant. Look at the hair, line, Chinese, text, and net. If it is true, how high is its energy level...! "

Shocked words exclaimed from everyone in the surrounding defense line.

All people were shocked by this scene.

The members of the reserve squad who had rushed halfway to the nearest distance obviously saw it more clearly.

"One, one shot of twelve gastrointestinal animals! No, how could this be possible!" The woman holding the submachine gun in both hands opened her mouth wide and her face was incredible.

"No, this is unscientific, what did I see? Is that laser or magic?!" The young man in the beret was also shocked, even the cigarette in his mouth fell to the back of his hand and burned. He lost the back of his hand and fell to the ground without knowing it.

As for the others, they were already stunned.

However, even though Zhang Xiang'sees' everything happening around him.

But he did not pay attention to them at all, let alone the desire to explain to them.

For him, who has completely entered a state of combat, fighting is everything.

Just after the ant-shaped gastroenterologist rushing in the front was solved with that shot, Zhang Xiang's figure did not stay in place at all, but directly smashed into the group of gastroenterologists.

His figure suddenly came in front of a huge spider of stage four.

The whole person is from under it, which is more than three meters high, and his right hand raised the large-caliber pistol constructed from the data in his hand, against the dozens of horrible compound eyes shining with blue light in the abdomen .

The crimson light began to converge quickly, and on the muzzle of his right hand, it condensed into an energy ball about the size of a table tennis ball.

However, at this time, the stage four spiders with dozens of compound eyes also captured Zhang Xiang's location at the same time.

It did not hesitate to raise its two forelimbs, and hugged the forelimbs that were as sharp as a blade and as terrifying as jagged to Zhang Xiang's body.

Looking at the speed, maybe the mantis gene was added to it.

The two extremely sharp serrated blades directly turned into afterimages, slashing towards Zhang Xiang's upper body and lower body at a speed close to the limit.

At the same time, the ‘small spiders’ of stages one to two next to the four giant spiders at that stage also surrounded the surrounding area at the same time, and Zhang Xiang had nowhere to escape.

From a distance, that place is already surrounded by a huge group of spiders with a height ranging from one to two meters.

But at this moment, the concentration of the magical power of the scarlet energy ball had already reached the extreme.

"Holy spear blasting!" Zhang Xiang roared.

The scarlet magic bullet with a diameter only the size of a table tennis ball burst out suddenly.

And Zhang Xiang's figure suddenly slipped out before the two blades slashed.

It even took less than a second to break free from the encirclement of those spiders.

At the same time, the scarlet magic ball had already exploded with its powerful power.

Just like its name "Holy Gun Blast", when the scarlet magic ball left the muzzle, it was already spinning and hitting the abdomen of the stage four spider-type gastroenterologist. .

Then, the violent fire magic power burst out suddenly.


A small crimson beam of light suddenly burst out on the spot. The violent fire magic energy tore through the abdomen of the stage four spider-shaped primitive gut, tearing its entire body to pieces. Lasing towards the surroundings.

At the same time, there was also the violent fire magic power.

The violent fire magic power, as well as the limb fragments that splashed around with powerful kinetic energy, penetrated the body of most of the spiders that surrounded the spider-type gastroenterologist in stage four, and tore them into pieces.

As for the small number of spider-type gastroenterologists that escaped the past, they also suffered heavy losses and lost their combat effectiveness.

At least, if the magical power of the fire element in their bodies has not been removed, their damaged bodies can't be restored!

And now, time has just passed less than five seconds.

The first wave of violent gastrointestinal animal frenzy hasn't really hit everyone.

However, Zhang Xiang has already severely injured at least fifty gastroenterologists.

And this includes a stage four existence!

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