Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1872: , Where is Mr. Doudou

And not long after, Zhang Xiang finally dispatched to the front and began to fill in the information. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

However, after he had filled in, he gave the information to the counter of the other party for processing and waiting, but he chatted with Yun Gu and others not far away.

"By the way, are you also here to sign up? If so, you will be faster. Depending on the length of the team, if you wait a little longer, I'm afraid you will have to wait until the evening." Zhang Xiang pointed to the Yue faction behind him The longer the line, asked them.

"No, we had already signed up yesterday. I just took my apprentice Zhixi to stroll outside." Yun Gu shook his head towards Zhang Xiang.

"Oh, is it? At such a young age, I have already exercised myself in the sky arena. It's amazing!" Zhang Xiang looked at the somewhat low-headed Zhixi and praised.

However, after knowing what happened, Zhixi was sulking because he didn't see that Zhang Xiang had the vision to kill those two people like the master did. After that, the master was embarrassed.

Even if Zhang Xiang complimented him, he just nodded and responded with an ‘um’.

However, just when Zhang Xiang wanted to speak again, there was a slightly awkward voice from the counter.

"Sir, sir..." A softer voice rang from behind the registration counter.

After calling a few words, Zhang Xiang could be regarded as a reaction.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Zhang Xiang asked curiously.

"Sir, I'm sorry, I would like to ask, where is that Mr. Doudou? We are here, but I need to register in person. If it is a substitute for registration, it is not allowed to pass." with a face on his face With an'apology', but in fact, the counter girl with a very determined attitude returned an application form in Zhang Xiang's direction.

Well, to explain, Zhang Xiang just filled out two application forms.

One naturally belongs to him, and the other one belongs to "Baby" Doudou.

After all, who's called "Baby Bird" Doudou has such a big appetite, so big that even Zhang Xiang can't afford it.

Since yesterday, Zhang Xiang has already discovered that the appetite of "Chuckling" Doudou has been increasing every day.

From the beginning, I had to eat food comparable to its body size, and now I have to eat something equivalent to twice its body size, but it only took more than a day.

Moreover, Zhang Xiang also discovered that the phenomenon that he had noticed that the body of the "Chickling" Doudou had grown larger was not actually an illusion, but a real thing.

Because, in this afternoon, Zhang Xiang found out that he had to stand on tiptoe before he could touch the head of "Chickling" Doudou.

And Zhang Xiang's height is impossible to shrink.

Therefore, there is only one truth!

——"Baby" Doudou is growing up at an incredible speed.

What kind of growth rate is this, just after a day, it has grown to a height of at least ten centimeters, which is comparable to some accumulated for several years, and finally burst out of their own during the rainy season. The strength came, and a day of ten or twenty centimeter bamboo shoots grew.

And if you follow the growth rate of "Baby" Doudou, there is still the amount of food that will be eaten.

Soon, unless Zhang Xiang grabs it, it will be really difficult to raise it.

So, naturally, when there is an opportunity to make money, Zhang Xiang naturally also wants to sign up for "Chuckling" Doudou.

——Let it earn a little ‘food expenses’ for its future food!

Therefore, facing the question of the counter lady, Zhang Xiang spoke to the counter lady in a very serious manner.

"Sorry, isn't my friend Doudou already here? Still standing in front of you!" Zhang Xiang said in a very serious voice.

And listening to Zhang Xiang’s words, the lady at the counter also showed a look of doubt on her face.

"So, is it this gentleman? But, he didn't line up!" The lady at the counter looked in Yun Gu's direction.

And listening to the words of the lady at the counter, a wry smile appeared on Yun Gu's face.

"It's not me." Yun Gu shook his head.

"So, shouldn't it be you, kid?" The lady at the counter opened her eyes wide, and looked inexplicably in the direction of the kid Zhixi.

However, after listening to the words of the counter lady, Zhixi, who could not lie, also shook his head.

"It's not me. I signed up yesterday, and I hit the 37th floor." Zhixi said dullly.

"Oh, it's not you! But, you said that you signed up yesterday and hit the 87th floor! That's amazing, kid!" The counter girl in the beautiful costume praised Zhixi in surprise. .

After listening to this compliment, Zhixi's cheeks flushed slightly, apparently a bit shy.

"No, no, I'm not very good..." Zhixi blushed, shaking his hand to defend.

However, the lady at the counter still kept a smile admiringly.

"It’s okay, don’t be too modest. It’s amazing to be able to reach the eighty-seventh floor like a kid your size... Well, let’s stop here. Big sister is going to work first. Finish work. Big sister will go to you again.” The lady at the counter continued to compliment, until the child Zhixi blushed and even the retort was quiet, and then she stopped slightly.

This made both Zhang Xiang and Zhixi's master Yungu glance at the counter girl with a weird look.

I always feel that it seems that the other party is a "rotten girl" who is very interested in molesting Xiao Zhengtai.

‘Your apprentice is in danger! This is the eye contact between Zhang Xiang and Yun Gu.

‘Don’t worry, I won’t let Jihee come out alone, especially in this direction. "This is Yun Gu's answer.

However, it was in the eye contact between Zhang Xiang and Yun Gu.

The lady at the counter who was still praising the kid Zhixi with a smile on her face suddenly changed color when she turned her head and looked in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"Hey, hurry up and ask your friend named Doudou to stand up! There are so many people, this lady is too lazy to guess one by one! Hurry up, don't stop this lady from waiting for a shift to eat. Meal!" The lady at the counter slapped the table suddenly and shouted fiercely to Zhang Xiang.

However, Zhang Xiang always felt that when the other party was talking about ‘big meal’, he seemed to have glanced at Jihee.

At the same time, Zhixi also shuddered as if feeling something.

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