Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1595: , The death of Tokyo!

And this has not stopped, just shortly after the sky dragon has landed.

The sound of fighter jets was also heard from the distant sky. It was originally called by the Self-Defense Forces to bomb the new town.

However, when the sky dragon "Aquarius" is invading, they are a bit out of season.

At least, the sky dragon "Aquarius" is very disgusted with this kind of thing that wakes it up from its deep sleep.

So, at the same time that some fighters arrived.

The sky dragon "Aquarius" was originally resting on the ground, but suddenly jumped up and flew in the direction of the fighters in the sky.

It was just a blink of an eye, and the sky dragon, which was more than 400 meters long, had already flew into the sky for thousands of meters, and also threw its tail toward the group of fighters.

There was a ‘bang’.

The two fighters that were too late to dodge were crushed into a puff of fireworks.

The other fighter jets were also slightly affected. The airflow caused by the huge body of the sky dragon, and the severe cold when it approached its body, caused all the fighter groups that escaped. Signs of losing control.

But fortunately, most fighter personnel are well-versed.

At the last moment, they finally reacted in time.

Then, he flew back towards the Tokyo area like a fire.

They intend to get rid of each other as quickly as possible.

However, they did not expect that the huge body of the sky dragon would fly so fast.

If these fighters accelerate after a period of time, the Sky Dragon is indeed unable to catch up due to size issues.

However, there is not much time to accelerate these fighters.

The sky dragon is just a few turn over and take off, and it is already chasing, smashing most of the fighters into pieces.

However, at this moment, the sky dragon also came within the sky realm of the Tokyo area.

Perhaps it was because of the call for support. Hundreds of anti-aircraft guns erected on top of several super-high buildings in the Tokyo area specifically for bird-shaped gastroenterology were also launched at the same time.

A continuous roaring sound was emitted from the turret in the distance, firing a high-penetrating projectile that was invisible to the naked eye. At a speed of nearly one kilometer per second, it instantly came to the dragon in the sky and bombarded it. Above its huge body.

And those fighters that were chased by the sky without roads and doors were also a sudden reflex, launching a large number of missiles they carried, and bombarding the dragon of the sky.

Suddenly, the body in the sky was wrapped in the smoke from the explosion.

It's just the next moment.

But the roar of the sky shook out from the smoke, blowing away the smoke that permeated the surroundings.

The huge body of the sky dragon covered with white scales suddenly flew out of the smoke as if it had not suffered any injuries.

Moreover, they flew quickly to the surroundings of those fighters, exhaling a light blue breath.

Just like the breath of a real dragon, when the light blue breath filled the air, the surrounding environment was suddenly distorted.

However, it is not that the temperature is so high that it will distort the air, but that the cold temperature instantly freezes the water vapor in the air, and even some inert gases are frozen, and the air disappears greatly, and it appears. Such a scenario.

The best proof is that when the dozen or so of them broke free from the light blue breath, they had completely lost their power and fell straight downward.

At the moment it fell on top of some buildings, it turned into fragments on the ground, and there was no explosion. What splashed out was only a large number of fragments, and a lot of black crystals.

As for what the black crystal is, it is naturally frozen low-temperature aviation kerosene.

Moreover, after taking down those fighters, the sky dragon "Aquarius" obviously still refused to give up.

It soared its body, flew a full circle around the entire Tokyo area, and carried out a complete sweep against the buildings where shells had been fired.

Those buildings were either directly knocked down by its huge body, or they were directly crushed into pieces by its brute force, and some buildings were sprayed with a mouthful of light blue soil, directly and completely The ground froze.

Then, in the collision of its body, it directly turned into powder and fell downward.

It is conceivable that the light blue breath is so cold that it can freeze a building to this degree.

In short, when the sky dragon flew around the entire Tokyo area, the entire Tokyo area has already entered the most severe winter from autumn. The temperature dropped directly to minus from about 15 degrees Celsius at the beginning. The degree of tens of degrees.

As for the process of its march, the buildings that have been crashed are countless.

Shocked screams of horror and screams continued to occur within the Tokyo area.

The sudden arrival of severe cold, as well as the snow falling from the sky, instantly frozen the road, and the side-slip and collision incidents that occurred on the road occurred one after another.

The buildings that were crashed directly affected the safety of several blocks.

Those rocks that fall from the sky don't care who you are.

What's more serious is that the severe winter that suddenly struck is winding with the sky dragon on a building in the city center, and the thickening snowflakes are constantly lowering.

Some people, because of the sudden drop in temperature, have fallen into a semi-coma state.

A little bit of fire, as well as sad screams, instantly filled the entire city.

This is not the more serious one. The gastroenterologists that were originally expelled during the Second Tokyo Defense War were caused by the collapse of the newly built monument, but there are quite a few gastroenterologists. Started to head towards the Tokyo area full of "food".

Starting from the most remote outer area, screams full of horror began to sound from scattered to dense.

The number of bowel animals is constantly proliferating.

The whole Tokyo has completely lost control and entered the ocean of battlefield!

Being completely wiped out is just a matter of time!

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