Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1551: ,Destroyed three outlooks!

However, the breath of this wild beast just passed by in a flash. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Immediately, the people who were in a tense battle regarded it as an illusion.

But in fact, when the breath that resembled a wild beast flashed by.

A plausible and illusory blood pillar rushed towards the sky with a rapid speed centered on the'Shadow Demon Blade', and even dyed most of the sky red.

It's just that the blood-red light that resembled an illusion was only noticed by the reserve team focusing on this direction.

The others seemed to be unable to see the pillar of blood soaring to the sky and the sky that was dyed red.

Because the blood-red beam of light rising into the sky is not a beam of energy, nor is it an illusion that can be seen by the naked eye, but just an aura rising into the sky.

Those in the reserve squad could see the blood-red beam of light rising into the sky, it was only a coincidence.

Moreover, when they wanted to watch it again, the pillar of blood still existed.

However, they can no longer observe it.

"I, I didn't read it wrong... Just now, was there a blood-red beam of light..." The woman holding the submachine gun, her face shocked, rubbed her eyes and said.

However, before she finished speaking, another person also picked up.

"A blood-red beam of light rises into the sky..." The young man with a beret holding a weapon also looked stunned.

But at this time, a stumbling voice came to mind.

"Yes, that's right, I saw it too..." The Shuangdaoliu boy blinked his eyes and watched vigorously, as if he wanted to find the pillar of blood soaring to the sky, his face was full of doubt and shock.

"But, but, is this, this possible?..." the timid girl asked timidly.

"Yeah, this is an illusion, it must be an illusion. It must be because too many people died on the battlefield, which made us hallucinate. This is a war syndrome..." The beret youth shook violently. After shaking his head, it seemed that he wanted to shake the image inside his head.

"Yes, it must be war syndrome." The submachine gun woman also catered dryly.

"If I go back, I must have a serious check..." The Shuangdaoliu boy also said with a dry smile.

Because, if you didn't say it like this, then convince yourself.

They will definitely think that they are crazy, and the scene before them is not a movie, nor is it in some fantasy alien world, how could there be a pillar of blood soaring to the sky?

If it is the double gun in Zhang Xiang's hand, it can be explained by black technology.

Then, the scene that just flashed past can not be explained by laser.

Because, if you admit that the soaring blood pillar just now exists.

Then, they feel that their three views will be completely destroyed.

However, afterwards, they saw something more unscientific.

"Okay, the next time is a matter of time!" Zhang Xiang looked at the soaring blood pillar that rose to the sky in front of him, with the magic circle covering the entire battlefield, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Under the soaring blood column, the essence of the corpses of some primitive bowel animals around him, as well as the blood that has penetrated into the grassland, is moving towards it at a slow but firm speed. The'Shadow Demon Blade' infiltrated and was completely swallowed by it eagerly.

If someone walks closer, they will find that the blood on the ground has dried up.

Even the original creeping phenomenon of the raw bowel animal carcass fragments has all disappeared, as if it had lost all its vitality.

And this is the effect of this soaring blood column.

As for whether the soaring blood pillar would be discovered by others, Zhang Xiang didn't have to worry at all.

The level of the scene in front of me is too high, and it is not something that ordinary people can see.

If there is no magic power, or special pupil eyes, it is impossible to see the blood column soaring to the sky.

Just like ordinary people, there is no soul at all.

Therefore, he doesn't need to worry at all.

However, at this moment, Zhang Xiang's face suddenly showed dissatisfaction.

"Want to escape? Don't want to leave!" A light flashed in Zhang Xiang's eyes, but the whole person rushed toward the gastroenterologist.

Relying on the feeling of primitive gut animals that is far more sensitive than ordinary humans, they already felt something wrong when the blood column burst into the sky.

When the soaring blood pillar and the magic circle were combined, the primitive gut animals that had stopped outside the ‘forbidden zone’ were the first to retreat.

The primitive bowel animals that had rushed towards Zhang Xiang were all frightened, and they retreated to the rear.

However, they don't have reason, only the instinct of beasts, but they don't know that their own behavior is precisely the culprit that keeps them from being able to escape.

Because, when they retreated, they were shocked by the unknowingly shocking gastroenteric frenzy, and a lot of chaos occurred.

So, shortly after they had mixed up, Zhang Xiang's figure had already rushed in front of them.

"Rest in peace, you guys whose souls have been completely corroded by the virus!" Zhang Xiang was holding guns in both hands, and he rushed directly into the chaotic frenzy of primitive gut animals.

What was even more incredible was that at the same time Zhang Xiang's figure rushed in.

On the muzzle of the two large-caliber pistols on his hands, two flame swords of different colors appeared.

It was a scarlet red, and the other was a dark blue flame sword.

Just by looking at the degree of distortion of the air around the two flame swords, you can already see how high their temperature is.

What an incredible thing, two flaming swords appeared from the muzzle of the pistol.

This is a matter of ruining the Three Views more than blasting the blood pillar to the sky and causing the members of the reserve team behind to ruin the three views.

But things that ruin the Three Views even more have not happened yet!

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