Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1888: , Two hundred levels of thinking ability!

"On the 200th floor, do I need to register in person, and I still need to fight and win ten games? It's really troublesome, isn't it, Doudou" Zhang Xiang's body was leaning on the elevator wall meeting, facing the'nick' next Doudou said with some trouble.

And the "Chickling" Doudou responded with a "squeak" voice, and continued to use his wings, not knowing how to get a package of dried fish hidden in the red schoolbag behind his back, pecked With a move, Zi opened it and fell into his mouth.

Well, I don't know when it started, maybe it's the nature of birds.

"Baby" Doudou has become obsessed with dried fish.

As for where the red schoolbag on its back came from, Zhixi did not know where to buy it after learning that "Baby" Doudou likes to eat dried fish.

Moreover, he also modified the strap of his schoolbag so that it could be carried on his body by the "Baby" Doudou.

However, this one of his actions was right after Lei turned Zhang Xiang.

Okay, do you know how weird it is that a red schoolbag with a red schoolbag on the back of a ‘chicken’ after being enlarged hundreds of times is almost three meters tall?

It's like a white white paper with an extra black spot on it, which is conspicuous!

Even the style of painting is a bit wrong.

If you go to the main street, no, if you don't say it is the main street, even in the sky arena where there are so many weird people, the return rate is 100%.

Without going to the street, Zhang Xiang had already figured out what would happen when they walked down the street together.

‘Its owner is a pervert! ’

"What a poor "Little Bird", what a disgusting master! ’

‘That man, he is really a guy with a strange taste! ’

Words like this will definitely appear!

And he will definitely be misunderstood!

In short, the red schoolbag on Doudou's back was strongly opposed by Zhang Xiang. Look. Yarn, Chinese website

However, that time the opposing action failed.

Because, that time, "Baby" Doudou clearly opposed Zhang Xiang's decision for the first time.

When Zhang Xiang wanted to take down the red schoolbag, it turned around and hid in the corner.

Although in the end, under Zhang Xiang's persuasion, it no longer resisted.

But looking at the **** and shiny eyes of "Baby" Doudou, and looking at Zhang Xiang with tears, it was like Zhang Xiang was going to do something intolerable.

Moreover, after the red schoolbag was taken away, it was as if the sky was about to collapse, and Zhang Xiang couldn't stand the sad look.

Therefore, he eventually returned the red schoolbag to the "Baby" Doudou.

However, after that time.

Zhang Xiang really has a few more titles in the Sky Arena.

The inexplicable titles such as ‘cute animal abuser’, ‘eccentric man with strange taste’, and ‘color monster’ were placed on Zhang Xiang’s head.

Zhang Xiang, on the other hand, could only ‘wipe away tears’, saying that he ‘never cares’.

At this time, with the sound of a'ding', Zhang Xiang also recovered. He looked at the elevator where there was no one, only him and Doudou, saying that the rumors killed him. , I don’t even dare to ride the elevator with me...

Well, this is just because fewer people come to the 200th floor.

In these days in the Sky Arena, everyone has gradually learned that although the "Hatchling" Doudou is very powerful, it does not harm people casually.

Many people still like to get close to "Baby" Doudou.

In addition, Zhang Xiang still looks a little handsome, so the popularity can still be considered acceptable.

It's not so low that no one would take the same elevator.

"Well, let's head towards the 200th floor!" Zhang Xiang cheered up and took his own steps towards the 200th floor.

"Well, according to the information, the registration office should be here, right?" Zhang Xiang looked at the two-hundred-story map in his hand and walked out in a certain direction.

After walking less than a few steps and bypassing a passage.

Zhang Xiang raised his head, and the registration office was there.

"It turns out that it was arranged in such a close place. I knew that I shouldn't spend 10,000 jinni to buy this document." Zhang Xiang muttered, putting away the map in his hand, and walked to the registration office. .

The registration office on the 200th floor is not much different from the one below.

The girl in uniform was standing in front of the counter.

It's just that the color of the uniform worn by this girl is biased towards dark purple, and there is a breath of thought in her body, and her breath is still a little gloomy.

However, it is understandable if you think about it.

After all, the existence above the 200th level is almost always the existence of the kind of ‘read’.

If you don’t know how to do both, what should you do if something goes wrong when filling in the information?

However, Zhang Xiang was surprised that there were quite a few people in front of the counter, but there were six people standing there.

Moreover, when Zhang Xiang walked over, he cast his gaze on him.

It's just that the look in their eyes is not good.

This made Zhang Xiang raised his brow slightly.

"It seems that there are disputes where there are people." Zhang Xiang felt their badness, and thought of it helplessly.

However, he still kept a somewhat puzzled expression on his face.

"It seems that there are still a lot of people who have been promoted today." Zhang Xiang pretended not to see their badness, and led the topic in other directions, trying to use words to test out the origin and purpose of the other party.

However, the other party made no secret of his purpose.

"Come on, come to the game with me!"

"No, come with me!"

"Go away, I came first, let's compare with me first!"


These people unabashedly stated their purpose.

Combined, the two-hundredth floor of the Sky Arena ‘must participate in the battle at least once every 90 days, otherwise they will be eliminated. Moreover, as long as you get ten victories on this floor, you can challenge the "landlord". If you win, you can monopolize the floor and become a new host, enjoy your reputation and have a worry-free life. 'at this point.

The purpose of the other party came here is clear.

Those six who came to this place where newcomers must come to sign up and wait, just want to pinch Zhang Xiang, this newcomer's "soft persimmon", so that they can easily win one victory, accumulating ten victories, and challenge the "lord" .

Or maybe, some of them have the 90-day deadline, and they also want to keep themselves above the 200th floor by pinching Zhang Xiang, the newcomer's "soft persimmon".

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiang couldn't help but show a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Want to fight with me? I can agree to it..."

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