Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1600: , Glacier World!

A loud roar sounded throughout the entire Tokyo area.

The roar of the sky even caused the snowflakes temporarily held down by the pale golden light to begin to fall again.

And the huge body of that sky dragon also began to surging, rushing towards Zhang Xiang's direction.

The biological instinct tells it that Zhang Xiang in front of him is very dangerous.

In the face of possible danger, the way that the sky dragon chose was to destroy the opponent!

Not to mention, it smelled Zhang Xiang in the pink phone and photo frame.

It stays in Qixing Village, and one of its very important purposes is where the pink mobile phones and photo frames exist.

Just stealing the pink phone and photo frame is enough to make it angry.

And the angry sky dragon won't make sense to you, let alone Zhang Xiang originally came with the intention of killing it.

As its huge body flew up, the skyscraper entangled by it collapsed suddenly, smashing towards the place that had already become a piece of ice and snow below, and hitting the ground that was already accumulated. There is about 20 centimeters thick ice.

Watching this scene, Zhang Xiang knew that the coldest information on the other side was only over minus forty degrees below zero, which was completely out of date.

If there is no low temperature exceeding minus fifty degrees above the ground near the building, it is impossible for such a thick layer of ice to condense in such a short time.

And the scope of the impact is greatly beyond the records on the data, at least the area of ​​the city center is completely covered by ice and snow.

In just half an hour, the temperature had already dropped to about minus 30 degrees. The more you go to the center, the lower the temperature will be.

Such a super high-strength ability to change the weather is really worthy of being the dragon of the sky with the title of "moving natural disaster".

Because Zhang Xiang has already sensed that within 10,000 meters of which building is the center, there are no signs of life at all.

If so, it is also caused by the fluctuation of some small animals and plants hidden under the ground.

After all, there are limits to the temperature changes that humans can withstand in a short period of time.

This is more than a change in the temperature difference of 60 degrees, but it can cause most people to lose consciousness completely in just a few minutes, and lose their lives unconsciously.

Not to mention, when the ultra-low temperature hits, most people were just wearing thin, long-sleeved clothes.

As for the limit of the sky dragon's ultra-low temperature, this has changed. When the sky dragon's body is about tens of meters away from Zhang Xiang, he has already been thoroughly confirmed.

Because when the huge white body in the sky approached within fifty meters of Zhang Xiang's body, he already felt that the temperature around his body had dropped to nearly minus 30 degrees.

And this is the result of an instant approach.

If I stay for a while, I am afraid that the temperature will drop by dozens of degrees.

In Zhang Xiang's thoughts, the Sky Dragon had already opened his mouth and bit directly in Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, the movement of the sky dragon is extremely flexible.

However, for Zhang Xiang, who can leap tens of thousands of meters in a single step, it is a bit slow.

When the opponent's hideous giant mouth exuding light blue gas bite, Zhang Xiang's body just dodged slightly, and he had completely escaped the impact of the sky dragon.

However, the sky dragon seems to have experience with ‘small’ objects like Zhang Xiang.

Just as Zhang Xiang dodged, the other party's huge body swayed in an instant, like a long snake twisting the body, smashing part of the body in Zhang Xiang's direction.

If the long snake twists and hits it, I am afraid that even Zhang Xiang's shoes will not be able to break away, but if it is more than 400 meters long and 30 meters wide, at least there is a dragon that weighs thousands of tons?

I'm afraid that a hill will be destroyed!

However, even if it happened suddenly.

But how could Zhang Xiang, who has a mental perception controlling the audience, be attacked?

That huge body just twisted right past Zhang Xiang's body.

A snow-white scale on that huge body is almost half of Zhang Xiang's height.

It's just that Zhang Xiang cares more about temperature.

The huge body of the Sky Dragon just brushed it from the side, and Zhang Xiang's eyebrows were already covered with frost.

Zhang Xiang was even able to judge that the temperature on the surface of the dragon in the sky was at least one hundred degrees below zero.

This can be seen from the fact that he was still ‘frozen’ when he was enveloped in the power of faith.

However, after a slight frostbite.

Zhang Xiang immediately adjusted the structure of the power of belief outside his body, and instantly resisted the ultra-low temperature outside.

However, the dragon in the sky couldn't make a single blow, so he twisted his body again.

The huge, slender body showed no signs of difficulty turning, so he turned his head and faced Zhang Xiang's direction.

But in the next instant, its tail, which was also a huge body that turned back, suddenly struck a building that was more than a hundred tall.

Suddenly, the upper part of the building disappeared from everyone's sight.

In Zhang Xiang’s perception, the upper part of the building was crushed into thousands of fist-sized stones by an overwhelming force at the moment it was drawn. Bombarded in this direction of Zhang Xiang at a speed ten times the speed of sound.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang also opened the kaleidoscope to write the wheel, and his body began to become a little illusory.

He actually changed thirty positions in an instant, and dodged the gravel group that was invisible to the naked eye and covered with tens of thousands of square meters in size.

However, he dodged.

It's just that the successive buildings behind him suddenly collapsed as if they had been hit by a large passenger plane.

Even the clouds in the distant sky were bitten off for a large part.

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