Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1837: , The dark slash!

The pitch black slash flashed past the fiery red cannonball without any hindrance, cutting the fiery red cannonball in half. Look at ‘hair, thread, Chinese, text, net

Then, the pitch-black slash cut the sea and directly sank into the aircraft carrier that was hundreds of meters away.

And the flaming red shell, after it was divided into two halves, quickly transformed from both sides of Zhang Xiang's body, breaking through the huge waves that shocked the sky, not knowing where it hit.

From a high altitude, it is a huge ‘Y’ shape appearing above the sea.

And before the fork of'Y', it was Zhang Xiang's figure floating in the air.

The powerful electromagnetic force and impact force hit Zhang Xiang's body when the half-divided cannonball slashed past both sides.

However, these were not enough to break through the thin golden protective shield outside Zhang Xiang's body.

With sufficient supply of divine power, unless the energy of a moment can surpass the highest output of divine power in Zhang Xiang's body, don't want to break this turtle box.

"Okay, since the interfering things are eliminated. Then, I should continue to move forward!" Zhang Xiang glanced, and the aircraft carrier that completely lost its response behind him, the whole figure once again turned towards the sky. Flying away, turned into an afterimage and moved in the designated direction.

Behind him, the aircraft carrier with a length of more than 2,000 meters split directly into two halves in the sound of ‘click’, and plunged into the sea.

And there is more to it!

Because the energy used by this aircraft carrier is nuclear power.

It just so happened that in the slash hit just now, the cooling device for the nuclear power plant and the main computer were already destroyed.

Therefore, two seconds after Zhang Xiang left.

A violent red light emerged from half of the ship’s hull and turned into an extremely violent explosion wave, spreading in all directions, spreading to other nuclear bombs, and engulfing several kilometers in the explosion. Within range.

Even the remaining three broken frigates were also involved.

In the fierce heat wave, a part of the ship's hull was directly melted, and then shot into the sea by the powerful sea water, turning it into a pile of broken copper and iron.

A large amount of water vapor rose up from within a few kilometers, covering almost the entire sky.

The huge waves caused by the explosion turned into waves of torrents, surging in all directions.

In the most central area, the surging waves are hundreds of meters high.

This is the ultimate killer of mankind-the power of nuclear bombs!

As for such strong explosive fluctuations, even though Zhang Xiang had already flown a full tens of thousands of meters, he could still clearly feel it.

But what does this matter to him?

He now has only one goal.

That is the place established by the special department of the United States, a mysterious experimental base in a special inland zone.

This is a mysterious base. It has existed for at least ninety years, and it has been established a long time ago.

Moreover, this is a special area, within a radius of several kilometers, no personnel are allowed to enter, and guarded soldiers have the right to kill the intruder without any request.

Even some flying birds are not allowed to enter this area.

Let alone the existence of airplanes.

As long as it is any flying object that breaks into this range, as long as it is not authorized, even an aircraft of the same country will still be shot down for you.

The place Zhang Xiang wants to go is this mysterious place.

As far as Zhang Xiang knows, this is a place for researching and developing super-high-tech weapons, as well as one of the experimental bases for researching superpowers and biochemical people.

However, Zhang Xiang did not get more detailed information.

Because, with the authority of those two liaison personnel, being able to obtain the special identities of those liaison personnel entrusted them.

And along the way, I don't know what special methods the other party uses.

No matter what method Zhang Xiang uses, it is only able to temporarily avoid the intertwined intertwined in the sky, with up to 138 satellites alternately locked.

As long as he is shown, he will be caught.

After hiding to the end, after some annoyance.

Zhang Xiang simply didn't hide, and dashed directly to destroy the missile that was besieging Zhang Xiang, and threw the fighter who was besieging him behind.

And just after Zhang Xiang used these methods, his speed skyrocketed by several levels.

It only took less than half an hour, and his figure had already crossed the boundless sea, and crossed nearly half of this country's land.

At this time, the neon side had just reached 6:30, and the morning sun had just enveloped a whole neon.

However, in this place where Zhang Xiang is.

Time, it's just the night time.

The sun in the distance glided towards the horizon in the distance.

The afterglow of the setting sun falls on this huge basin that combines the empty mountains and plains.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's figure also appeared on the edge of this sunset.

In front of him is a huge basin about 6 kilometers long and 5 kilometers wide, showing signs of desertification.

Not far away, there is a big lake with salt water.

The whole scenery, under the shroud of the setting sun, looked so beautiful.

However, it is located in the center of this basin and occupies a special military area the size of one-third of the basin, but Zhang Xiang's arrival is not welcome!

The moment Zhang Xiang entered this basin, he received a warm welcome.

"Launch! Launch!"

"Shoot! Shoot!"

Hundreds of missiles shot out from all over this base.

The armor-piercing barrage, which was stained with the afterglow of the setting sun and turned red, enveloped the sky...

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