Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1557: , The power of terror!

At this time, in that forest.

Beside the trajectory with ultra-high temperature and penetrating power, Rentaro looked at the scene in front of him in a daze.

Not long ago, he got news from Hiruko Yingyin, and he knew that the four gastroenterates at the stage that could emit mercury beams were here.

So, under a gritted teeth, he rushed into the forest, alone trying to kill the stage four gastroenterate.

During this period, he went through a lot of hardships, and even his abdomen was pierced by a long needle fired by an unknown bee-like protogut.

However, he had no complaints, and finally came to the abnormal development of the whole body, the appearance is like a seahorse, the limbs have been almost degraded, it has a huge abdomen with mercury, and a high After being compressed, it is launched in front of the target gastroenterate with a long mouth similar to a bee.

However, around this gastrointestinal animal, there are very many gastrointestinal animals guarding it.

In order to distract these primitive gut animals, he almost knelt on the spot.

However, when he attracted most of the gastroenterologists, he wanted to eliminate the seahorse-shaped stage four gastroenterologists in one fell swoop.

An extremely thrilling feeling suddenly emerged from his heart, stopping his original movement of jumping out.

And then, an incredible scene appeared.

A crimson beam of light that did not know how wide it was, but occupies his entire field of vision, suddenly passed through him.

A spider-shaped primordial animal that had spotted him and wanted to jump over was also swept into the crimson light beam.

However, without making a sound, the trace was completely erased in front of him.

Yes, it is erased.

It is like a chalk drawing on a drawing board, after being wiped by the wipe board, it disappears without a trace.

Moreover, if the chalk drawing on the drawing board is wiped off, some powder will fall off.

However, the spider-type gastrointestinal animal in front of me is nothing left.

This terrifying power made him stand on the spot, his head was blank, thinking about what he would be like now if he rushed out on an impulse.

It wasn't until the crimson beam of light gradually disappeared, and the seahorse-shaped stage four gastrocnemius animal next to it also made the last scream, and his whole body collapsed on the ground. After reacting, he cast his gaze to the direction of the hippocampal stage four gastroenterologists.

However, the scene he saw was a bit shocking.

The hippocampus-shaped four-gastralgut animal, and the huge abdomen that stored a lot of mercury, had already been shot through a huge cavity.

If it compares its abdomen to an apple, then it is like taking a big bite on top of an apple.

After its body collapsed, a large amount of mercury mixed with parts of unknown internal organs flowed onto the ground.

As for its life phenomenon, it has completely disappeared.

Because of the high degree of heterogeneous development, at the cost of a high-strength mercury column attack.

Regardless of its physical strength, or its ability to recover, it is not as good as some stage one gastroenterologists.

Because of this, after suffering such a powerful attack that penetrated most of its body, it was impossible for it to survive even if it wanted to.

And just at this moment, an angry roar rang from a distance, and the primitive gut animals in the forest suddenly ran away.

Seeing the several primitive gut animals that rushed towards him, and the rioting sound from the forest not far away, Rentaro's face changed drastically, and he flew towards the rear...


Let us turn our vision back to Zhang Xiang's side.

After sensing that the primitive gut was killed by himself, Zhang Xiang couldn't help showing a trace of regret on his face.

As far as he perceives, it is located next to that special stage four gastrointestinal animal, which resembles a human figure.

Zhang Xiang said he didn't care at all, and didn't care who the other party was, so he shifted his attention to other places.

After all, there are a lot of people in the forest being approached by primitive gut animals, and he has to monitor the entire battlefield. How can there be time to care about the opponent?

Of course, if Zhang Xiang knew that the other party was Yanzhu's starter Rintaro, he might offer some help.

Although he didn't like the other party, he would still help the other party based on his identity as Yanzhu's promoter.

But at this time, his eyes were attracted by the two large-caliber pistols on his hands.

"It seems that the strength of the gun body needs to be strengthened." Zhang Xiang looked helplessly at the two large-caliber pistols in his hand.

At this time, the gun body was already covered with traces of cracks.

Moreover, after Zhang Xiang fired a shot casually, killing a gastrointestinal animal next to him that hadn't completely died, it was completely broken into pieces on the ground, distorted and transformed into a bunch of data The flow disappeared in place.

The high-intensity magic flood caused the gun body itself to bear too much pressure, causing it to completely rupture.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang lost two sharp weapons.

And perhaps because of the screams of the four gastrointestinal animals that were in the group and occupying a special position in the distance, some of the gastrointestinal animals violently walked away and attacked this side. .

Seeing this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help sighing.

"It seems that I am really a toil." Zhang Xiang sighed a little helplessly, but from the space bag, he took the one since he hadn't cut it anymore. The unused decapitation knife was taken out.

Then, he began to wave with familiarity.

"Well, although I'm not used to it, but the effect is not great." Zhang Xiang casually waved the 30-jin decapitation knife in his hand, as simple as waving a brush.

As for standing on the defense line behind him, the guy who had already been ruined by him was already somewhat powerless to be shocked and surprised.

Well, since it can launch tricks similar to satellite rays in general animation.

So, it’s not unacceptable to wield a big sword that even a strong man can’t control with an appearance that looks like an ordinary person, is it...

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