Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1811: , The blue washing!

"No, the flood is coming soon!" Infinite Dragon Beast said to the clown beast next to him extremely nervously.

At this time, the clown beast's face was also tense, even with a look of fear.

Because they have been attacking for a while, but they have not achieved any results.

However, at this moment, the clown beast suddenly thought of a way.

"Follow me! Hurry up!" The clown beast suddenly stopped attacking, and its figure suddenly rushed towards a building.

And the Infinite Dragon Beast didn't hesitate at all, and directly followed the clown beast's figure to chase it up.

Because it knows that the matter has reached the moment of life and death.

However, when it flew halfway, it already knew what the clown beast wanted to do.

"It turned out to be like this!" A hint of light flashed in the eyes of the Infinite Dragon Beast.

Because he already knew the plan of the clown beast.

Zhang Xiang intends to kill the two of them here, there is no doubt.

However, Zhang Xiang wanted to kill only two of them.

And the selected children must not be within the scope of his attack.

Therefore, as long as they escape to the place where the selected children are hiding, they will definitely be able to survive safely.

Even if it is a hundred steps back, the selected children are not in a safe place.

But as long as they hijack the selected children and force Zhang Xiang to release them, isn't it the same thing?

Therefore, after knowing this method, the tension and fear in the heart of the Infinite Dragon Beast finally emerged a little bit of relaxation. See 1 Mao 2 Line 3 Chinese Net

Because, in their eyes, the selected children are just the existence of their choice.

Even if they are not in the present state, it can even be said that they are traumatized and exhausted, it is still easy to deal with each other.

"Infinite Dragon Beast, open the way!" The clown beast's voice rang.

At the same time, feeling the sound of the waves surging from behind, and the blue curtain emerging from further ahead, the Infinite Dragon Beast did not hesitate to use its trick as an attack that opened the way.

"Infinite Dragon Cannon!" Even in the rapid dive, the Infinite Dragon Beast still maintained a precise head.

It was just a flash of golden cannonball, and a big hole was opened in the buildings along the road.

Even, under its precise control.

The building where the selected children were hiding even happened to have a hole opened, saving the time to crash into it.

"Very good!" The clown beast's face showed an expression of appreciation.

In the next moment, its figure had already rushed into the open building.

However, just in the next moment.

The expression on the clown beast's face suddenly froze.

Because, it expected that the selected children should be on this level, they are not here at all.

At the same time, the huge body of the Infinite Dragon Beast had already rushed into the building arbitrarily.

In the impact of its huge body, a huge pothole appeared on the surface of that building.

It's just that its head crashed in, and two floors of the building were penetrated.

"How's it going? Have you caught them yet?!" As soon as the Infinite Dragon Beast rushed in, it asked nervously and excitedly.

But unfortunately, the answer to him was just an empty floor.

"No, no, they are not on this level!" The clown beast said with a bit of iron.

"Not here?! Impossible, but I saw them hiding in it with my own eyes, and they didn't come out!" An expression of horror and anger appeared on the face of the Infinite Dragon Beast.

However, this is a reminder to the clown beast.

"Yes, they must be hiding in this building. Look for the bottom, and I will look for the top, hurry up!" The clown beast's face showed a trace of excitement and anxiety, but its body slammed through the ceiling. , Rushed to the top.

"Good!" The Infinite Dragon Beast did not hesitate at all.

Its huge body didn't care if it would collapse the entire building.

Its huge body, which is precisely a steel head, directly smashed the floor and the outer wall, and directly probed downward.

One floor, two floors...ten floors, a hundred floors!

But unfortunately, when the body of the clown beast broke through the last ceiling, it came to the sky.

The huge body of the Infinite Dragon Beast broke through the floor of the last floor. When the entire huge body came to the underground garage, it had not found the figure of the selected children.

But at the same time, the entire world has become a azure blue color.

From the sky, the blue color like the sky was overwhelmed.

And on the ground, the hard concrete ground also turned into a blue ocean in an instant, pulling the huge body of the Infinite Dragon Beast.

Even if it activates its own turbine with all its strength, it is impossible to fly.

The azure blue wave, like the strongest glue, stuck its body to it.

Then, it was slowly swallowed by the blue waves.

"No..." The Infinite Dragon Beast finally struggled and let out the last roar, but it was eventually swallowed.

As for the last clown beast, the whole body can no longer hide, floating in the middle of the building.

The front and back, the left and right, and even the top and bottom were infested by the blue liquid.

It has nowhere to hide.

"I curse you, I curse you...!" The crazy voice of the clown beast rang.

At the last moment, it turned out to be blew up.

The body of the clown beast suddenly turned into a mass of data, and it suddenly exploded, spreading the azure blue water that was originally wrapped, and even caused this unstable space to explode several spatial cracks. Come.

A lot of broken fragments were swallowed by a flash of space crack.

And in the cover of these fragments, there is something like a digital egg...

In addition, thank you [aa306291423] for the reward of 688vip points! ! !

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