Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1910: , Xiao Jie Qi Ya Leo Li!

However, at this moment. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net


An incomparably bright thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, illuminating the gloomy world clearly.

In the sea thousands of meters away, with the incomparable dark clouds pressing downwards, one after another cloud vortex began to form, rotating downwards and pressing down.

In a short while, one by one sea tornadoes connecting the sky and the ocean have already appeared on the sea.

The violent raging waves began to continuously wash up this island, and each impact would submerge part of this island.

But at this moment, the continuous sound of dozens of cannons resounded suddenly through the ocean.

The warship that was stuck in the island not far away, the main gun placed on the deck, roared one after another.

Along with the sparkle of fire, shells fired at speeds beyond the speed of sound, bombarding the edge of the island one after another, blasting one side of the island a little apart.

At the same time, a series of "creaking" sounds also rang.

Obviously under the shelling, the gap between the warship and the island is constantly expanding, and there is a sign that the warship is about to loosen and break free from inside.

However, at this moment.

Along with the waves of the rapids, a familiar shadow was washed away by the waves from Zhang Xiang's side.

"Huh? That's it?" Zhang Xiang quickly stretched out his right hand and grabbed the figure that was hit by the waves from his side.

Due to the relatively turbulent waves, even Zhang Xiang was pulled into the ocean under the inertia of the opponent's body being hit by the waves.

However, with this blessing, Zhang Xiang succeeded in seeing the other side.

"Xiaojie?" Zhang Xiang called out the other party's name.

It's just that the other party is now in a coma, and he can't respond to Zhang Xiang.

Seeing that the other party was drowning in a coma, Zhang Xiang didn't hesitate to hesitate, grabbing the other party's body with one hand, and paddling in the sea with the other hand, and suddenly broke his upper body out of the sea again.

Then, with the body evenly releasing Chakras, his left hand supported the rough waves, and he broke free from the sea, stood on the surface of the sea, and continued to wave with the waves.

Of course, Xiaojie, who was caught by Zhang Xiang in the palm of his hand, was also taken out of the sea.

And right next to Zhang Xiang, the "Baby Bird" Doudou flew out of the sea abruptly, and flew in the face of the drifting heavy rain.

It was like the heavy rain pouring down from the sky with a basin, but it had no effect on the "Baby Bird" Doudou.

And at this moment, a scream of shouting faintly came from the sound of the surging waves and wind.

A small boat struggling in the furious waves, but it came out of the warship not far away, and searched this way.

"Are you looking for Xiaojie?" Zhang Xiang listened to the name called by the other party, showing a dazed expression.

"Then, give Xiaojie to them." Zhang Xiang said as he gently trampled some turbulent waves under his feet, and the special waves escaped.

Suddenly, within a radius of tens of meters, Zhang Xiang had already fallen into peace.

And the sea currents flowing under the seabed also quietly changed, pushing the small boat not far away towards this side.

After a while, the small boat appeared in front of Zhang Xiang.

It's just that everyone on the small boat now shows a nervous posture.

Because, from the very beginning, that small boat did not obey their command, no matter how they waved the oars, the small boat under their feet still did not obey the command and floated stubbornly in one direction.

How can this weird phenomenon keep them from feeling nervous?

As for escape?

On the boat, far away from the warship, or in this kind of rough waves, how many meters can they swim?

I'm afraid, before they swim halfway, the waves have completely submerged them.

However, just when they wanted to give up searching for Xiaojie and used the rope tied to the warship to pull their boat back, their boat suddenly entered a gentle zone.

The situation that had become difficult to see through a few meters away due to storms and darkness has also suddenly changed.

Then, they heard a sound that they couldn't say was familiar, but at least they would not forget it for a few days.

"Oh, are you finally here? I have been waiting for you for a long time." Zhang Xiang's voice suddenly rang in their ears.

At this time, they recovered from the feeling of suddenly falling into silence, and quickly noticed Zhang Xiang's body.

Of course, before that, they first observed some surrounding conditions.

In this sea space with a diameter of about fifteen meters, the surging waves in this area disappeared. Even the sharp wind like a knife and the large painful raindrops like hail disappeared. Up.

This is in stark contrast to the scene of surging waves, pouring rain, and raging wind a few meters away.

However, what shocked them was that they saw Zhang Xiang standing above the sea.

Of course, someone also noticed something else.

For example, Qi Ya and Leoli with silver hair and blond hair.

"Xiaojie!" 2

They all exclaimed.

At this moment, the people could be regarded as spotting Xiaojie who was holding Zhang Xiang's right hand.

"Don't worry, he's all right, it's just drowning." Zhang Xiang said as he gently patted Xiaojie's back, a large mouthful of sea water spewed out of his mouth, which also caused him. Breathing became smooth again.

This made Qi Ya and Leoli who saw this scene a sigh of relief.

But in the next moment, they were still a little rushed.

"Oh, by the way, the center of the storm is coming, I should go to do things too. Xiaojie's words are left to you, and then," Zhang Xiang said, while Xiaojie who just woke up a little , Threw it towards the other side.

This made Qi Ya and Leo Li a little nervous.

In the end, the two of them stretched out their hands at the same time, and picked up the thrown Xiaojie.

However, what surprised them was.

Zhang Xiang's strength was really well controlled. When Xiaojie's body fell in front of them, the impact had completely disappeared.

The force of the impact just caused the boat to deflect slightly back, making the waterline deeper.

When they returned their sights to Zhang Xiang's side, Zhang Xiang's figure had already disappeared.

And that squally rain and rain began to strike again...

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