Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1912: , The sword cuts the world!

Let us turn our attention back to Zhang Xiang's body!

It was at the moment when Zhang Xiang unexpectedly gave the hint of sword intent that he had brewed long ago to successfully cultivate it. See 1 Yarn 3 Chinese Net

Zhang Xiang knew that the time for his sword to be out had arrived!

The mature small sword intent that he had brewed suddenly fell into the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand, and merged with the sword body.

A sharp sword intent that soared to the sky spread out from his body, directly piercing the sky, and even slashing the air in the higher sky out of a channel.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang's hands followed instinct to automatically lift the'Shadow Demon Blade' in his hands.

Then, he slashed down as if innocently.

However, that seemingly ordinary slash has brewed something different.

As his slash fell, a slash that was hard to see with the naked eye was accompanied by a sword intent that pierced the air first and cut everything off straight from the sky, towards the boundless. Cut off above the ocean.

The dark cloud layer, which was full of dark clouds, made the sea invisible, suddenly broke a tunnel that spread to the edge of the sky.

A slash that was invisible to the naked eye crushed the squally blowing wind into pieces, shattered the pouring rain into pieces, and suppressed the rough sea.

And that distance was sweeping toward this side, and the storm circle with a diameter of about tens of kilometers, was accompanied by this slash from the middle and suddenly stopped for a moment.

Then, suddenly a clearly incomparable passage appeared from the middle.

The entire huge storm circle suddenly shattered, forming a violent turbulence and colliding with each other, and then canceling each other out.

If we look forward from Zhang Xiang, we can clearly see a bright light, which is created along with the advance of the slash.

It was like that slash that cut everything off, turning the world back into light.

After this slash, the dark clouds in the sky began to gradually dissipate, allowing the light to return to this land again, and the pouring rain also began to turn into drizzle, nourishing the island ravaged by violent storms. , As for the violent wind that could have blown people's eyes so hard to open, it turned into a cool autumn wind.

And the storm circle, which was about a dozen kilometers in diameter, thousands of meters away, also dissipated into wisps of breeze after that frenzied storm broke out.

A lot of things that were rolled up by this storm circle began to fall into the sea again.

Whether it is the sea water that has been rolled up and weighs tens of millions of tons, or the debris scattered in the sea, or some special products in the sea, or even a ship that has been rolled up along the way, it is Re-landed toward the sea.

That scene is really shocking.

On the cliff, Zhang Xiang, who slashed out the blow, still kept his original appearance, closing his eyes and carefully experiencing the power and principle of this trick.

The gas, like steam, radiated from his body.

He didn't seem to use much energy just now, but in fact it was not.

Under the guidance of that sword intent, the slash he had just used relied on pure physical strength to perform.

And if you want to slash a slash that can cut off a storm circle with a diameter of tens of kilometers in an instant, you can imagine the strength required.

At that moment, the power of every cell in Zhang Xiang's body was squeezed out, turned into that slashing power and released forward.

At the same time, Zhang Xiang felt the power of his body for the first time, how powerful after all it broke out.

In the past, he always regarded physical power as something necessary to accommodate special power.

After all, the stronger the physical strength, the more power it can hold.

However, he had never thought about whether he could match the special power in his body by relying only on the power of his body.

But now, Zhang Xiang is clear.


Not only can it, but in terms of durability, the power of the body is far better than the use of special power.

And not only that, after Zhang Xiang really displayed the power of the body for the first time, he deeply felt the sweet and dripping feeling of using the power of the body.

It was a feeling that was not inferior to orgasm.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiang felt that he was a little infatuated with this power that belongs to the body itself.

After all, energy with special attributes cannot be used in some places.

The power of the flesh is applicable in most places.

Not to mention, Zhang Xiang's soul strength has recovered a lot now, and with the gradual improvement of the world tree, the soul aspect will also become stronger, and move quickly toward the level of the power of the previous life.

But the strength of the body still stays in a slightly awkward state, and some can't keep up with the progress of the soul.

Although, now that he had damaged his soul by reluctantly creating the world, the strength of the soul and the body were barely matched.

But if he doesn't strengthen his physical practice, one day his progress in the soul will surely fall into a bottleneck because he surpasses his physical body too much.

You know, although the essence of immortality is the soul.

However, the key to how much combat power it exerts is the body.

Not to mention, the body is the key thing before becoming immortal.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Zhang Xiang made a decision.

"Then, in the future training, focus on the physical aspect!" Zhang Xiang opened his eyes, slowly retracted the "Shadow Demon Blade" in his hand and put it back in the scabbard.

At the same time, the temperature on his body increased due to the high use of muscles also dropped.

Steam no longer surfaced.

In his body, strong vitality is repairing some muscle tissues that he suddenly exerted strength and some damage.

And at this moment, the dark clouds in the sky completely disappeared, the squally wind subsided, and the sea returned to calm again.

In the distance, the beautiful sunset is gradually sinking below the sea level, reflecting a beautiful orange-red light...

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