Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1865: , Take the initiative to deliver food...

In the depths of the dense forest, a giant python, about twelve meters long, was advancing at a slow speed.

Its icy eyes, through the gaps of the trees, peeked into Zhang Xiang and others.

But at the next moment, its movement suddenly got up quickly.

It was like a tiger coming out of a tsunami. The giant python, about twelve meters long, suddenly bends its body, and then the whole body is like a spring, suddenly shooting in the direction of Zhang Xiang.

That speed is almost comparable to the speed of sound.

It was just a blink of an eye, and the distance of about six or seven meters suddenly flashed past, slamming in the direction of Zhang Xiang and the "Chickling".

Of course, because the size of the "Baby Bird" is larger than that of Zhang Xiang, and it seems that it is obviously more tender.

The object it aimed at was the direction of the ‘chick’ that had the appearance of a chick but was enlarged hundreds of times.

"Sneak attack?" Zhang Xiang frowned slightly, stretched out his right hand and wanted to punch this one out. He planned to roll up him and the'nick', and the hanged python gave a punch. Killed.

However, facing the shock, the body was so much bigger than the giant python.

The ‘Hatchling’ did not show fear, but a joy.


A cry of excitement came out from the mouth of the "Hatchling".

But at the next moment, it flapped its little pink wings that had never been used before, and instead rushed out in the direction of the giant python.

And watching the reaction of the "Baby Bird", Zhang Xiang's movements couldn't help but slow down.

He wanted to see to what extent ‘Hatchling’ can do it.

Otherwise, if he takes out such a big ‘baby bird’, he will definitely encounter many unruly people who have spied on it in the future.

After all, the price of precious animals in the dark market has always been expensive.

It is impossible for Zhang Xiang to take it with him all the time. Therefore, Zhang Xiang needs to take the lead in considering how much force the opponent has.

However, Zhang Xiang didn't think that just by relying on the newly born body of the "Chickling" who hasn't learned much hunting skills, he could get rid of this giant python, which is about 12 meters long.

When the ‘Chick’ is in danger, Zhang Xiang will still take action as soon as possible.

However, this ‘baby bird’ gave Zhang Xiang an unexpected answer.

Facing the giant python that was impacting at the speed of sound, the'Hatchling' did not feel any tension. Instead, when the giant python impacted in front of him, even Zhang Xiang had to hold a cold sweat and was always ready to take action. , But suddenly slapped his'little' wings and dodged.

Then, at a speed that Zhang Xiang could not see with the naked eye, he suddenly stretched out his neck, and instantly pecked seven inches of the giant python.

A pit about the size of a fist suddenly appeared seven inches above the giant python, and wisps of blood flowed down.

At the same time, the giant python suddenly lost all its strength and collapsed suddenly.

This surprised Zhang Xiang slightly.

However, he was surprised not only by the speed of the "Hatchling", but also by the unknown attack of the "Hatchling" besides pecking.

Yes, in addition to pecking at the python's seven inches, the ‘Chick’ has also performed another attack.

Otherwise, even if the python's heart is pecked, based on the characteristics of the longest snake nature, the opponent will still struggle for a long time before collapse. (Note: Snake nature refers to the life and breath of the snake, more specifically, the ability to recover.)

In the vagueness just now, Zhang Xiang seemed to see a glimmer of light from the long peck of the'baby bird' for a moment.

However, none of these are related to the ‘baby bird’.

After it had killed the python, it had already started to enjoy a delicious meal.

First of all, the convenience it started to enjoy was that it pecked out a heart about the size of a fist out of the seven inches of a giant python with extremely fast speed.

In the joyous cry of the ‘Hatchling’, it swallowed the heart in one bite.

Then it began to feast on it.

It used the sharp claws that had been hidden under the fluffy body, which were rarely exposed, just a few strokes, and then skinned and boned the entire python.

Moreover, it is very particular about removing the internal organs of the python.

However, after accomplishing this step, the Nestling hesitated for a while, and continued to stretch out its sharp claws. One claw split the entire python in half and pushed it to Zhang. Xiang came in front of him.

Seeing the reluctant behavior of "Baby Bird", Zhang Xiang almost didn't laugh.

Because, watching the move of that fluffy "baby bird" is really so embarrassing.

Especially the reluctant look in the eyes, it is the most vivid comment.

But at the same time, Zhang Xiang also felt a sense of warmth and responsibility, which appeared in his heart.

He is that kind of person, and he will always remember others who treat him well.

"Well, from this moment on, before leaving this world, I will definitely take care of you!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand and patted the wings of the'baby bird'.

"However, these meats are too much for me. That's it!" Zhang Xiang stretched out his right hand, a sharp wind attribute chakra appeared on the edge of his right palm, and cut Come down with the flesh that is about a slap.

Then, he pushed back the meat that was pushed by the ‘baby bird’ again.

However, the ‘Chickling’ did not understand what Zhang Xiang meant, and pushed the meat back again.

It wasn't until Zhang Xiang pushed the meat back several times in a row, and then danced and explained it to the "Chickling" that the "Chickling" understood what Zhang Xiang meant.

Then, it is considered to have started to enjoy its own feast.

On the night of the second day as a full-time hunter, Zhang Xiang was eating snake meat, beside the fire, watching how the nestling swallowed a 12-meter-long python into his stomach In the process of...

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