Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1803: , Make Digimon!

And soon, Zhang Xiang took the selected children to the next area.

Here, it belongs to the field of steel and science.

However, the whole city is now empty.

But looking at the familiar architectural style, everyone is still quite happy.

And Zhang Xiang also felt relaxed for a while.

Because, based on the information collected along the way, while making analysis, he also has to make some experiments.

While the selected children were exploring this city, Zhang Xiang also began his own experiments.

"According to the information currently known, Digimon is made up of data. And all Digimon have a special core. Moreover, they still have the same attributes as the silver USB flash drive. However, they are in The core part of Digimon is to present the data status, while the silver USB flash drive is only physical."

"However, based on the fact that the silver USB flash drive can be converted into data and entered the online world. So, can I draw a conclusion? Every Digimon is at the beginning of that special core part. Therefore, as long as I have enough data in my hand and the mysterious substance of the silver USB flash drive as the core, will I be able to create a Digimon too!” When Zhang Xiang analyzed this point, There was already a gleam in his eyes.

And do it when you think about it, this is Zhang Xiang's style.

"Then, let's start!" Zhang Xiang took a deep breath and calmed down his slightly excited mood.

In the next moment, he stretched out his hands.

"First of all, it's the core!" Zhang Xiang's eyes swept across the silver U disk next to him, and his mental power suddenly turned into a sharp blade, cutting a trivial point from it. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Then, the bit of silver material that was cut off was controlled by Zhang Xiang and sent it to his hands with mental power.

"Then, it's enough data!" Zhang Xiang's computing power was instantly activated, instilled in that insignificant bit of silver material, and transformed into a data link visible to the naked eye.

Thanks to the peculiarities of Digimon, after Zhang Xiang's computing power was infused, the dense data chain had already emerged from it and became visible to the naked eye.

"Next, it is fusion and shaping!" Zhang Xiang's eyes lit up little by little.

Because he can feel that his guess should be correct.

In his field of vision, an existence very similar to the rolling ball beast was gradually shaped by him.

The dense data chain, after being extremely compressed, began to change into a physical existence.

And, under the influence of Zhang Xiang.

The point is that after Zhang Xiang instilled the information about the ball beast he got from the digital machine, it began to automatically form the appearance of the ball beast.

A few minutes later, when the last part of the data link was completely transformed into physical existence.

A live ball rolling beast appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

"Done!" Zhang Xiang let go of his hands and let the ball beast between his hands fall to the ground.

At the same time, the ball rolling beast that fell on the ground also jumped and stayed in place.

"Have you succeeded?!" Zhang Xiang's face revealed a look of surprise.

But in the next moment, he frowned slightly.

Because, the ball beast in front of him, although it has the appearance of a ball beast, it also has the ability of a ball beast.

However, the only difference is.

There was no glamour in its eyes, as if it had lost its soul.

However, Zhang Xiang did not think in the direction of the soul.

Because he knew that Digimon is a soulless existence.

In other words, the soul of Digimon is the core of their body.

And this point, the rolling beast in front of him already has it.

"Why isn't it?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly and began to think.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiang's mind flashed.

"It turns out that this is the case. The most important step of birth is missing. Do you inject it with an initial behavior pattern and wisdom?" Zhang Xiang suddenly rang.

Although he imported all the data of the ball beast.

However, he had forgotten that when the Ball Beast was born, it was also evolved from the Black Ball Beast.

In other words, when the ball beast was in the black ball beast, it already had the ability to think.

However, he directly created the Rolling Ball Beast, without giving it the initial behavior pattern, nor allowing it to accumulate enough intelligence, naturally it is difficult to respond to him, giving people a rigid feeling.

After knowing this, Zhang Xiang naturally knew what to do.

He instilled some of the behavior patterns of Digimon Babes he knew, as well as the behavior patterns of the Ball Beast, and even some of the information he had learned about the childhood of the Ball Beast of Taiyi.

Even for experimentation, he added some additional information.

Then, just between the flashes of light.

A mysterious rule about the Digimon world landed on the rolling beast created by Zhang Xiang.

That rolling ball beast turned into a Digimon directly.

However, looking at the digital egg, Zhang Xiang showed a thoughtful expression.

"Do all creations have to follow the world's own evolutionary laws?" Zhang Xiang felt the fleeting mysterious rules, and his feelings about the rules between the worlds couldn't help but deepen.

After all, he hasn't inherited what remains of his life, and has any understanding of the rules.

However, at this moment.

Zhang Xiang stood up suddenly.

"Are you here? A little earlier than I thought!" Zhang Xiang felt that the two were shuttled from the ground a few miles away, and the ultimate digital flying in the air. Baby, a smile appeared on his face.

At the same time, his figure disappeared in place.

Only this digital egg is left in that somewhat desolate city.

However, at this moment, the Digimon suddenly moved...

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