Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1590: , Exterminate the world!

At the same time Zhang Xiang was connected to that enchantment, a special feeling struck in an instant, driving his spiritual consciousness to spread from Zhang Xiang's radius to the entire town in an instant. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

Every corner of the town, everyone clearly appeared before his eyes.

It's like, standing high in the sky and looking down towards the town of newborn, he still has the ability to see through, and can see everything clearly.

At the same time, a burst of indescribable enlightenment emerged in Zhang Xiang's heart. No matter what he was looking at, he seemed to be able to analyze it thoroughly, or even reconstruct it.

In plain language, that kind of feeling is like omnipotence.

Even Zhang Xiang has a hunch, as long as his thoughts move, as long as the things he thinks do not exceed the energy range of this enchantment, he can really do what he wants.

If he wants to construct a human being, he is afraid that it will be constructed in an instant.

Moreover, it was no different from what he imagined.

And if he wants to die alone, he even needs a thought.

Convenience will be silent and silent, as if naturally dying.

This kind of power that can instantly determine the life and death of a person, and even create anything out of thin air, really gives people a deep sense of temptation, and makes people feel like they want to indulge.

Because with such power, then he can really be called a god.

However, Zhang Xiang knew that this was just an illusion.

Even the Golden Dayan technique is constructed based on reality. Without a clear understanding of reality, it is impossible to achieve what you want.

Not to mention that Zhang Xiang was just an enchantment created by a magic circle that intercepted part of the Golden Dayan Art.

In this enchantment, as long as you don't exceed the energy limit, you can indeed do everything.

However, this one is omnipotent but requires quotation marks.

Because this omnipotence is just an illusion, all actions seem to be produced out of thin air, but in fact they are following a principle, equivalent substitution!

Without paying, there is no return!

This is the basic rule of this enchantment.

Moreover, although this enchantment can create humans, it is an incomplete human.

Because this enchantment cannot create souls, and at the same time cannot destroy the world.

What it can change is the transformation of matter and energy.

But even so, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is enough to be called omnipotent.

For anyone, it is also full of infinite temptation.

However, Zhang Xiang only indulged in this state for a while.

Because he knew that power that did not belong to him would eventually disappear.

Not to mention, that is really not an omnipotent force.

But just after he came back to his senses, that is, not long after his first sentence fell, his words rang again.

"However, although you are guilty. But the gods are kind and they urge people to be good. As long as you believe in its existence, you can be saved and forgiven. As long as you put down your weapons and pray to the gods, the gods will Help you wipe away your guilt and help you survive the coming disaster." Zhang Xiang floated in the air like a magic stick, speaking to the soldiers on the entire battlefield in a majestic voice.

The holy light permeated his body, and the golden light permeated from the classics in his hands.

There is majesty in his eyes, and there seems to be infinite power in his body, and the place where his eyes can be seen gives people a feeling of seeing through.

——These are the impressions of all the people who saw Zhang Xiang and others inside and outside the town.

"What about your decision?" After Zhang Xiang finished speaking, he cast his gaze in the direction of the Self-Defense Force.

All those who were caught by his gaze felt a majestic gaze sweeping past, seeing through his mind, causing many people to bow their heads.

Even the people in the staff who should have been scheming and calculating, seemed to feel that they were really being watched by the eyes of the gods, and they were seen through the whole body.

A deep sense of fear emerged from their hearts.

Even some people already regretted it on the spot.

"This, this shouldn't really be a god... the world-destroying disaster in his mouth... shouldn't it be a divine punishment..." A slightly thinner staff member flashed a trace of fright. Said in a panic.

"Yes, or else, let's withdraw our troops." The man standing next to his staff's staff also seemed to be frightened and said with a pale face.

After listening to his words, the faces of the people who were originally determined couldn't help showing hesitation.

But at this moment, after listening to Zhang Xiang’s words, expressions of panic, fear, and fear flashed across his face, and his face looked like an eggplant, and the face of the staff member of Cangmu, who was also the most responsible person here. , But showed a trace of fierceness.

"Shut up all of you! Don't you really believe his nonsense?! It's just such a small means of transmitting the sound to other people's ears, will it stop you?! And, even if it is true If there is a god, do you really think that the **** will be so kind, don’t you pursue the matter of killing all its followers?! Don’t be delusional!" A hint of mockery flashed across the face of Chief of Staff Cangmu. Said fiercely to everyone in the tent.

And after hearing his words, everyone in the tent couldn't help but start to save others by themselves.

Then, their faces also changed.

Because, if it were them, someone wanted to cut off their roots. It would be good for them not to kill the other party's whole family. How could they let the other party go?

However, it was precisely because of their idea of ​​saving others by themselves that they lost their last chance to save themselves.

"Yes, yes, you are right. But what else can we do?" a young staff officer with a flustered expression on his face asked helplessly.

Because he didn't know what to do.

But looking at his actions, the staff of Cangmu showed a smile instead.

"It's very simple, the original plan remains the same, and everyone in the town will be killed!" Cangmu staff said with a stern smile.

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