Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1897: , Calabash Baby achievement reached!

At the same time, Zhang Xiangying's avatar wearing purple clothes also raised her right foot, with a smile on her face.

"Okay, the game is over. I won the prize, should I send it to me?" Zhang Xiang said with a smile to the supervisor who was sitting not far away.

Seeing that he really won, the supervisor couldn't help but wipe the sweat from his sideburns and stood up.

Because he didn't think Zhang Xiang could win.

However, the reality is that it is right to give him a slap.

However, when he stood up and wanted to transfer the bonus to Zhang Xiang to his bank card, Zhang Xiang suddenly made another request.

"By the way, for the bonus I bet, I want cash." Zhang Xiang stretched out his right finger and waved to the opponent.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the supervisor who had originally planned to make money, almost didn't have his feet weakened, and threw himself on the ground.

Well, it's not almost, but really hit the street on the ground.

"You, what are you talking about?" The director of the Sky Arena Casino cautiously asked Zhang Xiang with a gesture of bashing on the ground, with a continuous cold sweat on his forehead.

And listening to the other party as if he hadn't heard it, Zhang Xiang reminded him again in a ‘kindly’ manner.

"I mean, I won the prize, but I have to exchange it for cash," Zhang Xiang's shadow clone said to the other party with a slightly happy voice.

"But, but, our casino doesn't have so much cash for a while. Can you accept bank card transfers?" The casino supervisor continued to ask Zhang Xiang with a cautious gesture.

Although, the sweat on his forehead is getting more and more, even the handkerchief on his hand is wet. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

But listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang's face showed expressions of'surprise' and'surprise'.

"Oh, it's impossible?! The Sky Arena is so big. The cash flow received every day should be more than hundreds of billions, right? How can you not even get this cash?" Zhang Xiang pretended to be a city Without understanding, he asked in surprise to the other party.

And listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the cold sweat on the forehead of the casino manager couldn't help but even more.

"But, that, that, you also said that it is cash flow, not the cash owned by the casino. Moreover, the money that is repeatedly bet within a day is counted. Our casino is just Provide a place for people to place bets. Although we occasionally open some markets to be the banker, more often we just provide a convenience and charge a little fee..." The casino manager wiped his sweat and tried his best Want to explain to Zhang Xiang.

And listening to the other party's words, Zhang Xiang showed an expression of'sudden realization' at this moment.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this. Most of the time you just provide venues. No wonder you can make at least one billion nuns every day, but I think it would be better if you are a dealer? One billion nuns." Zhang Xiang narrowed his eyes slightly, as if he had accidentally'spoofed', telling the news he knew.

After listening to Zhang Xiang's words, the casino supervisor couldn't help but become a little bit sad.

Because he already heard it.

Zhang Xiang knows the operating process of the Sky Arena, he was just playing tricks on him before.

However, even though he knew that Zhang Xiang was playing tricks on him, he did not dare to show any disrespect, and he even became more respectful.

The reason is to let Zhang Xiang stop tossing him.

Unfortunately, Zhang Xiang didn't plan to let him go just like that.

"Then, the transfer bank, right?" the casino supervisor asked hopefully.

"As for the bank, if there is a natural disaster or man-made calamity, what should I do if the bank goes bankrupt," Zhang Xiang said with an expression of ‘worried’.

"Please rest assured, the banks we deposit are all universal, that is, unless the World Union goes bankrupt, it will definitely not..." The casino supervisor seemed to have hope, and quickly began to persuade.

But before he could finish speaking, Zhang Xiang already shook his head.

"No, I still like cash because it's a bit cooler for cash." Zhang Xiang casually took out three stacks of money from the purse next to him and threw it out.

What is even more bizarre is that the three stacks of money were suddenly swallowed by a space crack in midair.

When it appeared again, it appeared in three different corners, and hit the body of the person with the ability to think that there was no aura, and it was lurking in the dark.

"This is just a warning. If they continue to stay here, the next time they appear in front of them, it may not be a good thing like a stack of money." Zhang Xiang said with a smile, but his behavior was not Such.

A powerful murderous aura waved from his body, swept all over the place, and instantly enveloped the three guys hiding in the dark.

Everyone in the scene felt a flash of coldness, and almost fell to the ground without a soft body.

And the one who felt the most was the three guys hiding in the dark.

Because Zhang Xiang's murderous aura was aimed at the three of them.

The rest of them were just affected by the aftermath.

Suddenly, they were as if they were in a sea of ​​blood in the corpse mountain, their endless murderous aura turned into a rich and incomparable storm of blood, and their bodies were submerged little by little.

But they can't even move, they can only watch their own bodies being'submerged' and drowning their noses.

The feeling of suffocation began to appear in their feelings.

This makes them can't help but widen their eyes and want to struggle desperately.

However, they are all useless.

That ability to exert all their strength even caused the ground around them to crack, but their bodies were still unable to move.

It wasn't until they were about to reach their limit that that murderous aura suddenly disappeared.

At this time, they were considered to have lost all their strength and fell to the ground limply, with an expression of horror on their faces.

As for the state of maintaining a shielded breath, it is simply impossible.

And the crowd around, looking at the three figures that suddenly appeared hidden in the dark, exclaimed one after another.

Because they didn't notice the traces of these three figures hiding around them.

"Now, let's get the cash," Zhang Xiang said to the casino director with a smile.

And looking at the surrounding situation and the state of the three powerful minders who were originally playing the trump cards, the director of the casino had to show a crying expression.

"Okay, okay, I will try my best..." the casino director said with a sad expression.

Finally, ask for flowers and comments for the new book, thank you

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