Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1901: , Track the storm!

And in the next moment, Zhang Xiang led the "Baby Bird" Doudou to fly and rushed directly in the direction of the storm. Look. Wool. Line. Chinese. Text. Net

As for how did he know the direction of the storm?

It's very simple, as long as the mental perception is fully released and tracking the storm that has not been long in the past, it is not difficult.

Although the speed of the storm was very fast, it reached a speed of about 150 kilometers per hour.

But for Zhang Xiang, who can break through the speed of sound at any time, it takes only ten minutes to catch up.

Even if it is, that storm has passed about two or three hours.

It's just that Zhang Xiang is scrupulous about the physical condition of "Baby" Doudou, and he doesn't fly so fast.

It was only half an hour, and Zhang Xiang had already led the figure of "Baby" Doudou to the end of the storm.

When viewed from a distance, one covers the entire sky, the middle part is a huge storm circle with a diameter of about 20 kilometers, and the outer part is covered with a layer of black clouds, which is moving quickly toward the distance.

And even standing more than 20 kilometers away from this storm, feathers of raindrops are still falling from the sky under the influence of this huge storm circle.

And because of the huge storm circle in the middle, not only the rainwater that fell from the sky, but also some unknown objects.

For example, debris swept by the storm from the ocean.

Occasionally, a large school of fish sprinkled down in the sky.

Such a scene made Zhang Xiang a little strange when he saw such a scene in reality for the first time.

However, such a scene can only be seen if you follow the huge storm.

And the "Baby" Doudou, who had never seen such a scene before, was even more surprised.

However, in the next moment, something that made Zhang Xiang a little bit dumbfounded happened.

Once, a bunch of fish that were rolled up from the sea by a storm just happened to fall from the direction above Zhang Xiang and others' heads like raindrops.

Just when Zhang Xiang unfolded the protective cover to block the fish.

"Baby" Doudou was struggling instead, rushed out of the protective cover, opened his mouth to the fallen fish, and directly swallowed the fish that fell from the sky into his mouth.

Moreover, its aim was very accurate. Of the ten fish that fell from its side, eight of them were able to enter its mouth.

But the key is not this one.

The key point is that the ‘Baby Bird’ Doudou flew out of the protective shield set up by Zhang Xiang relying on his own strength.

Yes, you read it right.

‘Baby’ Doudou flew out on his own.

In theory, isn't it a natural thing for birds to fly?

But that is for ordinary birds that have grown to a certain extent.

However, the "Chickling" Doudou has just hatched from the egg, and it has not been a month.

Not to mention, its current body shape is more than five meters tall, and the fat belly already occupies most of its body shape. As for those wings in Zhang Xiang's eyes, they say they are wings, but look. It looks more like an ornament.

Because, based on the principles of aerodynamics, there is also the heavy body of the "Baby" Doudou that weighs eight tons. If you want its body to fly, at least that pair of wings needs to be more than doubled.

However, right in front of Zhang Xiang.

Such an unscientific thing has happened!

The ‘Hatchling’ Doudou actually relied on a pair of wings that seemed to only serve as decorations and flew.

Moreover, the hair on its body is still the fluffy yellow, not the streamlined feathers of birds that will fall down immediately even if it gets wet with water. It is very suitable for flying.

What's even more unscientific is that after getting a little familiar with it, both its flight speed and agility are greatly improved, and it can fly everywhere to prey on the fish falling from the sky.

But unfortunately, this rain of fish from the sky only lasted for a short period of less than ten seconds.

Then, as the storm circle continued to move, the rain of fish from the sky stopped.

This makes "Baby" Doudou feel a little regretful.

But it still patted its stomach with its wings satisfied.

Because, in the fish rain just now, it has already swallowed no less than two tons of fish, so it was naturally slightly satisfied with this breakfast.

From this, we can see how much it has just harvested in that fish rain.

It can also be seen how flexible its movements are. It actually caught two tons of fish within ten seconds.

And looking at this scene that cannot be described by science, Zhang Xiang can only say that the "baby bird" Doudou is really not a mortal thing, and can fly with one wing on the belly, relying on the other.

In short, the degree of unscientific is already outstretched.

Looking at such a scene, Zhang Xiang also decided to let the unscientific go to the end.

He was directly above the sea, with the body of the ‘Hatchling’ Doudou, and instantly moved to the front of the storm.

The distance spanned was about one hundred kilometers, and the time consumed was infinitely close to zero.

I'm afraid, only the speed of light can be so fast!

The island that Zhang Xiang brought the "Chickling" Doudou teleported to was a small island with forests and freshwater ponds, covering an area of ​​only a few hundred acres.

As for the characteristic of this small island, there are many sunken ships nearby.

Because of a temporary rise, I wanted to explore the treasure by the way after cutting off that annoying storm.

Zhang Xiang directly chose this island.

However, Zhang Xiang was a little surprised.

There are many people on such a small island that can only supply two to three people.

However, Zhang Xiang directly took the "Chickling" Doudou and appeared among them.

To be precise, on a warship!

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