Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1892: , Use money to make solemnity!

"Hua Shi Dou Lang! Hua Shi Dou Lang! Hua Shi Dou Lang!"

The sound like a tsunami came out from the audience stage in the distance. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Because today is Zhang Xiang, who has won six games in a row, and the person who is said to be the most hopeful of becoming the host, Hua Shi Doulang, fights.

Therefore, the whole battlefield is full of warm atmosphere.

In normal times, it was already a battlefield with an attendance of 90, and it was already fully full at this time.

It can even be said that it has reached the point where it is hard to get a vote.

But it is a pity that most of the shouts in the audience were for Hua Shi Doulang.

Almost no one is optimistic about Zhang Xiang, even if he won six games in a row.

Because, Hua Shi Dou Lang's record is undoubtedly more perfect.

He has won eight games in a row.

Moreover, the personnel he was fighting against were some of the more powerful existences among the two hundred fighters.

That is, those other two-hundred-tier fighters who don't stay in the sky arena very often, only come back in the days of fighting, and hone their fighting power outside.

And it wasn't like the six people Zhang Xiang faced, staying in the sky arena all the time, just thinking about solving the opponent with conspiracy.

Moreover, it also specifically finds new members to play against.

Undoubtedly, for those audiences who know the basics of the players they are playing against, Hua Shi Doulang is undoubtedly a strong one, and although Zhang Xiang has won so many games in a row, it is because those players are soft. Because of the'persimmon', it is also regarded as a soft persimmon.

This made Zhang Xiang feel like he wanted to vomit, but also secretly happy.

Needless to say, if he wants to complain, he is regarded by those audiences as a ‘soft persimmon’ specially pinched by a ‘soft persimmon’, and he will naturally be a little unhappy.

As for secretly feeling happy, it is because the more he is looked down upon, the higher the odds will be after the gambling.

"Damn, my brother has changed your attention! Not only have you put three bags of nuns, I will throw all the nuns in!" Zhang Xiang's shadow avatar looked at the one-to-eight gambling game, suddenly a little unhappy.

At the same time, he also made a decision.

Therefore, wearing a purple robe, he not only waved the other ten bags of jimmies placed in the room, but also took a picture of the VIP-level bank card in his hand to the gambling hall. Above the window.

"Give me all bets on No. 555 to win!" Zhang Xiang's shadow clone proudly pointed to the window as a publicity, and said his own poster.

While talking, he was still a little uncomfortable. He hooked the sack next to him with his right hand, let it all fly up, and then flew to the window, letting the stack of nuns with a denomination of 10,000 yuan. The inside poured out like raindrops, stacking the entire cabinet.

It can be seen from the sky, that is a counter five or six meters long!

However, that was still piled up by the billions of nuns.

And looking at the billions of nicknames that suddenly appeared in front of me, and the Zijin VIP card that I could have at least 5 billion in net worth, I couldn’t help but to see the front desk teller who had never seen so much money before. Almost fainted.

However, fortunately, as a staff member of the Sky Arena, she still has a high professional quality.

Before he fainted, he also called the supervisor who could be the master.

However, after the supervisor who could make hundreds of millions of bets came, he heard Zhang Xiang's plan to overwhelm Zhang Xiang with the ten billion in the Zijin VIP card.

The foot of the supervisor couldn't help but soft.

In normal times, because of the special status of the Sky Arena, let alone 10 billion, even 20 or 30 billion has been used.

However, that was in the biennial fighting convention, when a large number of rich men gathered.

Moreover, it is only when all the gambling capital of a game is added up.

However, in today's ordinary days, there is a person who has auctioned off more than 10 billion funds. How can this prevent him from falling down almost weakly.

However, he is worthy of being the supervisor, and his tolerance is always higher than that of the front desk teller who fainted.

After trembling with his right hand, he took out the mobile phone in the suit and gave his report to his superior. After waiting for a while, waiting for himself to report to the superior, he told it a little nervously. Zhang Xiang, the casino accepted this bet.

Moreover, because Zhang Xiang's shadow clone has pressed the amount of money to bet more than a certain limit, I plan to invite him to the VIP table to watch.

However, this point was rejected by Zhang Xiang.

After all, if he goes to the scene, although he has changed his appearance and clothes, it is still easy to be recognized that it matters.

Moreover, he is also planning to run away with the winning money after the gambling round is completed, so he won't want to stay there and be annoyed by him!

Therefore, Zhang Xiang stayed here with a tough attitude.

As for the people in the staff, he was wearing six different colors of clothing before betting, and today he was wearing a seventh color clothing to bet, and every time he bet on Zhang Xiang to win, he also won a lot of betting money. Reported the incident, Zhang Xiang thought it hadn’t seen it.

If the other party wants to do something, Zhang Xiang is also welcome.

He is also worried that he has been a little too idle recently, and he can't move his body!

Of course, after the event, the Sky Arena is still not there, it is another matter!

But after accepting Zhang Xiang’s bet, the odds of the originally very different bet suddenly changed, from the previous one to eight to the current one to 0.3, which made Zhang Xiang nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"This way, it is decent" Zhang Xiang's shadow clone nodded and said.

Let us turn our eyes back to Zhang Xiang's real body.

By the time the casino accepted the bet and completed the acceptance, Zhang Xiang and Hua Shi Doulang were already on the martial arts stage.

And the sound of shouting gradually weakened.

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