Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1907: , Heading towards the sea!

A few minutes later, on the cliff not far from the warship, Zhang Xiang, who had already changed into shorts and shorts, stood on the cliff while holding a long spear that he did not know where he got from. On the edge.

And right next to him, although the "Baby Bird" Doudou has not changed his costume, he wears a pair of diving goggles over his eyes.

"Well, one, two, three! Let's set off toward the treasure and delicious food!" Zhang Xiang raised the stainless steel spear in his hand, jumped, jumped off the cliff, and plunged directly into it. In the blue sea.

And right next to him, "Baby" Doudou is a few steps in the run-up, but also jumps out.

However, it is much more chic than Zhang Xiang.

It flew into the midair first, and flew in the midair incredible on its own wings, scanning the sea.

Then, after locking something, he suddenly dived into the sea.

As for the woman standing on the warship, who was monitoring Zhang Xiang with her sniper rifle, she cursed secretly.

"What a madman, he dared to dive on a cliff with so many reefs!" She cursed inwardly, but still honestly watched.

Because, although she cursed like this, she didn't think Zhang Xiang would just hang up because of jumping off a cliff.

She had seen how the "baby bird" Doudou "scallions" and knocked them out one by one on the spot.

And as the owner of "Baby Bird" Doudou, she didn't believe that Zhang Xiang would not have the corresponding strength.

Naturally, if Zhang Xiang jumped off the cliff, he would naturally not be dead.

It's just a few dozen meters high. Even if there is no sea water below, it is all reefs. It will not be him who is injured, but the reefs he hits.

Not to mention, with his eyesight, wanting to see through the sea whether there are any reefs underneath, it couldn't be easier.

Well, let's turn our attention back to Zhang Xiang's body.

Just as Zhang Xiang plunged into the sea water and watched the bubbles that floated due to the impact of his body rushing towards the surface of the sea, he pierced again and wandered deeper into the sea. went.

After diving for a distance of about two meters, all the blue water appeared in Zhang Xiang's field of vision.

Oh, forgot to explain.

Because Zhang Xiang moved too far forward, although some time was wasted, it is still in the morning.

Plus the storm is still on the road.

Therefore, it seemed a little calm and calm now, and the bright sunshine shone from the sky, penetrated the turbulent sea surface and entered the sea, illuminating everything in the shallow sea water clearly.

In addition, this place is on an archipelago outside of a full-time hunter. The water is not polluted at all, but it looks very clear.

As long as the space is within 30 meters of depth, it is clearly illuminated by the bright sunshine.

In the sea near the island, whether it is the sea full of bright sunshine, the fine sand can be seen clearly.

Of course, those sunken ships that sank near the island due to hitting rocks and waves are also clearly seen by Zhang Xiang.

"Go ahead" Zhang Xiang waved the spear in his hand and said.

As Zhang Xiang, who has a position that controls the power of water, he only needs to use a little divine power to breathe in the ocean.

Under his gentle swimming, the back of his body was like a sea current, pushing his body to move forward at the speed he wanted.

His speed was even faster than the fish wandering around him.

——Because he used special means to conceal his breath, those swimming fish could not detect Zhang Xiang's breath.

However, at this moment.

A shadow quickly expanded above the sea.

Then, there was a figure more than five meters high, plunged directly into the sea from above the surface of the sea, slid quickly past Zhang Xiang, and gave a fish that was more than one meter long. Swallowed it in his mouth.

Moreover, its huge figure sliding past also caused the sea mud under the seabed to turbulence, causing a turbidity.

"Let me take it, Doudou, be careful!" Zhang Xiang looked reluctantly as all the swimming fish had disappeared because of the actions of the "Chick" Doudou, and even the sea became turbid. Said the scene of getting up.

And at this moment, the "Hatchling" Doudou, who plunged into the sea at a rapid speed from mid-air, also plunged her into the deeper water again, almost touching the bottom of the sea. The shape twisted and wandered to Zhang Xiang's side at a speed comparable to a dolphin.

It's just that now it opened its mouth wide, straightened its neck, and was slowly swallowing the fish that was more than 1.6 meters long.

Seeing its contentment and the way that Shu Tan didn't hear Zhang Xiang's words at all, Zhang Xiang could only sigh helplessly.

Then, with a wave of his hand, Doudou put a magic on the "Hatchling" Doudou that could make it breathe temporarily under the water.

After feeling Zhang Xiang waved his hand, he could breathe under the sea floor.

"Hatchling" Doudou's face couldn't help showing surprise.

But immediately, it speeded up its own speed, without worrying that the oxygen in its mouth would leak out, and swallowed that sea fish in one bite, without even chewing it.

Seeing this look, what else can Zhang Xiang say?

It's just that she can show a helpless smile.

And just as the "Baby Bird" Doudou swallowed that marine fish, and with his eyes that were even more exaggerated than Zhang Xiang, he caught those swimming fish hidden in the dark and gave them some food. After the stomach was full, it returned to Zhang Xiang's side with satisfaction.

However, after the trouble of "Baby Bird" Doudou, there is not a single fish within a few hundred meters, and even the seawater is a little muddy.

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