Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1815: , The beast of Apocalypse!

But helpless, despite all the doubts.

However, these doubts did not run into a straight line, allowing the cause and effect to be revealed.

"Forget it, I don't want to! Kill it and analyze its data!" Zhang Xiang looked at the Apocalypse beast that dashed towards this side, and made a decision at once.

When the force value is sufficient, it is not a big deal to use less brains.

Break ten will in one force!

However, before Zhang Xiang launched an attack, the Apocalypse Beast was already the first to launch an attack!

"Infinite Cannon!"

One of the tentacles displayed by the beast of the Apocalypse suddenly turned into a muzzle, launching familiar moves towards Zhang Xiang and others.

The golden energy cannon unscrupulously traversed a distance of at least tens of kilometers, and bombarded Zhang Xiang and the others.

However, such an attack was nothing more than a slightly stronger attack for Zhang Xiang.

"Bounce it off for me!" Zhang Xiang clenched his right fist, and immediately shot the two golden energy cannons that had come from the bombardment, and disappeared into the void.

However, as the ultimate boss of the Apocalypse beast, how could it only have this trick!

At the moment the infinite cannon was launched, the other tentacles of the Apocalypse Beast also changed suddenly.





"Super high fever!"

The azure blue energy beam, the bone fierce nuclear bomb, the crimson energy beam, the purple blue thunder, the fiery red energy cannon...

All kinds of attacks, just like without money, bombarded Zhang Xiang directly.

However, these attacks were not able to block Zhang Xiang's path forward.

The azure blue energy pillar suddenly flashed past, and the bony fierce nuclear bomb was directly cut off. The crimson energy beam was directly suppressed by the golden beam emitted by Zhang Xiang’s right hand, and the purple blue thunder was swallowed into it. In the space crack, the fiery red energy cannon was directly exploded!

All things blocking Zhang Xiang's front were removed step by step by him.

At this time, what Zhang Xiang showed was his real strength, not the strength he had shown before.

Before, he was just playing.

However, seeing the beast of the Apocalypse at this time, he was eager to find the answer, but he directly shot with all his strength.

Even in the original book, the selected children will be converted into binary data, even if they have all the skills of the ultimate and tens of complete Digimon, and they can pour out all the attacks in an instant. It had no effect on Zhang Xiang's advancing speed.

The five meters in front of Zhang Xiang became an existence that could not be broken through by all attacks.

All the existence that entered this area was cut off by him!

Was the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand, or was smashed to pieces by him directly.

Under the blessing of divine power, nothing can impact his body.

From a distance, it is like a torrent of continuous, colorful skill attacks, continuously leaning towards Zhang Xiang's direction.

However, all the attacks were broken by Zhang Xiang.

Like a colorful beam of light with a diameter of about tens of meters in the middle, a transparent circular existence envelops Zhang Xiang, continuously breaking the beam of light and moving forward.

This scene is really comparable to the mecha scenes in some anime.

Just one person and one beast created a scene like an interstellar war.

As for the selected children in the rear, who had not been encircled by the beam of light at all, they were already completely stunned.

Their mouths are so wide that they can fit a duck egg.

" strong..." Taiyi's face was full of shock, and he couldn't even speak.

"This, this is his true strength?!!!" Yamato's face also had an expression of shock at this time, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions.

"He, is he still human!!!" Meimei called out in shock.

And listening to Meimei's voice, Mr. Shiroto suddenly remembered something.

"And, do you remember? He said he was a human being! In other words... he... can display this kind of power in the real world!" Take a sigh of relief, taking his own guess Tell it.

Everyone couldn't help taking a breath after listening to the words of Mr. Shiroto.

It is difficult for them to imagine that such a scene will appear in reality.

If this level of battle appears in Tokyo, I am afraid that most of Tokyo has already been destroyed!

You know, any blow between Zhang Xiang and the beast of the Apocalypse is an existence that spreads within a few miles!

It was at this moment that Photon's computer started to ring again.

However, after reading the contents of the computer, the faces of Guangzilang and others showed a trace of anxiety.

Because, this message from the old man Xuan Nei indicated that.

If the Apocalypse beast is defeated, it will send out a message that makes the Digimon world completely collapse, triggering what it is hiding in the underground world.

Therefore, let them, the selected children, use the power of the digital machine to block this message!

And I felt that I was finally able to do something, instead of watching Zhang Xiang slay the enemy in front of him and take advantage of the victory.

Everyone couldn't help showing a hint of excitement on their faces.

It even suppressed the shock at Zhang Xiang's power.



"Monk Beast...!"


"Yes! Agumon evolved...fighting Tyrannosaurus beast!"

"Yes! Gabumon evolved...Iron Garurumon!"

"Yes! Bhikkhus have evolved... Gayandarmon!"


In order to be able to form a cube to envelop the battlefield where Zhang Xiang and the Apocalypse beast can be at the fastest speed, the selected children even let their Digimon evolve to the strongest state and take them together. Flew to the eight predetermined corners.

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