Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1570: , Apprentice one hundred and eight strokes!

"Ah, the script of the story is wrong! Isn't it that after I said that you could not kneel, you would show a helpless expression and promised me?" The Shuangdaoliu boy asked with some brainstorming.

There was a confused expression in his eyes.

After listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Could it be that you learned this trick from a TV series?" Zhang Xiang asked speechlessly.

However, to Zhang Xiang's surprise, the Shuangdaoliu boy shook his head.

"No." The Shuangdaoliu boy answered honestly.

"Huh?" This discovery made Zhang Xiang's eyes slightly widened.

And then the other party's words almost didn't make Zhang Xiang choke to death by his own saliva.

"This is what I learned from this book of "One Hundred and Eight Tips of Apprenticeship". This is what I bought from an old beggar after spending half a month on food. Moreover, this is the other party. It’s because I’m religious and qualified. It’s the original price, but I need one year’s food expenses." The Shuangdaoliu boy piously took out a slightly wrinkled book from his arms. Pass it to Zhang Xiang.

And listening to this sentence, Zhang Xiang almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood.

You would be fooled by such an old stalker?

Bought it from an old beggar? Or use a special price to buy food for half a month worth of food for one year?

Why is this stalk so similar to the scene in a movie from the previous celestial dynasty?

Wouldn't it, what you bought was not "A Hundred and Eight Skills of Apprentice" but "Tathagata Palm", right?

And, one hundred and eight moves, why don't you say one hundred and eight masters?

In this case, you can worship the 108 heroes in "Water Margin" as the master?

They are the 108 magic stars in the legend! ! !

However, fortunately, before Zhang Xiang spit out, the double-swordsman who was kneeling in front of Zhang Xiang was caught by a hand that stretched out from behind him.


He didn’t even know that Zhen Zhiyouzhen’s "One Hundred and Eight Skills of Apprenticeship" fell on the ground. He kept holding his grasped ears, and was pulling his ears. My sister is begging for mercy.

However, the sister of the Shuangdaoliu boy was obviously unmoved, grabbing the other's ears and dragging away.

Well, looking at this very familiar scene before him, Zhang Xiang couldn't complain.

Because, he felt that once he complained, it would be a terrible thing.

What happened just now, there are too many places to complain! ! !

After the Shuangdaoliu boy was dragged away, the conversation finally began to become normal.

The young man in the beret who had been walking in the front stepped up with an apologetic face.

"That, I'm really embarrassed. Because my team members are very excited when they see you, they are a little out of control..." The young man in the beret was a little embarrassed, and a little embarrassed, scratching his head towards Zhang Xiang apologized.

Seeing this young man who finally reacted normally, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

‘It seems that there are not necessarily all eccentrics in the team of eccentrics..." Zhang Xiang happily moved towards.

And listening to the other party's apology, Zhang Xiang had to accept it.

However, listening to the voice of the Shuangdaoliu boy who was dragging away not far away, still begging for mercy, and shouting: "Master, I will be back".

The corners of Zhang Xiang's mouth twitched, but he couldn't say the phrase ‘it’s okay.’

However, maybe it was the young man in the beret who saw Zhang Xiang's thoughts, or he noticed that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, but he shouted at the woman with the submachine gun, um, the sister of the Swordsman.

"Hong, let him be quiet." The young man in the beret nodded apologetically, turned his head and said to the woman with the submachine gun.

"it is good"


Then, there was a ‘click’.

Then, the world is clean.

Only Zhang Xiang twitched the corners of his mouth and looked at the skillful techniques of the submachine gun woman not far away. Her hands were obviously the two-swordsman who had fainted, as well as the familiar expressions of the members around her.

Well, take back the above words, this team does not have a normal guy.

And after the farce was over, things finally moved in the normal direction, well, it was really normal.

"First of all, thank you very much for giving us such a cleared line of defense. Let our team, which has just been formed, not be swallowed by the flood of gastrual animals because of lack of combat experience. If it weren't for yours, our team had decided that it had been completely swallowed up by the gastrointestinal animal due to lack of combat experience, fear and other reasons!" The young beret gave Zhang Xiang a deep bow.

At the same time, the people behind him also bowed ninety degrees, showing full sincerity.

After all, on their way back to the camp, they were already a team with a lot more knowledge. Under the invasion of the primitive gut animals, they lost most of the sad expressions of the members.

Moreover, the strength of most teams is much higher than them.

And this, there are still those teams that can come back, and the teams that have been completely swallowed by the gastrointestinal animals, even more.

In contrast, they didn't even lose a single member, which can be regarded as scorpion shit-the only one.

Therefore, looking at those sad teams and then looking at themselves, they became more and more grateful for Zhang Xiang's ability to hand over the cleared defense line to them.

However, listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang only smiled slightly.

"You don't need to thank me, I just did it smoothly. Moreover, this line of defense was originally my responsibility. You are only reserve forces. It is my responsibility to clean up this line of defense." Zhang Xiang shook slightly. Shook his head and said.

He is not talking politely, this is his true heart.

Although, according to his identity at the time.

He could leave this line of defense to them at any time, as an excuse to look for Aldebaran and that special primitive gut, without having to take any responsibility.

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