Two Dimensional Journey

Vol 2 Chapter 1928: , Conditional butterfly!

Seeing that he was completely unaffected by Zhang Xiang's words, he directly pulled the topic to the real Yier fan.

Zhang Xiang also stopped talking about the topic, and pulled the topic to the marginal, even nonsense topic.

To be honest, Zhang Xiang just didn't think about how to deal with the two people in front of him, so he brought the topic to other places.

However, listening to Yi Er Mi mention it at this time, Zhang Xiang would not delay any longer.

Because, as soon as Yi Erfan spoke out, Zhang Xiang had already made a decision.

He decided to let them go!

However, it is not to let them go unconditionally!

"Oh, do you want to go? But if you want to go, you need to leave something behind." Zhang Xiang inserted the stainless steel spear in his hand on the ground and sat down against the trunk of a big tree. Said to the other party.

And Ilmi is also very bold.

"What is it?" Il Fan looked at the dark eyes in Zhang Xiang's direction.

"It's very simple. Bring the number plates we both need. My target number plate is number 16. Oh, by the way, Xiaojie's seems to have been found. Mine has not been found yet. So , You seem to be able to relax." Zhang Xiang said with a smile on his face.

"Number plate, don't you? I understand." Ilmi nodded, indicating that he knew it.

Then, he turned and walked towards the forest behind him.

As if he was completely unguarded, he placed his back in front of Zhang Xiang.

Then, gradually disappeared into the depths of the forest.

As for Hisuo, after Ilmi left, he smiled helplessly.

"By the way, can I sit down? My injury is not light. Watch 1 Mao 2 X 3 Chinese Net" Hisuo pointed to a big hole in his chest and said helplessly.

"No problem. You don't want to leave my sight until he comes back." Zhang Xiang said indifferently, leaning against the big tree.

"Okay." Hisuo shrugged and said that he understood that he also followed the trunk of a big tree.

Then he closed his eyes and started to rest.

Even the blood from his wound started to flow again.

Because he is somewhat powerless now.

Don't look at him looking like there is no problem now, but after his potential has exploded, his body has been emptied to a certain extent, and he has just been able to use his mind ability to perform preliminary processing, which is already the limit.

As for controlling the muscles near the chest to stop the blood?

He had already done this, but the wound that the spear broke was too big, and it was the limit to be able to maintain this slowly bleeding state.

However, based on his strong body, this bleeding would not let him die like this.

Of course, if Ilfan doesn't come back, or if he comes back after a few hours.

Then, he might really die from bleeding too much.

The forest fell into a moment of silence for a while.

Of course, the so-called silence is relative.

After calming down, we can easily hear the chirping of insects, the sound of the tree canopy being blown by the breeze behind us, and even the sound of some small animals that were scared away by murder and sneaking back.

In short, the entire forest was plunged into silence.

At this moment, a few butterflies waving beautiful patterns are slowly flying towards this side from a distance.

Die Wu Feifei, with a burst of fragrance, it really makes people feel refreshed.

However, the flying butterflies finally landed on Hisuo.

No, it should not be the body, but the wound on his chest.

It is ironic that those beautiful butterflies that danced here did not come here to collect nectar, but to **** human blood.

Sometimes, the more beautiful things do not mean kindness, but more likely to mean cruelty.

Nature is so real.

The reason why these beautiful butterflies grow so beautiful and emit a delicate fragrance is because they have drawn enough energy from their blood.

When the butterflies stayed on Hisuo's wound, although he opened his eyes, he did not stop the further movements of these butterflies.

"It's really beautiful, isn't it?" Hisoso had a smile on his face, muttering words that no one understood.

In addition to these butterflies, there were also two separate teams that fell on the blood-stained spear head of Zhang Xiang's long spear that was inserted on the ground, sucking up the blood that had not yet solidified.

And the whole process only took less than a few minutes.

From this, we can see how fast these beautiful butterflies are devouring blood.

The blood flowing from Hiso's chest did not wet his clothes, which is the best evidence.

But at this moment, a figure appeared silently in front of Zhang Xiang and Xiaojie.

"Okay, the number plate has been obtained." Yiermi's figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Xiang, and put the number plate marking the number sixteen in his hand on the green grass.

And the whole time, he only spent less than twenty minutes.

From this, we can see how strong Il Fan is.

He was able to rush at least half of the island in just 20 minutes, and found the decisive one among those hiding in hiding, and it was obviously impossible to hand over the other party easily. I got the number plate, and I came back here.

This is an incredible thing.

You know, Xiaojie searched for a few days before he found Hisuo, and after lurking for a few days, he looked for an opportunity to shoot.

From this, we can see how difficult it is to obtain the designated opponent's number plate.

However, all of this only took less than twenty minutes for the Il fans in front of them.

This is the eldest son of the Beating Enemy family, Yiermi's style.

At this moment, Zhang Xiang also opened his eyes.

"Okay, I have already received the price. You can go." Zhang Xiang said flatly, not even checking the authenticity of the number plate.

After all, taking the hunter exam was the result of his whim.

For the result, he actually doesn't take too seriously.

Not to mention, if he wants to pass, he can directly grab three random number plates, won't he pass?

After getting a reply from Zhang Xiang, the Yi Er fan didn’t make any sound.

He jumped back to Hisuo's position and kicked him up.

Then he disappeared directly with Hiso's figure.

"Beat the enemy family? I'm really getting more and more interested!" Zhang Xiang looked at the far away Yiermi and Hisuo, with an interested smile on his face.

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